50 of the 60 CRS anti-riot unit will be called in emergency on Paris this saturday leaving the countryside defendless, all Paris police force mobilised even anti-immigration special unit
Armored vehicles of the GBGM (elite CBRN military unit in riot control that was deployed in Kosovo and Afghanistan) will guard government office saturday
twitter.com/Lyon_Sebastien/status/1070681232416088065/video/1 (embed) (embed) (embed)
Police Union refuse to fight despite promised a special bonus for saturday
twitter.com/BFMTV/status/1070349638723612673 (embed) (embed) (embed)

US Embassy warning

A protester says he has nothing to loose and will bring weapon to the next protest
Protesters arrested says they have no regret and they don't fear prison
Museums will be closed saturday in Paris
Macron's party representative threatened daily by Yellow Jackets, 3 resigned under the pressure
Gas blocus update: 339 stations running low on gas, 228 stations straight out of gas.
far left and far right united at the Parliament to vote a motion of censure

REMINDER : 84% still support the movement even after the violent protest

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Other urls found in this thread:


Read "Psychologie des foules" by Gustave Le Bon, it's an essential reading if we want to influence and control the movement or at least some of its elements:
>french version
>english version

>Several cops have stated to their hierarchy that they almost fired at the protesters with live ammo last week
>Many of them have stated that they genuinely believe they will have to shoot protesters for their own safety this saturday, as more people are coming to hurt and kill members of the Police.
>They have asked for legal advice on the matter

twitter.com/sotiridi/status/1070787624686796802 (embed)

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People of Jow Forums,
you may be to far away to lend the French people your hand in their struggle against the malicious caste of traitors of their Fatherland, that has subjected their country for all too long.
In the days of modern age, you may however, you might serve the French people as an intelligence. You and me, we should gather together information on about how too prepare themselves for their struggle.

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The ruling are using the police in the fight against their people, in an attempt to to keep them in power.
Thus, it should be our goal to collect ideas how the civilians can persist in their fight, against these forces.

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What can be done?
Heavy vehicles need to be mobilized against the water cannons of the police. They may push back through formations of flesh, but not of steel.
In the combat against the police infantry, they have to equip themselves with shields, such as opponents, the lackeys of the regime utilize. These can be bought, e.g. on the Internet, we have to investigate, which

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Fuck niggers
Fuck jannies
Fuck commies
Fuck Macron
Fuck antifa
Vive Le Roy.

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how did you make that map?


Attached: CLOSED MARKET.png (902x859, 2.12M)

Realistically what are the chances she becomes queen?

Attached: 220px-Imposición_del_Toisón_de_Oro_a_la_princesa_de_Asturias_04 (1).jpg (220x294, 14K)

Love that Syrian war type of map!

Attached: My Sides.gif (350x193, 3.01M)

stop with the monarchy meme already.
we're not cutting a head to put another one in charge.

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saved it from an user in the previous bread. Hats off to him !

Will there still be protests?

when the fuck are this threads going to start to call out macron special american friend donald DRUMPF?

The fuck is their plan? To arrest all of them? Those retards are just gonna cause a problem

monarchy is horse shit part 2

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Why are French cities made of triangles? This happened in Louisiana too. Do French people have collective autism?


So civil war if the police starts shooting people?

The biggest and bloodiest one is coming this saturday. The farmers are joining in and so are the defected police unions, firefighters and construction workers.

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that would be me because I'M THE ONLY ONE TALKING ABOUT RUNGIS

also with pic related

Attached: HAHAA.png (624x417, 29K)

how many of you Frenchies are going to protest on Saturday or know someone who is going?

Attached: image.jpg (895x674, 139K)

It's a fun meme, but indeed, Fascism is the better and must prevail.

Attached: fb4303856e2bf6a0521c90badca80891024d2e46.jpg (623x734, 130K)

Nah it's a Free Mason thing

… which are the most suited for their cause. We further have to investigate for weaponry that they can equip themselves with, in the case this will be a forceful combat. Slingshots are mobile and cheap but cannot penetrate the shields of the police; cross bows can, but may be reserved for a time of serious violence.

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While I'm at work here's the transparent background version
I'll make a better cleaned up version and variations when I get home

Attached: FROG OPS Transparent.png (980x551, 355K)

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Zero. Salic law forbids women from reigning.

Better get those popularity votes recounted.

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Target, isolate, disarm the police. Use their equipment to raid police barracks.


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Fuck jews.

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the goal should be to injure as many CRS as possible and force them to fold or open fire.

The only way the white race will survive in France.

