19/y user here, Girlfriend of 6 months cheated on me last night with a random guy in a bar. Came in crying the next day saying she regretted it and wanted the relationship to continue.
Is their any way for it too work out or is it doomed to fail?
19/y user here, Girlfriend of 6 months cheated on me last night with a random guy in a bar. Came in crying the next day saying she regretted it and wanted the relationship to continue.
Is their any way for it too work out or is it doomed to fail?
it's over user.
any post after mine is irrelevant. You know this to be true.
So you think they don't deserve a second chance? Or that it won't work out if I do give them one.
Drop her. It will be bad either way.
I fell in love with a girl who was albeit lovely, just really not a good click for me (she was a slut. Greeks call it a slut of the soul, which is a great way to describe her). She was fucked up and couldn't help letting a guy in to her box (seemingly). If I stayed it would have hurt even more. Even though I broke up with her, it still hurt a lot to see her fuck around with retarded guys. It would have hurt a lot more if I was still with her though.
Tl;dr: cut your losses.
There are 2 possible outcomes.
1- she cheats again, because she’s already proven that she’s not loyal.
2- you will never forget this and let it bother you forever. Anytime she goes out to clubs and bars you will worry if she’s doing it again. Which will depress and stress you out until you snap
Both. If they see that they can get away with cheating once, it just means she'll be even more tempted to do it again, because she knows you won't leave her. Besides even if she doesn't you'll never be able to trust her again.
I'd wager that there are more girls out there who -don't- cheat, so your odds of finding a better girl are pretty high.
That's the thing, she knows I will leave her if she does it again. I'm not going to be a beta faggot who forgives her for playing me around constantly.
People make mistakes, I feel like everyone deserves one chance. If I feel I can't trust her again though I'll just cut it off later.
>I feel like everyone deserves one chance.
enjoy getting an std from so guy she fucked with no protection
But this wasn’t a “mistake” that she fucked up.
She went to a bar. Saw a chad. Wanted his dick. she got it. Then the next morning she thinks “oh god my bf won’t be happy!”.
If she actually valued loyalty, she wouldn’t have even put herself into that situation. The fact she even cheated speaks a whole lot about her “values”
From my experience talking to her after the incident she definitely didn't react the way she did just cause of the consequences, she genuinely regretted what she did.
I agree with you, she betrayed my trust and did something I would have never done to her. But I have to believe she can change
Holy fucking shit OP everyone here is telling why you should dump her ass but you keep fighting us. It's clear that you do want to forgive her and keep dating her and don't want to listen to any of our advice unless it conforms with your own. If you'd not going to listen the fuck off and fuck up by forgiving her, don't come crying to us when it blows up later.
>geniunely regretted
You don't know what women do in order to save the resources you provide. I have been there.
Yeah thats a rough one, on one hand she could be a slut, on the other miss led by the women need to act like men culture, idk lets look for some red flags.
>do you have lots of money?
>are you starting a successful looking career path?
>are you unattractive?
Then WHY the fuck did she do it?
She consciously made the decision to do it
No to all of them, it's not cause of any issues with our relationship, she just did something really fucking stupid.
She didn't realise that cheating is wrong?
Or was it stupid that she told you?
She thought with her dick, gave into instant gratification. She has no self control, no self discipline. She thought she would be able to keep it a secret and not feel guilty afterwards.
Only thing worse than a cuck is a cuck who revels in being a cuck
>That's the thing, she knows I will leave her if she does it again. I'm not going to be a beta faggot who forgives her for playing me around constantly.
Have fun getting cucked again , op.
My girlfriend cheated on me 3 years ago and I continued it. I’ve forgotten about it mostly but ever once in a blue moon the thoughts still come back and I feel nothing but absolute anger, whereas it used to be sadness. I think it may have internally fucked me up and I’m only just coming to realise it. I think it’s numbed me and I’m only just noticing. Plenty of other women out there mate, end it now and it’ll be so easy to move on in a month or so. You’ll feel better for it. Plenty of other chicas out there, do it before it becomes serious or stay if you think you can move past it and she’s serious but be prepared it may come back once in a while into the future, although it’ll get better.
I was also similar age to you, 18.
I feel you user,
Just tell her no, she's a bitch anyways.
even giving this a second thought other than to leave her straight up, is very disappointing, what would she do if you cheated? She would fuckin destroy your life and make it a living hell, yet you can do better just walk away fuck that hoe, and get back in the game man.
Also you're 19, I was cheated on something horribly around then, I rebounded with a 36 year old for about a year, spent time educating myself, now I'm a BMW technician making bank.
You'll be fine op, I'm 26 now
If you love her, overlook this one stumble. I would anyway if I really loved someone. But really get to the heart of why she did it and why she feels the need to go to a singles bar while dating you
let her go man, you’re young you’ll be all good.
