I've met a woman who is perfect in every way. Same interests, humor, views, politics etc. She has a white kid though from a guy that was a "jerk". In your honest opinions is there any chance she could be worth marrying?
I've met a woman who is perfect in every way. Same interests, humor, views, politics etc...
>woman who is perfect in every way.
Are you sure you are not thinking with your dick?If she is so perfect how did she end with a jerk?
But then it's your life maybe you will get lucky. The odds are grim tho.
There are exceptions, but thats for you to decide if she is one. The kid does deserve a second chance at having a father though. All in all, your call OP.
Single moms are at the vanguard of cultural degeneracy. They should be an instant non-starter for any man with an ounce of self-respect.
Only possible exceptions are widows.
You better hope that "jerk" doesn't come back, because if he does he absolutely will destroy everything
Honestly I wouldn't risk it unless the guy was dead
Single moms are actually shit and unstable women
>Anyone who grew up with a single mom will tell you this
Wish the court system wasn't biased so I could have lived with my non-degenerate dad and learned useful life skills. Find a better woman user don't deal with her useless kid.
>with actual roasties
good luck
I recently got dropped by a woman I dated for a year because her "jerk" who left her almost two years ago for her best friend came sniffing around again. Run for the hills user she didn't even have kids this one. Modern women are always hung up on some asshole. The second she starts dreaming of old times again you will be done as she will feel she owes him a shot for the kid. It doesn't matter if she remembers good times or bad, it will be the overall strength of the emotions that draws her back in.
>Honestly I wouldn't risk it unless the guy was dead
If OP is alpha, he can make sure of that.
The strength of emotions he gave her, God or bad I'm referring to
Be a man for once and your life and make it official OP. She sounds like a great woman, and the kid is probably still young. There is nothing wrong with single moms.
If she fucked the Chad "jerk" once she will likely do it again.
Stick with her, but don't marry her until you have a kid with her of your own is my advice. As security.
Women try and emulate a man she has interest in to trick him into marrying her.
She most likely has the same roastie beliefs as the rest of them, and if she's had Chad dick inside her she'd try again once she gets 'bored'.
Don't do it OP.
nah, fuck that kid and fuck her, shes a cumdumpster
Kek "be a man"...thats what they guilt you with. Even animals dont raise another males offspring..lions, bears, pitbulls etc.
Stay away, stay far, far away.
She will use you to help raise the child. when it is grown she will divorce you.
Less than 10%; her having a kid with a "jerk" indicates she has poor impulse control and mate selection. She's more than likely looking for you to settle down and be the surrogate dad/wallet for her bastard.
You're wrong. If OP can convince the child to see him as their father instead of the biological person, then it's literally no different than adoption. OP can salvage something broken and make it his.
>is being a cuck cool, Jow Forums?
Words to live by my friend
Don;t get married or have anything to do with 'raising' the kid for a couple years. See how it goes. If after maybe 3 years it looks like dad is fully out of the picture and mom prooves to be a god woman (and the kid doesn't have any horrible defects) maybe it could be ok. Definitely be cautious. At least she had the baby instead of aborting it which says something.
Fuck up leaf. The men are speaking.
Oh god, this. An entire childhood with the ultimate arbiter of your existence being a histrionic cunt. Things like brushing your teeth or going to the doctor never mentioned. Forced to act as a replacement husband. Belittled and minimized until something serious happens, at which point you're supposed to "save" her despite being fucking 10. Desperately wishing for someone, anyone, to save you and show you what you actually are, and can be. Hoping in your heart of hearts that you're actually adopted and your real parents will show up to save you. Being completely broken when around women. Terrified when someone rings the doorbell or calls your phone. Having a panic attack when two cops are standing at your doorstep.
Fuck. That.
Don't ever deal with single mums. They are the closest thing to sentient cancer.
He's obviously thinking with his dick.
It depends on how old you are. , and what your preferred age of woman is. If you're 30+ you're not going to find a woman within your age range without a kid, so you're stuck with picking from single moms or the hard search for a ~25 year old who doesn't already have kids.
