In light of recent events, it appears Canada has become the new battle ground between China and the United States. You may have read the news lately about Huawei CFO being arrested at the Vancouver airport to be extradited to the US.
How will this play out eventually? Will Chinese in Canada be rounded up to internment camps like how the Japanese were treated in the USA back during WW2?
Yes It is possible to go to jail just because someone with the same origin country/nationality as you commits a crime.
Justin Ramirez
Considering we're sending them all of our oil at at least a 50% discount FOR SOME REASON, maybe.
Carter Davis
where is this from mister dubbly dups
Elijah Diaz
One can only hope
Jordan Hughes
>hips wider than chest
is there anything worse than a french canadian?
Cameron Bennett
>Peck on the cheek Wow, it's fucking nothing
Grayson Perez
>harem protagonist
Oliver Carter
>Will Chinese in Canada be rounded up to internment camps like how the Japanese were treated in the USA back during WW2 No that proved a little inconvenient. We should just dig a big pit somewhere in Montana for them. Maybe in a thousand years they will be an oil deposit.
Brody Moore
We have always loved America, when freedom was attacked on 9/11 Canadians welcomed American with open arms
Now when America is hunting a fugitive, Canadians step in and nab her. We did this because we are allies and always have been, trump and Hispanic animae Nazis can only lie so long
Jason Butler
>American puppet? Nope. Just your average Canadian faggot.
Justin Gonzalez
>chinese wicked smaht >entrust economy with dudeweedLMAO
Best case scenario is that people fucking finally wake up to the disgusting levels of Chinese influence in just about every western nation. They've been practicing "Unrestricted Warfare" against us for decades.
Gavin Moore
Hongcouver fag here, where do these chinks keep their money? they're always laundering bags of cash in Casinos.
you dont know the canuk cannibal? very interesting story.. he posted to /b/ i think and the hacker known as fortune helped catch him
Asher Perez
Hello Mr. Magnatta
Lincoln Turner
they take their corrupt monopily real estate money from china and launder it through western interests (gambling and real estate mostly)
Luis Brooks
Believe it or not, most of them are hard working professionals that earn way above the national average. Most of them earn over $10K per month.
Crazy, right?
Carson Russell
Give that poor lesbian some poutine. Her titties are shrinking down to nothing.
Ian Harris
just wait until we have nation wide protests of Chinese people protesting what just happened. it's going to redpill the entire country.
Joshua Bell
Yeah, Ok Chang.
Austin Jones
Is this the beginning of the second cold war?
Luis Johnson
I wonder how pro-Chinese our media will be on this
Elijah Edwards
You can do the same! Transfer some cash over to your trusted friend or family member then if anyone questions you say it's a gift and the tax man wont get ya!
Brandon Sullivan
I wonder what the note in DaBeast's envelope said??!!??
they seem pretty impartial about China, but damning on Huawei specifically. seems Trudeau knew about it and didn't inform his buddy Xi Jinping beforehand.
We can't build pipelines to the coast because the terrain is not stable, also it certainly cannot go through Vancouver or anywhere near that place because its full of faggots, liberals, boomers (real ones) and chugs talking about muh land and muh community muh green spaces
we could sell it to Asia and we'd be fucked sitting on a pile of Gold.
Trump just tweeted about China. No mention of Meng.
>Statement from China: “The teams of both sides are now having smooth communications and good cooperation with each other. We are full of confidence that an agreement can be reached within the next 90 days.” I agree!
>the terrain is not stable Excuses. >it certainly cannot go through Vancouver or anywhere near that place because its full of faggots, liberals, boomers (real ones) and chugs talking about muh land and muh community muh green spaces Shoot 'hem. For fuck's sake. Oil is how we pay for Canada to exist. The green globalist feminist economy was a fucking meme. Oil's the only thing keeping us afloat. I bet Trudeau is a CIA asset and the pipeline would have happened a long time ago if he really wanted it done.
Jaxon Cooper
BC is being divided up by the Chinamen and the Poo's. No place for whitey here
Angel Collins
I reckon Huawei as ONE Corporation has a larger and more influential economy than CANADA does.
Nathaniel Green
>How will this play out eventually? Will Chinese in Canada be rounded up to internment camps like how the Japanese were treated in the USA back during WW2?
Don't be retarded. Trump is just making the point that Trudeau is his bitch, not Chinas.
Anthony Gray
Trudeau's statement about it sounded surprisingly even and adult. Might be the first I heard him say something and didn't think >holy fuck what wrong with this raving faggot?
Eli Phillips
>Will Chinese in Canada be rounded up to internment camps like how the Japanese were treated in the USA back during WW2? when ww3 breaks out i hope so
Brandon Richardson
Can you imagine the backlash if he had? My hope is that the Chinese in Canada are mainly people who are looking to escape the CCP, but it's really had to be sure about anything regarding this.
Levi James
>My hope is that the Chinese in Canada are mainly people who are looking to escape the CCP
yeah, most of us are. we fucking hate the CCP.
but of course there are always a couple hundred Globina's from deepest darkest China that manage to end up here and behave like fucking peasants.
It doesn't need to be cured. There's even some yaoi that I like, but I have no inclination for fucking guys, even if they could make anime real.
