At my work all the women look like this, these is NO exception, they are all overweight, no one woman i have met in the last 6 years was a healthy weight, its SO BAD that people give me weird looks and mock me for being "skinny", as if its a bad thing to be a healthy weight, i can't get off to these girls so i wont talk to them or date them and THEY HATE IT! They are trying to get me fired as we speak. All beautiful women are taken into serious relationships before senior year, what reason do i have to keep living?
I'm so tired
yeah america fucking sucks
welcome to reality
God I bet her vagina fucking reeks. Glad I avoid fucking hambeast jabas
And if they are not fat. They are fucking whores just the same.
Wow, sexists
Maybe join LDS?
Also: working with women. LOL
Mate I am 29 and had an 18 year old QT virgin chase me with whom I am now engaged to. I am autistic as fuck and yet she adores autism go figure. Don’t be a black pulled weak faggot, talk to girls and actually be worth a shit for folks to chase.
dONT EVEN get ME STARTED on the whore question....
Imagine taking her under you wing, and then slowly working on her like a project car. She loves you just because you give her attention. and you instill confidence in her with every workout session. Eventually she turns out to be a 10/10 hotty, and you made it happen.
Unfortunately, the attention she would get from now being hot would make her cheat on you, and then you would go into a fit of rage and depression and then start browsing Jow Forums.
With your millions in BTC and a green lambo right?
You only lie to yourself, remember that
Your men look exactly the same. So what are you complaining for, exactly?
Is your employer accepting resumes?
>be me
>like girl at work
>oh she has a boyfriend too bad i guess
>oh guess not because she is down to fuck me
>cool we have a little side relationship
>oh looks like she is now fucking another guy as well
>and now she hates me now that we've fucked a few times
What state?
are you niggers gay?
nothing better than a good slam pig, they do shit skinny chicks wont
Don't do it user
You'll get crushed to death under her fat ass like that negro was
But a lot of people find this bodytype very sexy.
Checked for truth
North KY, near cinci.
true, western women are degenerate
this is why I'll never emmigrate
10/10 burgerstani would hit like the fist of an angry god
I'm ethnically Hungarian, can i move there?
what do you mean ???
- they are a "healthy weight"
- they are just "embracing their womanly curves"
- they believe in "body positivity"
- they are just "letting their sexiness overflow"
- their "worth doesn't depend on your acceptance of them"
- and "if mother nature didn't like curves, she would have made the world flat"
they have Instagram and Faceberg full of those quotes, pushing Obesity on young girls as being completely normal
it's 2018, the Left has dropped the bar for acceptance for every aspect of life, to blacks in the cities and their crime wave, to women and their over-eating, to Mexicans and their drug-dealing... every splinter group in America now gets encouragement from the Left to continue their horrendous ways
I'm going to be honest with you.
I'm not helping this cause at all.
Mmmmm, imagine the slapping sound when you bend her over and pound that sloppy beef. Hnnnnnng
For all the shit Jow Forums gives nyc I'm always amazed by how much better looking the women here are.
Like you just get used to seeing amazingly beautiful women every time you go outside
But that's it's own issue I guess
Bing fat is a sign of bad genetics.
Being attracted to decadence is a sign you have bad genetics as well you fucking subhuman spic.
If you can prove it then probably yes
BJ would be sweet you faggot
>I only weight 111 pounds, any woman here would quite literally, crush my ass
That's even worse. No man should be under 200 lbs. unless they have like 3% body fat.
>111 pounds
topkek dude, i'm your typical metrosexual yuropoor as you 'mericans like to call it but you're really a bit way down the norm with that, 90 kg /(198pounds) is normal weight for *not too muscular* 1.80 meter dude
I feel sorry for Americans
if you were to go back 10 years ago and beyond, girls would cover up their obesity, but now they flaunt it and post revealing pics all over the net, the (((folks))) who own the media are working overtime to destroy the country
Yeah and? Don't date where you work, faggot.
You must be 18+ to post here
>Good for you for not dating hambeasts though, keep Jow Forums and your standards!
Based chubby-chasers
>inb4 not chubby. FAT
Do you live in the South?