Napoleon III wanted Paris to be modernized and magnified with large avenues, it's just a rebrand and modernized version of roman and greek city plannings

I have played plenty of ckii sweetie
Succession laws dont mean shit as long as you press your claim by force

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That is STUPID. Get the police on your side. All it takes is ONE press conference in which high level police or military say they will no longer defend such and such until this changes.

you just called the third post FPBP
what is wrong with you?

>Macron's approval rating falls to 18%
This has got to be some kind of world record.

A fucking jew...
Father was a mosad agent...

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I just don't get it
They are protesting for political change yet all they do is act like hooligans
If you want to take power and are really sure that most french back you up, instead of acting like thugs you could just found a party, crush everyone in every election and get to the government

Attached: Fassino (see Grillo's story).jpg (670x446, 27K)

80% of the french support the movement

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Yeah, not denying that. Marine's as much of a jewish shill as Macron is.
The grandpa's the best.

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What would be bad if the gilets jaunes would equip themselves with shields?

84%, user

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fuck you kike shill

when revolutionary spirit spreads to britain, I will manipulate and popularize myself to the top to spread my ideology and overthrow technophilia
some of you may recognise me, I was mocked last time I come here, but I feel as though anti-civilisation sentiment is rising and there will be mass support for my movement
thank you

Liberate the rest of the country and then besiege Paris.

Reminder that all frogs are gay thanks to based demi god alex Jones. Expect to see both sides surrender early next week and boomers don't care about demographics.

Centralization is VERY french. So of course the french base their cities around triangles. Also you must remember a square is just 2 triangles so...

Also all the streets have been around since Caesa. They're VERY OLD

Attached: france.png (1240x731, 2.45M)


So stop acting like punks and get into politics, for real this time

look at this kike shill

Why don't they make him resign, usually when a puppet becomes unpopular they just throw a new one out.

It is the first post not by OP u fuckin greaseball

fuck off already stupid fingolian faggot

>the face of a man who destroyed a nation

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Fuck off, France is kingdom, it has always been and always will be.

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if she asks for Jerusalem I'm gonna help in whatever way I can

So after all this, has macron addressed the country?
And I don't mean with the "I swear no tax on fuel in 2019".

Becuase the french know better.

I don't see any argument there lad

>Hello fellow go...guys! Let's establish a list of rebellion equipement for our Frogmen so we can ban...Ahem...so we can help them win. Yes?

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We need a gilets jaunes version of that

>there's an actual anarcho-primitivist in this thread
topkek my lads

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These guys need to get laid or smoke a joint seriously

>all the streets have been around since Caesa

I'm not a fucking anprim, I'm Agrarian Primitivist

Let's say that hypotethically speaking ..
Fascists storm the French Parliament and declare France a Fascist State
What if they take over France like how Benito Mussolini took over Italy with 50,000 Fascists?
What would happen ?
Hypothetically speaking of course ….

Attached: isthatroight.jpg.png (420x420, 9K)

as long as she doesn't get raped by a nigger

Trumps silence on this speaks volumes

Also ignore the mongolian spamming "kike shill" at everyone. He doesn't do anything else than that, there's no need to respond to his bait.

Rolling for a happening in France, the likes of which we have never seen before.

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Mate, people here will never willingly give up their smartphones, Netflix, Playstations, etc.

I'm feeling sleepy...

En tant qu'étudiant en droit ça me fait bien rire, les gens savent vraiment pas de quoi ils parlent. Le pacte de Marrakech, comme 3/4 des pactes internationaux ne vaux pas plus qu'une déclaration d'intention : AUCUN PAYS NE S'EST ENGAGE. L'ONU prend des RECOMMENDATIONS pas des directives, ca c'est l'UE. Et même les directives de l'UE doivent d'abord être transposées en droit interne avant d'être appliquées. Je sais pas pourquoi je perd mon temps les 3/4 des gilets jaunes ont aucune idée de quoi ils parlent.

Germany would invade

that is why there is "Agrarian totalitarian" period where technology is destroyed

what did he mean by this?

Attached: hellofellowwipipo.jpg (629x315, 35K)

Absolutely /weimar/


OP here, need another French user to continue baking the threads! A tax-payer has to sleep, after all ... It has been my pleasure!

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unironically i'd support white pol potism

no, this is not true, most of the streets were destroyed by Haussmann tu repel insurgent and let the canon go through the streets.
tu veux couper la tête d'un roi pour en remettre un autre par dessus? c'est quoi que t'as pas compris?

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>Et même les directives de l'UE doivent d'abord être transposées en droit interne avant d'être appliquées

Par curiosité, tu es en quelle année, coco?

get your rest, fren

I think your movement is ultimately hopeless but I appreciate its ideals.

you should see the clip where he rejects the migration pact, he leaves it to individual countries to choose for themselves.

Yeah and they were built with the help of ancient aliens too and some magic from finnish wakanda


Fresh OC
Rate and bait

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