Angel Wood
>Why would Chinese people protest then?
>but of course there are always a couple hundred Goblina's from deepest darkest China that manage to end up here and behave like fucking peasants.
Mason Rogers
Fair enough. I'm curious, are Chinese generally hesitant to speak out against the CCP in Canada (maybe cause of relatives back on the mainland or some other reason)?
Jonathan Miller
Maybe its a blessing and not a virus. I want 10 autistic hapa elliot rodger children.
I guess surely they don't all go wrong. I have a happa in the family and she's a little prone to psychopathy, but she's mellowed out over the years a lot and her quadroon children turned out great.
Isaiah Gutierrez
The Chinese that you see that still harbor traitorous sentiments either have business interests or family connections still in China and being that they made their way here means their families are likely connected politically to the CCP. So in a way, they are trying to publicly display their loyalty either through fear or because they are actually brainwashed (which the older ones are).
Those are the elite Chinese and are the 1% but they're still rats in regular peoples eyes. Got here on the same boat as the fucking Somalians.
Brayden Stewart
The thing is. Racemixing gets a bad rep because of arabs and africans where it really is an IQ destroyer. The kids are retarded and ugly. East asians and whites make beautiful children.
>chinese billionaire kisses eastern european sex slaves
Wyatt Russell
why would she do this though, what a dumb cunt. canada has extradition treaties with the us, ofc she's gonna be fucking sent to the states.
Aaron Edwards
That's BC, Ontario, Quebec and our own government's fault. Not America's.
Xavier Brooks
If your features are compatible. In this case, the non-asian part of the happa had a lot in common with the background of the white. And even the happa came out looking pretty balanced. So the quadroons are actually pretty attractive. You might not even guess they were quadroons unless you knew what to look for, but it fits.
Oliver Cook
Carson Thomas
BRAAAAAAP (from the guy)
Juan Johnson
>payed for sluts >best girl M8...
Nathaniel Sanchez
>a trip to china if u have money >a trip to vancouver if youre cheap trust me most of the asian chicks you see wont be hot or attractive.
Benjamin Barnes
Guess it's kind of ironic that the people really redpilled on the CCP in Canada are the Chinese, while just about everyone else is just asleep on the topic.
Kevin Butler
>In light of recent events, it appears Canada has become the new battle ground between China and the United States. they busted Bronfman so Canada needs a new underworld leader
checked'. Most Chinese exchange students are hideous in the US. but i already knew that. Still got yellow fever because of the hot submissive ones. White girls just wont fucking be normal. They have to challenge your male dominance with this weird and unnatural aggression.
Bentley Gomez
>one fucking job Nice job for cropping off the number you fucking retard
Adam Hughes
Just go to a big globalist university. There are enough of them being imported now to compete with each other.
Jack Price
This is convincing but it only keeps me from using dating/hookup apps like tinder. IRL you can tell when a hoe is fake.
No, they just all had to look at his junk printing the compression shorts.
Jonathan Jenkins
hot asian chicks are rare an white washed asian girls are often worse than white roasties. but by all means, i hope u do find some qt who can make u happy.
Tyler Robinson
FUCK OFF CHANG LARPERS. This thread is fake. The chinaman only speaks to other chinks. He is not wearing a Canada goose coat. FAKE THREAD. Chinks get out.
cao ni ma 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 法輪功 Falun Dafa 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 肅清 活摘器官 黑社會 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 東突厥斯坦 this will be posted on every leaf pol thread
Nope he is just a cuck and an outspoken internationalist. At this point liberals with Fagboy at the front have converted fully to no-brake internationalism
Ryan Ramirez
Well they respected a suspects publication ban so it’s pretty safe to assume their were other Canadians in the know about it
Nathan Wilson
> white washed asian girls are often worse than white roasties. This is the best argument against yellow fever I can think of. But how relevant is that when millions are showing up every year?
The real question is why the fuck did those stupid cucks pick him to play kylo ren in Star Wars
Liam Clark
>the worst of the worst Asians are worse than average white sluts Not a fair comparison. No Asian women are as bad as the worst of the worst liberal fat ass landwhale femiretard white wymyn. None.
Benjamin Sullivan
>weird and unnatural aggression Yea it’s called cultural conditioning. They all seem to think chads going to put a ring on their finger for their used up vaginas on when their mid 30s hitting the wall. The older ones that keep their looks into their 40s are still as delusional
this is what animu harems should be like, none of that 'virgin loser who don't deserve a harem' harem.
Cameron Long
i mean by all means go for it. but im just saying its hard to find a good woman in general.
well no tumblerets dont count as actual woman
William Watson
Well if you're going to take the worst Asian women you should compare them to the worst white women. Don't cherry pick your comparisons.
Asher Collins
American born chinese.
Lucas Hall
Precisely. New arriving japs and chinks dont have this. And that's why i have yellow fever. I want to be cured. but desu logically they are the best women in today's time. >by all means go for it. ooof. Come on senpai i actually; genuinely want to be convinced that yellow fever isnt worth it. Whats the world going to be like without those cute white babies? or wheat fields with blonde girls? I thought anons would convince me.