Cheating is one of those things that's literally unjustifiable.
Walk away brother. You need to respect yourself. Dump her, find someone who values you enough to NOT do that!
Seeing threads like this day in and day out makes you wonder whether it's even possible to drink and not cheat on your partner. The devil made me do it.
What the fuck OP why are you even giving this a second thought? I mean - a random dude at the bar?
She went into that building sober knowing what will happen, and knowing how she was going to apologise afterwards. You had better learn to ignore women crying or life is going to be hard for you kid
I've been here for two days and I'm already sick of seeing the same threads like these over and over again, whenever someone posts an original problem I get giddy to actually put forth some real thought into an answer.
Just drop her. You are 19 and a gf of 6 months hooked up with some dude at a bar. Where do you see this relationship going? I suppose you could take her back and screw around for another few months before either she cheats again or you decide that it's time you have a turn.
>gf at a bar
Pretty sure Baskin Robbins doesn't count.
>people still posting in this tread
It's over. If she fucked some random person in a bar she just met after you had a relationship with her for 6 months, what do you think she would do to another guy?
It seems like your mind if already made up. If you wanted people to actually back you up instead of giving good advice you should have never came her. Do what you will. They say experience is the best teacher...
Dubs of truth
I ain't gonna sugar coat it man, the chance is slim if you even have that. I would let her go. Number one she fucked you and disrespected you. Even if she was drunk she still cheated, it's no excuse. Secondly you're going to have trust issues or be worried about her doing it again and that's no way to live. Statistically it just doesn't work out after one partner cheats usually. Good luck.
Hate to break it to you but forgiving her once is supreme beta move. She won't respect you and you know this in your heart already.
This guy is onto it, if she valued you she wouldn't have even went out to the bar drinking in the first place. You can drink at home or a restaurant. Going out is only codename for looking for dick.
OP it sounds like you didn't actually want our advice because literally everyone in the thread is saying you should leave her and you won't listen.
Enjoy getting cucked by chad again.
If you can look past it, then by all means stick with her.
I just personally can't forgive someone who'd blatantly disrespect and destroy my trust like that. I'm biased towards suggesting you break it off with her because of the basic logical assessments you've seen in this thread. Then again, you're clearly looking for someone to agree with you rather than take the advice given to you here.
You do you, man.
>OP is a faggot
You should have the self-respect to end it.
If you have the self-control to not get drunk and fuck another girl then she should show a similar courtesy.
The seeds of distrust have been planted. Your relationship with her won't ever be the same. I'd move on if I were you.
But OP is in a good position right now.
Expecting a western woman to be loyal is quite stupid in the first place, so it's easier to become a cuckold and let her have all the fun she wants. Maybe if you're lucky, she will let you eat her out like my gf haha
This matters a lot: did she confess to you or did you find out and THEN she confessed. Makes a huge difference.
19 is legal drinking age dingus.
Or she could let him cheat
If you can you cheat on her.
just remember to not really worry about it, no way of really rekindling it.
maybe try to get her to have a 3 way with you and another girl as "repayment" then dump her?
Here's what I think.
OP chances are slim you're gonna last. But if I were you, I would talk with her and try to figure out what went "wrong" and why she did what she did. If she confessed without saying anything I think your chances are bit higher than average cuck. Regardless, if you want you can give her a couple of weeks or whatever (don't get your hopes up) or if you want to gamble you can just say because she betrayed your trust you're leaving and that's that. If she begs for you to come back, she doesn't care that she cheated on you. If she is remorseful and ACCEPTS that it's valid for you to leave her, then I would say keep her or give her a second chance because that shows that she thinks what she did was wrong regardless of you or Chad - most whores would not be bothered to even think of something like that.
Anything is possible OP, my brother gave up heroin and owns his own business with a family and kids. But again, try not to get your hopes up
Here's the thing.
You're asking if it's a problem here. Obviously it registers as a problem deserving of breaking up or you wouldn't ask.
You're stuck between knowing you want to break up but fear you won't find better.
And honestly maybe you'll break up and end up alone sometimes thinking back on what could have been. But in either case you'll always remember she cheated on you and it'll always get at you. Obviously it struck at you and it's going to be a hole in your relationship with her for the rest of your life.
Just break up with her and move on. Note too 6 months is a really bad indicator for this. If it's at the start she could have said she didn't know you guys were serious but 6 months is in serious zone. If it was longer maybe you could give her the benefit of a 1 time doubt thing. But at 6 months she hasn't waited that long, it's not like she's tied herself down and needs to experience the world. She just fucked you over on a whim and she'll do it again for years until she grows up. And trust me she won't mature that fast, sticking with her will just let you see her fuck you over repeatedly until she grows out of it.
You're going to hear this a hundred times, but it truly is up to you to take it into consideration:
L E A V E X H E R.
