>about a week or two ago
>hanging out with girl I’ve know for about a month or so
>She’s nice and we have allot of in common but I’m just looking to be friends with her
>Unfortunately didn’t make this clear enough and she ends up catching feelings
>Didn’t know how to tell her I’m not interested without sounding mean so I hesitated for about half a month
>Finally decide to just be frank with her
>Told her thank you for the fun times but I’m just not looking for a relationship.
>She’s upset
>We were fencing that day so she stabbed me harder than what she usually did the previous times we fenced together
>still got the bruises today
>Akward silent car ride back to her place
>She didn’t have a ride so I had to drop her off
>I finally get home
>Wonder if I could have been nicer putting her down tho
>Had to reset my iPhone the next day for unrelated reasons and lost all my contacts
>”well at least it’s over” I thought
>fast forward to today
>see pic related in my phone
>straight up just want to say “yeah, nah”
>The way she worded it tho
>I feel I can’t say no without sounding like a dick
>Yet feel it’s her way of saving any nonexistent chance of getting me into a relationship with her
I don’t know what to do
How do you tell someone to fuck off without being mean?
Other urls found in this thread:
Honestly you gotta be blunt. Don’t give her any kind of hope and don’t hangout with her at all.
Also, why do you not want to date this girl? Do you not want to be in a relationship period or just specifically with this girl?
>Honestly you gotta be blunt. Don’t give her any kind of hope and don’t hangout with her at all.
Honestly this. I had this girl texting me for dates every few weeks for three years, and... christ... a few times in the three years even before then. The change in frequency was because we went out for a couple months.
I never told her off definitively and permanently... mostly because I wanted to fuck her really bad and couldn't work up the heart to do it. So I just ignored her. A couple times my resolve would weaken and I'd text back, and a few times I went out with her again, but then went back to ignoring her because nothing happened.
Anyway it took her three years to really figure it out... and really I'm still not sure she gets it. She last texted me less than six weeks ago. I've fucking known her loosely since 2012 and dated her in 2015. Can you believe that shit?
If I were you OP, this is what I'd say:
>Thanks for the offer, but I don't want to do something that might give you false hope or the wrong impression. I'm just not comfortable doing anything in light of that, and there's nothing you can say that will change my mind. Sorry.
I didn't read a single sentence of your post only the topic title. Just ghost them, stop replying completely to everything. They'll get the hint.
"Not really".
That's it, it'll be all over after you write that
for clingers you usually have to be mean
sometimes in life you have to play the im an asshole card. this is one of those times
if you have to tell them to fuck off tell them
if they have a brain in their head they will
A. work it out B. get over it
Are you the same guy who posted this before and got brainwashed by pol that interracial relationships don't work?
No thank you.
Funny how that usually is the case.
>I appreciate that but it would be better if we don't
>You're not (in) a position to commit to anything serious
>For the sake of friendship
>I don't know what to do
How I see it is that she thinks you're a pussy whose mind can be changed(and she's probably right given how you think you could've been nicer) and is attempting to strongarm you until it looks like you changed your mind. So keep your response a simple
If she presses harder then just keep sending
If she starts vomiting her emotions ghost her.
This is the idiot who likes the girl but because they are different races says his family won't like it or whatever.
Why are you reposting leaving out important details about your side of it. Will you just keep reposting/changing bits until you get the answer you want?
Now that I think about it being direct and frank is probably the best thing to do. Sugarcoating things might give off the impression.
Let's move on from that now. :^)
hahaha imagine being so fucking retarded the lowest IQ board convinces you to sabotage your own happiness
No one help this dude. This is the Jow Forumstard that literally sabotaged his own chance at happiness because of memes.
how do you want to not sound like a dick when you are a fucking dick?
atleast own up to being an asshole, dont try to somehow make this better.
you rejected her for a bullshit reason and now you are somehow feeling bad? surprise surprise.
grow a fucking pair you pussy.
I'm not feeling bad for bad for anything that I did just wondering if there's a better way cutting someone off without causing unnecessary strife.
