>be me
>18 years old
>get thrown out of school
>dad says come work for my company
>Work for less than average emloyee earns
>Dad says ''if you dont like something you should get jobe somewhere else''
What do?
>be me
>18 years old
>get thrown out of school
>dad says come work for my company
>Work for less than average emloyee earns
>Dad says ''if you dont like something you should get jobe somewhere else''
What do?
Get jobe somewhere else
Where?Working for some fucking mail shop with a shitty wage?I don't have full education, i cant get a better jobe.....
Also my dad is sustaining my living, he is buying me food and heating, watter etc. im not paying for my own rent, but he is paying me less as a resoult.
Work for your dad and try saving up money in the meantime. I think it's a fair deal if he's paying for your living.
Perhaps you should try to get back to school as well and work part-time at your dad's. Unless there's something more to it than that.
Well what the fuck did you expect to hear?
Unless he's paying you 600 EUR less than a regular employee then that's quite reasonable.
Maybe you can arrange for an increase in pay, and then he can charge you for rent and food.
Oh wouldn't that be better
inh4 Your allready good off, fuck you guys i thought thiis was an advicd=e board not >what you wuz done wrong n sheeeeit board
I fucked up, yes i know i had to finnish chool,.....i was not able to despite myy 128IQ intelegance.....
ihb4 128IQ is not much, yeah i know but its much enough to finnnish shool.....so how the fuck up?
How did i fuck up?
The fuinest part is i showed the mathematical forlmula i invented to my teacher and she didn't beleve me..........
She understood the formla but she didn't belebe i invented it......
What exactly did you expect to hear, buddy? There is no magical solution to this issue, you played yourself by getting kicked out of school. Congrats, this single move fucked up your future job prospects. Your father is damn right. Now you come on this taiwanese tapdancing imageboard to cry like a little bitch.
If you want to get a better job, try getting some decent (and useful) education first.
She thought i copied it from NET but no...
>IQ of 128
>can't even type
Yes i know, i fucked up......that is why i am asking to you guys mybie there is some more experianced user than i am......
I have a dyslexia
OH also im drunk.............
>Well what the fuck did you expect to hear?
>i have a place for you user wheree they pay you around 1.5 milion Euros a month for a jobe that does not require a lot of skill.
Fuck it all and fuck this life.......You can't emagine things i see when left alone....fuck you and fuck everyone else!Fuck everything!
ihb4 u gona comit suicidel, no, i am not going to do that, don't work, also i am not doing to do strange things, i just want to be left alone.
Thanks for understanding, guys this is what i needed, you helped me a lot/
>Unless he's paying you 600 EUR
Im not western European.........