Marrying a woman with an existing kid is a mistake and should be avoided where possible.
The way you say that. It's as if you dreamed of that happening to you during your entire childhood.
Trying to "fix" a broken woman is a fool's errand.
She just seems like she is perfect. Find out ex's side if the break-up.
This. Men only ever get to hear the single mom's side of the story, which is almost always some sob story about how evil and abusive the dad was. But the dad is never there to defend himself.
Tell her you can't start loving a woman who can't admit to herself that she is broken and will always be broken
Stay the fuckaway from her
Single mom bitches are chameleons and will adapt to hook you in
Stay the fuck away... not even for a fuck... the hook is already setting... the more you stick around the deeper the hook is set....
With single moms you will always lose...
Get lost, frog fucker. You're imagining how I "said" that in your internal voice
Are you kidding? Put your energy into trying to win over and salvage some jerk's genetic mistake, or become a man and father children from a woman who's not a used up sloot.
Decisions, decisions....
DO NOT motherfucker! you will be the "jerk" she tells her next carousel cock about
My best friend started dating a woman with two kids, she was still married but they hadn’t been together in a couple years...I told him to stay the fuck away from her because she obviously had issues and technically that’s still someone’s wife...he told me “nah it’s not like that it’s sweet she sucks my dick and cooks food”
I go visit him during the holidays and he shows me all the gifts he got for her kids, and I asked where she was at and he said “she left me to go back with him” I said I told you so now hopefully you learned your lesson...two weeks later she’s trying to come back to his place with her kids, I told him to tell her to fuck off....what’s he do...let’s her come back over and he gets her pregnant within two months, now he’s supporting three kids and a bitch..threw away his whole life at 23.
too add to this, the ex would come by and key his vehicles and poured shit in the gas tank. they did get a divorce though, I believe custody was the issue. run user, it’s bit worth it.
build your own family
Checked. Made that mistake myself. Luckily didn't get fucked in the divorce. Her ex probably was a swine, from what I know about him (not just from her), but once you see how she twists things to make you into the bad guy, you have to assume she does the same when she talks about her ex. Most women are mental children, and single mothers are cancer. Got me a young, trad. qt now, and all is well with the world.
The fact of the matter is you're probably a retard yourself since you get along with her, so things should be fine.
OP here you asked me for more info so here it is.
Ex basically beat her and treated her like shit emotionally. He's out of the picture according to her.
In college she used to be far left but as she got older she realized that is bullshit.
I love her kid to death. The little boy calls me daddy and is excited every time I come by regardless if I buy a gift or not.
She seems like the perfect type of woman just in beauty attitude and beliefs. I told her I want a kid she said fine. I told her I would eventually like a Christian wedding she said fine. She voted for Trump. I dunno. It's tough. I might just be in a manipulated state or too emotional and my judgement clouded which is why I made this thread for perspective. Not sure what to do. Maybe not jump to marriage and move in together and see how it goes?
This is true. They will almost always care more about their children than about you, and when that's not true it's an even worse sign. No matter how much she might care about you, when push comes to shove her children are the end, and you are a means at best.
/b/ tier thread.
before you make any commitments to a woman, jerk off first. twice if you can. making commitments while horny is like grocery shopping stoned.
>Modern women are always hung up on some asshole.
if you're dating a chick who's been in a LTR, be prepared to always have the ghost of her ex always looming around. if he was a decent guy, but things didnt work out, then maybe it won't suck as bad. especially if they didn't fuck for religious reasons.
but if her ex was """abusive""", run for the fucking hills
The only exceptions in being in a relationship with a woman with children are if she's a widow or you cucked her ex while they were still together.
Let her have a bit more fun before you bond her with marriage, maybe a final fling with mr jerk to get some closure?
For me the only widow I would take is one with no child.