As for the whole miscegenation thing, look man if you want to convince someone you're point of view is right I don't think you'll make much ground by calling them retarded or dismissing their arguments as autistic. Go back to that thread and tell me which side called each other names and threw insults and which side kept it civil.
boards.Jow Forums.org/adv/thread/19575933#bottom
there is no way to wiggle your way outta this one without a "unnecessary strife". your right, i should stay civil, but i still believe that if you hold that that opinion, you should stand by it. so tell her how you feel and dont try to somehow dodge any discomfort. you should stay realistic and know that your opinion will get negative reaction (for a reason). if you cant live with the consequences of your beliefs, you shouldnt hold them at all.
Be a man.
Eh? I saw the old thread. Yeah the reason the guy gave was stupid, but if he actually was interested in her he would've thrown that shit out the window.
>i still believe that if you hold that that opinion, you should stand by it.
You're barking up the wrong tree man. I believe miscegenation is wrong and I'm willing to go out of my way to see that I don't partake in such degeneracy as you clearly have come to know.
That doesn't mean I hate people who are not like me, that I have no intention of doing right by them, and certainly not that I think my group is better than theirs.
However I know know that's not what you meant and I'll address that.
>Be a man.
I like to think I am but that doesn't mean being brash and hotheaded, spouting all my personal beliefs to all the people I interact irl just to prove how much of an "off the rails tell it how it is macho hombre" I am because quite frankly (a)It's unnecessary, (b)nobody cares, and (c)people might get the wrong impression. The beliefs I hold have a negative connotation associated with them that might make people think I'm someone I'm not. As I said before I don't hate anyone and I have no intention of wronging someone over factors they have no control over.
So me going "hey I don't want to go out with you because you were born the wrong way" is inviting an unnecessary and very avoidable amount of strife that solves nothing and create more problems than it solves just to prove a point. As opposed to simply saying no.
>Bwa bwa why you don't like her?
Fuck off
If he doesn't want to be with someone different is up to him
At the end it doesn't even matter here, if he just didn't wanted to be with her because he just doesn't want to it would be the same.
Say nothing
That's very polite senpai.
Nice work.
The last part wasn't necessary tho.
At least some people just feel that's the "I don't want to feel too bad about myself" speech, but nice after all.
Tip: If she continues, block her.
That's what I did.
Ugh that was really fucking beta, I almost thought you where a girl for a minute there
It will work tho, she will instantly loose all attraction for you
lol, was the last part really that bad?
Nah but I'm telling you it sounds like the obligatory "sugar coat part"
The diabietes version, I might add.
Are you gonna change the story until you get advice you like or what?
lol, I’ll try to be less empathetic next time
You seem upset
Huh? This is a new problem. Omitting unnecessary information only seems logical.
we aren't fucking idiots user.
you posted this thread like two days ago
Yes and no, The previous thread was to know whether or not I could have put her down without upsetting her. A point I quite regrettably didn’t make clear that enough. This new thread is well... did you even bother reading this thread?
oh and you rejected her because you listened to the shitposters on Jow Forums I remember now
fucking kek
You don't, thinking someone is too unattractive and disgusting to be with you is a mean thing to think. Wanting someone who just wants your affection to get away from you is mean. The person is going to feel hurt no matter how you say it.
You can’t deny the biological realities of race user.
Oh wow, you're such a fedora. You could have just said no, ffs. You don't have to coddle everyone. She'll get over it.
>farewell kind soul
All you had to say was
>No that's not a good idea just now.
And then never text her again.
The second paragraph is kinda cringe. Like it blunted the point of your message.
But good luck. Hopefully she figures it out.
In hindsight I should have omitted that last part, shit is pretty embarrassing but oh well, learn something new everyday. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If you are truly dismissing any opportunities at being with a person who might not find you as repulsive than you really are because some conniving losers from a pitiful /board told you so, then I hope she drops you like the fool that you are. She deserves happiness, and you, you will come to regret it because of your, what, pride? Limit yourself and your life will always be limited, simpleton peasant. Guards, take this fool away.
>Guards, take this fool away.
Is this satire?
I can’t even tell anymore. People on here get so unreasonably butthurt when you ask for help rejecting someone.
Got me at the end
There's a term for it I just can't remember what it is, where peoples' real actions become so similar to the satire of their actions that you can't tell the difference.
Oh god. I need to know this term.
It's named after the academic who researched it or something like that but I only came across it once and really can't remember.
Poe’s law
Eh. I wish there was a variant of this that wasn't an internet thing.
Kind of like how people say "Godwin's law" nowadays, but really they should just be saying "non sequitur".