Once a cheater, always a cheater. If you need to learn that the hard way because you think your love with her was real, then let that be on you, but don't say a 100 of us who already went through it didn't tell you so. Find someone you can actually love because of their loyalty and honesty. It sounds impossible, but so did the idea of sending humans to outer space at one point.
You are right to forgive and keep her. Also, can I get her number? Send nudes.
Just fucking drop that thot. You two have barely been together and she has already cheated on you.
That wasn't mistake. Cheating isn't a mistake, it's something you choose to do. Dropping a glass of water is a mistake, letting a dick "slip" in to your vag isn't.
you can forgive her but your mnd will never forget the fact that she got some D from somebody else
user get over with it. I once had a cheater ex bf and i forgave and came back and it was toxic. Do not waste your time user. Enjoy and explore and you will find the right one for you.
Stop replying to bait.
Then stop bumping it
sorry to hear, user. break up with her, cheating is unforgivable. if you stay with her its just gonna eat at you forever, its only 6 months too so its not like you've been married 6 years or anything.
This is what happens to men who weren't peoperly disciplined as children
The Supreme Beta
>I’m not going to be a beta faggot
>considering behaving like a beta faggot
There are two kinds of people in this situation:
1.)the kind who fuck up once, and then will feel so remorseful that they NEVER do it again
2.) the kind who fuck up, feel bad, but then will inevitably fuck up again because what they were feeling wasn’t genuine remorse that first time around.
Which one this case is, no idea. Only time can tell.
But if you can’t even consider the thought of forgiving and moving forward, then walk away regardless.
>Ned’s up full of some other dude’s cum
This thread has reminded me why I have had so little trouble dating, deapite being nothing more than an average Joe at the best of times.
It's because I (as well as some others in this thread) appear to be a part of an increasingly small amount of men left in this society with enough self respect and confidence to even do something so simple as UNCONDITIONALLY DUMP A CHEATING WOMAN.
What the fuck is wrong with the rest of you?
be prepared for it to happen again, be happy when it dosent
everyone commits mistakes, but dump her ass if it happens again
if you keep going, i would recommend your next sexual sorray with her to not end untill her legs are shaking
She's gonna keep fucking dudes. Make it an open relationship. Only insecure faggots feel the need to try and 'own' sexual partners. If you love them let them fill their sexual needs. If you're an insecure faggot, break it off and find another woman.
She couldn't even last 6 months without cheating on you. Now she knows she will get away with it she will even more. Even if you love her you will still always resent her.
Perhaps a viable alternative if OP is too much of a pussy to just end the relationship entirely. Good post.
The fact that you're asking shows that you already know the answer deep down
when i was 19 i cheat on my (now ex) gf. i immediately told her (i was a bit drunk and shit). she forgive me (it wasn't easy but she did).
some months later i left her because i didn't care about her anymore.
the moral is: if she did it, she doesn't give a shit about you and if you forgive her, eventually you two are going to broke up.
It's doomed to fail OP, she cheated on you within 6 months of being with you. Why, because she decided to go in a bar and hook up with another guy there. Listen to me OP, when your relationship starts going under pressure, I can guarantee she will do it again with 90% certainty.
In the end if you choose to believe in her then whatever, just follow your instinct.
if the purpose of your relationship is just to be monogamous and kind to each other, I think it's still okay.
if you intended to get married to this woman or something, I wouldn't count on it. you don't want to marry someone who has such little control over themselves.
Dump her. Don't be Cuck.
Some facts for you:
1. she doesn't respect you
2. if your forgive it her, she would do it again, not doubt.
3. if you keep the relationship going, you will always live with insecurities.
Better kill it now than live with the nagging thought in your head.
You'll be a little bitch in her eyes if you keep on dating her, break up!!
Just fuck her one last time then dump her its a win win.
Bonus points if you give her money afterwards.
>saying she regretted it
and being sorry she did it is not the same thing
Yes, knowing almost every woman will cheat on you is distressing but more pathetic is wanting to stay with her after she cheats.
Hey man, at least she told you! I can’t tell you how many boyfriends are still walking around buying shit for their women that think they’re the only ones who have been inside her during the relationship!
So respect that she was honest and reward her for being honest by ALSO being honest!
>I love that you told me. THANK YOU for telling me.
>It must have been difficult to realize that I really am better than some fuck boi at the club :)
>However, it is very important to me that i be able to not just trust you to tell me the truth after the fact but ALSO that you have enough respect for me to not do it in the first place.
>SO, given the above, I really do appreciate you and will cherish what we’ve had together, but we’re not boyfriend and girlfriend anymore. I couldn’t in good conscience stay with a cheater. So I wish you the best! no hard feelings. I won’t spread rumors about you or anything so if you hear it from someone else, it wasn’t me. Take care!