Someone needs to make a "don't feel bad for him, he trusted a single mom" meme
>dating a single mother
>not immediately trying to impregnate her
My 30 year old brother wanted to go and date a single mom with a white kid. She was pregnant within 2 months. Had his kid just this month.
If you're going to date a single mother, you get the benefits ASAP, and if you don't get the benefits (rearing your child) then you drop it.
This is for mothers of white children only. If you're dating a single mother who has a nigger spawn then kill yourself now for being a pathetic sack of shit.
The anons above are right: it's your choice to make OP. Could turn out well, but just know that it's a big risk. If you go for it, hope for the best and expect the worse. Best advice I can give.
observe her actions, not her words. Her praising traditionalism doesn't matter if she doesn't live it. Having a soon with a "jerk" is not traditional behavior, so she's not to be trusted. Unless she's a widow there is no excuse
Women wears the clothes of the males she wants to lure.
If you are a basketball guy, she will pretend to like it. If you are a MMA guy, she will pretend to like it. If you are a rock guy, she will pretend to like it. etc.
Due to the fact that she has a son, and is a single mom, she will try to make you father the kid, and sponsor her roastie shit.
It's all a ruse, she is just showing you stuff to make you enamored of her. But none of that is the real her.
>dating a single mother
Kek, retarded tier shit
if you cuck a dude with a chick, don't expect that woman to be loyal to you.
Besides, you have a girlfriend/potential fiance and your on pol asking for relationship advice, your no great carch either. Man up and raise that child and live happily ever after
>a jerk
>implying you can take her word for it having never met the guy
>The little boy calls me daddy
Has it ever occurred to you that she's telling you what you want to hear?
What a giant fucking moron? Let's himself be blended by lust... Well, at least you tried, user.
Honestly though, how hot was she? On the 1 to 10 scale? A 9? A 10?
I know your problem, user. Hell, I have a similar one. Problem is, she's South East Asian, but literally whiter than most of Jow Forums.
>It's all a ruse, she is just showing you stuff to make you enamored of her. But none of that is the real her.
this makes me apprehensive to be upfront when dating about my desire to have a virginal SAHM/homemaker wife. because if i out right say i will only marry a virgin i know theres n% of women who would lie and pretend to be virgins, knowing that's waht i wanted
if the kid is white no one knows you are a cuck
Nothing wrong with a widow.
Still a women tho, needs to investigate further if she is a decent girl or not.
Why do low tier men (95% of pol if not more) think they're too good for single mothers? If you're 25+ and not either model tier good looking or working a top career job (doctor, lawyer etc) you're not "too good" for a single mother. In fact an attractive single mother is still worth more than you.
This is why so many of you are incel, your standards are too fucking high.
don't be degenerate
A timeless truth. If she will cheat with you she will cheat on you.
I say no to op's question you didn't bring this kid into the world so you should not have to bare the burden of fatherhood.
you sound like a pussy and the fact you take everything she says as true is red flag. a guy doesn't just go home after work thinking "gee i should just beat my wife today and disappear for the rest of my kids life"
Yeah, don't be a degenerate means, don't sponsor used up, semen soaked up roasties.
> pol
> incel
Go back.
No western woman is worth marrying in a moral sense. They have all spent their best years getting fucked silly by men they view as more than you.
That being said, you have to raise the principles of not serving as a safety net for a whore vs. the principles of not letting your seed die along with the entire race.
Compromise and breed and hope that your sons will have it better, or keep your standards pure and let your seed die forever.
Tough call.
not a word I would change
How do you expect to save the white race if we can't save our own women . Have jews broken the spirit of the white man so much he can't do anything any more . Wild , Out of control , and unknowns are all the thing whites have master and brought under control . Where is the fire of the white man that made rules, king, and leader of the world knee ? (I'm non white )
Does she share your taste in anime? If she likes shit like Inuyasha then dump her instantly. Otherwise, I think you're good to go, marry her.
You already in love, you stupid bastard. Why the fuck did you do that to yourself?
She is just trying to get a 'fix-man', and you are filling up that role. Don't do it!
