Guys I've fucked up

Guys I've fucked up.
I told this girl I'm into that I play guitar, bass, and violen because she's really into music and I was trying to impress her. I don't play any.

I'm about an hour we're going to this little gathering at her parents' place and she wants me to play for them with her.

What the fuck do I do please help.

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You learn from your mistakes.

Here, it's the suicide prevention hotline number. You'll need it.


Look up a quick tutorial and learn a quick song or two, shouldn't take too long.

I can't learn in less than hour.

I'm thinking of breaking my thumb. Ligament (Pic related) then saying I closed the bathroom door on it, will it hurt?

Forgot to attach

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Consider whether breaking your thumbs would be or less painful than just admitting you told a dumb lie to someone you aren't even very close with.

I mightve not made it clear, but we've been dating almost 3 weeks nows and I'm Really into her.

But you're right she's gonna find out eventually? Will she somehow think it's cute that I tried to impress her or will it piss her off?

How can I tell her it was lie with coming off as a cunt?

It's not cute, it's dishonest and pathetic. She will dump your ass.

Fuck, guess it's my thumb then. I'll keep you guys updated.

3 weeks really isn't that long user. Your thumb will probably take longer to recover. Just move on.

It doesn't matter that you fuck up your thumb, eventually she will learn the truth and the outcome will be the same, except the scale of your pathetic behaviour will be much higher. Her friends and future bfs will for sure enjoy hearing about that one moron who made up a bunch of lies to get with her and then broke his thumb in a vain attempt to keep up the charade.

I'll just keep breaking parts of my hand, then if this goes on for a couple more years I'll just I forgot how to play

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Tell her you have tennis elbow so you can't play. Then never talk to her again.

why not just fake your death, acquire a new identity with a fake passport and reintroduce yourself to her, this time as a competent liar?

Solid plan if she is mentally retarded and has no deduction skills whatsoever

Learn some power chords on the guitar. Learn a really simple bass line, you fukd on violen

Lol bahahahahahahhaaahahahahhaha your mental state is deterioting faster than my looks


>I'm about an hour we're going to this little gathering at her parents' place and she wants me to play for them with her.
Jesus you complete retard. Pull out now. NOW.

And I thought MY life was an interesting one.

I would like an update to the situation because this is fucking hilarious. Also you are retarded for telling her you play violin. If you’re dating it shouldn’t be a problem for you to tell her it was BS to impress her but still why did you pick violin?

My advice is what I'd do and that is to apologise and say that i was lying to impress her because i felt it was necessary and that I'm really sorry.
Basically tell the whole truth.
My reckoning (can't recall a situation exactly like this) is that she's inevitably going to be disappointed and lose interest in you very quickly, or she'll be disappointed, but pleased and reconciled that you told her the entire truth.
I'm guessing 60/40 chance