
What the fuck is up with iFunny?
This meme was featured on the app.
Memes are hand-selected by the moderators, not by upvotes. Yet most of the memes on iFunny seem to lean in our political direction. I see these kinds of memes all of the time. I know for a fact that pic related would get you a swift Facebook ban, but here it is on proud display for people of all ages to see.

I never use this term, but is iFunny, dare I say.. based and redpilled?

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Other urls found in this thread:



Here is another example.
This isn’t something someone slapped a watermark on. I pulled this from ifunny’s featured list myself

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Who's the chick?

These memes arent new on Ifunny they are all unfunny and just get featured because their edgy. Also ur underage
>dare I say redpilled

She’s not in porn probably

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It’s a platform outside of 4chins.
We don’t have much. Any reach we have to the outside world is a good thing.
But you probably care more about memes than politics.

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You think that would stop me?

I think you may be onto something...

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Wtf, I love iFunny now

it's still normie memes, they are on the right path to become redpilled but not entirely
They need to hate jews to do truly be redpilled

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It's not that their humor is based and redpilled. It's that humor is derived from truth and a disregard for social norms. Liberals aren't funny and their memes are weak because they they are the standard bearers of today's social norms and have left truth far behind.

Tldr: the left can't meme

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That meme is like 4 or 5 years old at least

Almost seems like the work of another chan, this is pretty good.

If someone joins the metoo movement, will Kristen Dunst sit on their face? Asking for a friend.

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I see alot of echoes, anti-communist, and race realism mentioned in iFunny comments. Fuck, Generation Z might actually save us...

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I thought it was odd that it was actually a bit humorous, but that explains why.

Holy shit, theyre quoting Roosh? Based af.

it's the biggest gaggle of retards this world ever saw

Not funny.
Literally one of the saddest things i've ever seen.

I use iFunny to find cute dog memes to send to my gf and mother. But you're right. I noticed a string of right leaning Features recently.

>those digits
Yep. None of these are mine btw. There are def a shitload of anons on iFunny

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Some are actually funny as hell too

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The ifunny to chan pipeline is as real as the libertarian to natsoc one. That said, they should still be ignored or ridiculed for being retarded

Fuck. Cropped out the watermark on that last one. Got a friend I share memes with and he feels watermarks take the humor away somehow

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Well, there's "funny ha-ha" and "funny not really but how the fuck else am I supposed to react to this shit".

I think it's just because there's so much more unused comic material roasting the left. Every network has an hour of a pile of shit in a suit going ORANGE MAN BAD while 50 tourists laugh, but the real sacred cows are being slaughtered online.

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Comedy is an exclusively right wing thing now. Everything remaining on the left masquerading as humor is nothing but seething, 'woke' Trump-hate.

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I laugh more on here than anywhere else

If you're truly seeking the funny, you go in the opposite direction of "socially acceptable". Always been that way. Props to them if they're true humor hunters

Today on features the top comment was "Pornhub is run by Jews." Top comments however, are decided by upvotes.

i mean one of the murderers mentioned in the back of siege used ifunny as his primary platform

9gag is getting increasingly based lately, lots of based responses on controversial topics
Jow Forums is leaking

I removed iFunny from my phone. It was causing problems. Also, fpbp

Not downloading your gay app buddy.

Hi iFunny editorial staff,

Thank you for visiting Jow Forums. Your meme if very funny (or should I say, ifunny) and has moved you to the upper echelons of our incel community.

Please add Pepe and and other classic chan memes to your repertoire and you will soon see the shekels flow.



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