Better than you on a sexual level does not mean better as an overall man. A lot of you will not get your wife when she was in her prime, you're going to have to just deal with it, its called life. It doesn't mean you give up and be some virgin MGTOW faggot. You're going to have to take what you can get in life and make the best of it. She might have a kid, she might have emotional abuse, she might be 15lbs heavier than she was when she was 20. Part of being a man is dealing with reality.
because she is lying to you
to bait you
that's what single moms do
and you are a fucking idiot for falling for it
>believing women
>yeah he was a jerk, trust me user
>yeah I allowed him to put his DNA and grow a clone of himself inside me but he is a jerk
Good luck with that
das a good meme
or how about i reject society's bullshit and pay for 5 surrogate children to be born from a blonde swedish supermodel's ova?
None. Behavior/personality has a strong genetic component, so the kid will likely turn out to be a piece of shit. Also telogeny.
oh yeah, also wasn't a single mother.
Hi roastie.
>perfect in every way
>has had another man's semen inside of her
>Part of being a man is dealing with reality.
Hello single mum/mentally ill woman. I know how this game works, and I'm not falling for it.
>do something bad to person
>deny that you're doing said bad thing
>claim to be good
>assert that any bad feeling on the part of the person you just violated is wrong and they should feel bad forr it
>tell them that they need to "grow up" and "accept reality" and that you're "just trying to help"
>do this until they submit or kill themselves
What you are giving out is not called life. You are exactly what is spoken of in the bible.
>Ex basically beat her and treated her like shit emotionally. He's out of the picture according to her.
Big fucking red flag, if she stayed with someone who beat her she has some serious mental issues. Get the fuck out now, there is no saving this woman and you're thinking with your dick. She WILL use you and then jump on some other dick when the opportunity presents itself.
>”perfect in every way”
>single mother
Lol okay cuck
My brother met a woman like that. Same interests, humor, views, politics, etc.. She had two kids, and also said her ex was an abusive jerk.
He continued the relationship, and eventually started complaining to me in private that she could be very controlling of him, abusive towards the kids, etc.. She was also getting much fatter as time went on.
Just as he was planning on leaving her, she went off her birth control and surprised him with a baby. Now he pays around $200 a week in child support.
To this day, he always tells me this one piece of advice: "Never get involved with single mothers".
need some more info.
How old was she when the she had the kid, if she was older than 21.. then no. run. at that age she shouldn't be making that big of a mistake. She may have learned from that one mistake, but her judgement is shit and she will make more bad decisions.
it is possible that if she was a late teen, or maybe 20.. that she made a mistake and her decision making skills weren't all that great. how long ago did she dump the 'jerk'. if its less than 2 years.. ehh. no good. Does he have any contact with the kid.. if so no good.
>A lot of you will not get your wife when she was in her prime
fuck off roastie
my wife was 22 when i married her, met her when she was 19
we had kids when she was 23
any man who just settles for a women 25+ is either ugly, a loser, or is society retarded.
>Big fucking red flag, if she stayed with someone who beat her she has some serious mental issues
This. You have to immediately avoid any who woman says she has an abusive ex, if she didn't IMMEDIATELY leave the relationship the instant he "acted abusive". Either she's telling the truth and she stayed with him, which means she's neurotic and loves being around a violent sociopath. Or she's lying and something went wrong in the relationship and she accuses her ex of being abusive to make herself look better, and that means she'll tell people you were abusive to her too if your relationship with her doesnt work out.
>To this day, he always tells me this one piece of advice: "Never get involved with single mothers".
everyone with common sense knows this
Sure you did buttercup, now go ask mom to cook you chicken tenders.
telegony is real besides her brat, so that is a double no OP also if you marry a roastie with a child people will think you are a pedophile and rightfully so, you can't win
my mom had already had my older brother when my dad met her, and they got married and had me
on the plus side, i'm 6'1, decent looking, and an aero engineer
on the minus side, i come to Jow Forums
however my dad comes to Jow Forums too