> I bet you do
>I only weight 111 pounds
And I thought I was skinny
hot unironically
Jesus WHAT THE FUICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I swear they put a weight limit on tinder recently as well. It's dead.
hhhhhhhhhhhngggggggh i want her to sit on my face. her thick thighs crushing my head forcing me to tongue her hot wet pussy.
90kg too fat. 80kg is ideal
is ur company hiring?
Vag isn't the worst of it.
Worst is the under-inbetween fat roll stench that never goes away regardless of how intensely they scrub it.
t. dated one out of desperation despite knowing it wouldn't work out. Wound up jerking off clandestinely in the bathroom while the bitch was home because there was no way dick was getting hard for her anymore.
>he doesn't know that you get them when they're fat and then after they get diagnosed with type 2 they get really fucking hot
Bazdmeg kocsog nem magyar vagy
I mean I would pee in her butt but I wouldn't ever tell anybody and I certainly wouldn't date her.
>be American
>be obese
>get shot
Im 20 years old and i have never had a girlfriend, in HS i avoided all the girls because they were fat, the ones who were not fat got pumped, and i didnt want them either.
>they do shit skinny chicks wont
Yeah, like clean out the entire buffet single-handedly.
What a beautiful language
The root of all these issues is that the west is entirely under satanic dominance at the moment. Niggers with their RAP music and thots who love them, porn addiction making every white man docile and women chasing Pump&Dump-Chads like headless chicken on Tinder. It's all over. The western civilization is on its deathbed thanks to our new found freedumss
Yea. I'd pee in her butt too
>they do shit skinny chicks wont
Yeah, like not shower & eat enough food for 3+ people.
>Bazdmeg kocsog nem magyar vagy
Yes i know, but i need to get out of this Zionist hellhole, you understand?
>All beautiful women are taken into serious relationships
Now I know your lying.
Unless you call doing an entire basketball team in one night a serious relationship.
About as lovely as your teeth
I'd fuck her.
>all roads lead to Jow Forums
Such is the circle of life, fren
Based Nip.
>They are trying to get me fired as we speak.
Because you wont date them?
Do you realize how edited this photo is?
5'8" 210lbs. I bench 230+. Im also in my 40s
>And if they are not fat. They are fucking whores just the same.
The fat ones are whores also.
Fucking no. A female this size here would probably off herself
That's what you get in a country founded by prudes.
Fuck off Texas
Don't put this on Satan; he's not THAT evil.
wtf I love whales now
Your women lick the food stuck between my teeth for 20 quid extra.
Wine (alcohol) + Bread diet.
Fucking hell, that’s a woman’s weight.
Sorry Chang, you must be at least 6 feet to ride this :PPP
You don't know what you've missed boy.
fucc thats hot
Yeah they probably would
Its what i am m8, 5'7 at 111 pounds, simple as that cant change it, only way out is a girl shorter than me or suicide.
where do you live where there are white women?
Canada only slightly better.
Why are you working with women? No one is forcing you to work around those cunts.
This. I have never worked with fat women, refuse to.
>posts the most alpha chad chubby chaser ever.
Well played sir.
Eat and lift faggot I had the same stats and I had a black hole of a stomach. Try GOMAD and creatine
6'0" 230lbs, regular put up 300lb bench. 39 years old
Its the only job i can get, its a clothing store early hours, you unload boxes and the fatties sort it for 8.55/hr, either that or MCD's or Amazon.
How tall are you?
How tall are you?
>At my work
Why the fuck do you care? You are there to do a job, keep your head down and clock in and out as agreed. Don't fuck the help, don't fraternize with the help. You are not there to make friends or enjoy the eye candy. Keep yourself out of human resources by minding your own business. Quit being shallow.
this is exactly it. the nice ones get fat and the good looking ones cheat and divorce rape you. there is so rarely a break in the pattern. why is it so hard for chicks not to become land whales? it is all so tiresome.
>not wanting sex from fat, white, mexican women with fake, blond hair.
Wtf, OP?
5'9" 165. Used to weigh 195 and bench 315. Found out I have a heart condition so I have to eat less and not lift now. I can still knock a 100lb heavy bag off its chain. My point is, you're retarded.
She thicc and I want to stick my dick in her anus
The final frontier.
Debby Ryan isn't fat