I was just watching porn and I see all these 6'2" dudes fucking small girls and here I'm being 5'11" 180 cm 67 kg and I feel like I will never get a gf cus I'm a fucking pussyboy... :(
Why does it feel like height is everything?
3" difference is not that big of a deal, but if you make it into a big deal then it will become one. Self-fulfilling prophecy.
185cm 80kg virgin here, I know some dude who's got a super hot girlfriend and unironically an Instagram account with 30k subscribers and he's still insecure about his 170cm height. Fucking kek. Get over it.
I'm 6ft 3 but I'm skinny af, I've seen girls with thicker wrists than me. I'm 23, and I've looked like a twink since I was 17 (still can't grow facial hair). Looking manly is more important than height, trust me.
>I was just watching porn...
Basing your ideas of what reality is on porn is indicative of your problem, your height isn't.
Some girls like tall guys, some don't. Your height is probably one of the least things a girl will worry about, unless we're talking prom pairings. Find other things about yourself that you can be confident about.
Protip: Don't take life lessons from porn. Ever.
>6'5" but never was popular, still virgin after almost 7 years of relationship
If it makes you feel better im 6'2 pretty built and khhv so theres that
You're not short. This is redundant, but just bulk up.
I've noticed that height (within reason) is much less important than proportions and build
for example there are often times when a woman looks slim and slender, and a man has a large presence, and they come walking towards me only for me to realize they are a little shorter than I am when we are up close
I'm not tall, I'm only 5'8", but I walk around confidently with good posture and a long sway in my arms and it makes me seem like I'm huge from a distance
plus most girls are shorter than me anyway
finally on the topic, if a girl is worried about being taller than you if she's wearing heals she isn't worth dating
only sluts wear heals to begin with
178cm here. 16,5cm dick, found GF when we were 16. 6 years later still together.
I was 70kg back then.
"Manlet height" is a meme bro. You are taller than me. Girls are usually around 170cm So you will be fine
confidence and social skill are far more important. also, some short people are just outright terrified of people towering over them...
t. 6'4 and no action for 5 years
Porn is the most unrealistic standard to set yourself by. You still have a pretty attractive height imo and even if you were short as shit, it's more about confidence and being fun to be around then your height. Go to the gym or something and get your confidence back
(Source: I'm 5' 3" and have a gf)
what the fuck 180 cm is tall.
everything above 175 is tall for me. just go for a smol girl
Hey, girl user here. I promise that it is not a huge deal. Recently it's been a trend to mock men under 190cm and call them manlets or something, but it is ridiculous. When someone likes you - let alone loves you - they do not care about it, not to mention that you are not short at all, your height is very good. Girls don't fall for one's height but one's character - my fiance is 175cm tall and I never once thought that his height is unattractive.
Secondly, please, p l e a s e, don't compare yourself to porn actors and don't compare real life to porn in general.
The fact is that taller men are more likely to be virgins. After all more height means it's harder to have a decent body and good looks. All the men who get the most pussy are average or below average height.
511 isn’t even short. You’re just full of excuses for being a dull boring boy.
>still virgin after 7 years of relationship
You're retarded
Vocal minority and silent majority.
Think of where you spend the majority of your time. Probably Jow Forums and porn websites apparently where expectations and desires are hugely different and exaggerated out of normal proportion.
Do girls typically prefer their guy to be taller than them? Yeah, but it's not the end all be all. If you go out you'll see tons of qt 3.14s with manlets so don't even worry about it.
>tl;dr: Don't confuse porn and Jow Forums's expectations with IRL expectations
5"10, reasonably attractive, but non functional penis, I've never had problems finding or keeping gfs because of it. Truth is if you focus on it it's going to become a barrier for you while talking to people you're attracted to, because they can sense it.
Focus on what you can do for them rather than trying to prove yourself.
I know two men, one is about 5 ft 5 in and the other guy is 6 ft. I'm married to the first one, and the second is single in his thirties.
If it’s not your height it’s the length of your penis. If it not the length it’s muscles or fat or teeth or...
you are what you are, just go with it.
This, can't tell you how many people look too closely in their past and think it will define their future. It can, if you allow it. Then again, some people just don't have someone to really drive this truth in their mind in time. It's sad.
Hope you mean that literally
>tfw 154cm
You're all tall.
>team mini
LMAOing at your sad life
Chocolate-Peanut Butter alliance for life