/ptg/ President Trump General - Pinch Edition


>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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>Brad Parscale on Frontline 12/1/18

>Pres Trump fires up the ove--menorah 12/6/18
>Pres Trump @WH (((Festival of Lights))) Reception 12/6/18
>SoS Pompeo meets w/RoK FM "WiWuz" Kang 12/6/18
>Ivanka @Biz Roundtable CEO Innovation Summit 12/6/18
>JCSChair Gen Dunford @WaCompost 12/6/18
>USCGCdt Adm Schultz @Natl Press Club 12/6/18
>America1stAd: Best of Tax Cuts Tour 12/6/18
>IntDepVideo: Pearl Harbor 77th Anniversary 12/6/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @41's Funeral 12/5/18
>Pres George HW Bush State Funeral 12/5/18
>DoDVideo: Honoring The Legacy of 41 12/5/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania meet w/Bushes 12/4/18
>SoS Pompeo @GMF 12/4/18
>SoS Pompeo Press Brief @NATO 12/4/18
>SoS Pompeo meets w/NATO SecGen Stoltenberg 12/4/18
>CommSec Wilburine on FBN 12/4/18
>CommSec Wilburine on CNBC 12/4/18
>TreasSec Mnuchin on FBN 12/4/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Awoo y'all

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what would trump have done if niggers had started chimping out for more gibs like the french

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Have you protected my belove country, mon heirs?

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Wtf I love Jewish neocons now


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I thought it was over a gas tax among other things. Gibs for the government

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Had the national guard put em down with gas.

No we wrecked it instead because you didn't raise us right

He'd cuck out and give in to them

Laugh on twitter and Cucker would be crying his tears out, "HOW DARE HE!"

Oh how the poor jews have suffered! The time approaches to end their suffering.

Who thought multi-religious America was a good idea?

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catholics were a mistake

>muh gibs
It's actually the same sort of discontent that got Trump elected. Over the same underlying causes.

You know this liberal elite guy isnt working out but I have a good feeling about this other one

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Every American.

Abraham was a mistake.


From who, the Jews you let in and failed to remove? From what, the disastrous New Deal and its successors you voted for? No, no, the fault begins with anyone who ratified an amendment between 13 and 20.

no free lunch, they don't want to pay for it, people aren't out because they despise taxes, they are out because they want the upper middle class to pay for it (as usual)

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multi-anything is bad, but the real mistake was giving anyone the right to vote that wasn't originally accounted for in the constitution

But especially catholics
>pay us money and we'll cleanse all your sins goy

At least he admitted that flooding the nation with brown people is an audacity.

I told you when you visited that you should stand up straight and learn a trade. Don't you remember? You were eight and we were waiting for your Grandfather after church.

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Jewish crisis actors who can't act were a mistake

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You assume they all voted for it

>The wheels of justice turn slow, but grind exceedingly fine.

Is he really this stupid? He really is temping fate here. This dark architect is going to regret this. If he keeps this shit up, he might actually end up in prison.

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why is "women are a part of this country so they should get a say" not a valid argument?

The fucking projection of you filthy godforsaken kikes.

>user can I play with your bulgie wulgie UwU

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>Soinyfags on /v/: SHE CUTE
>Everyone else: >She

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>being part of the country
had nothing to do with the right to vote, that's a relatively new "argument"
typical fag jew tactic to change the meanings and assumptions behind everything

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>not using the superior version w/ the Starburts

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White americans aren't hooked up on gibs afaik but you are right in the sense that the working class felt no one cared about them.

The situation is more bizarre in France because the population has been heavily brainwashed to adhere to socialist ideas (as old as the 3rd Republic) and the historical status quo is a complex web of gibs that are carried by the upper middle class essentially (taxed far beyond the usual 40% figures you see around - a complex web of gibs implies a complex web of taxes, direct and indirect, some aren't counted in these figures but still footed by the same people).

I don’t like it, but women should have the right to vote.

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Wages are low, unemployment/underemployment is high, services are being cut. And it keeps getting worse. Now a lot of people can't even afford to go to work because they pollute too much and they need to be less selfish and think of the Earth.
Why are things like this?
Could this have anything to do with mass immigration and globalization? Is this something that could be expensive and done at the expense of the native citizenry?
No one knows for sure, but if you're asking yourself this question, you are racist and a bigot.

>had nothing to do with the right to vote, that's a relatively new "argument"
but then people will say just say it should be

>head to shoulder ratio
get der flammenwerfer

Please never post here again

user no!

catholicism is the judaism of christianity

Wrong. Jews control the Protestants. Where do you think all the support for Israel comes from?

then kill those people


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kek why are lefties like this?

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They always talk like they're in a movie or soap opera

Pretty amazing you Jews still fool newfags with script gets.

How many dead children does he have in his basement???

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rabbits are a part of this country so they should get a say

called out the Guard
>"You're doing this because you are racist!"
>"No, I'm doing it because you are looting and shit."

Scripting is really tough on Jow Forums because of the volume of posts coming in at any given time

all of them

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Protestants are still baptized and therefore enjoy divine protection. I don't like the Prots v Catholics meme.

no silly and are you calling women rabbits?

>Tens of millions of new Americans
I don't care how hard you try pushing this shit, these people were never and will never be American.

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women have always been not in the mix, they are just retarded now and dont help

Seems like it would only be hard if it wasn't consistent volume

I can't believe this actually happened...

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So I guess we now all retroactively hate that stinky socialist kike Tucker Carlson.

But I still don't get something, if Tucker is a hard core lefty, then how doe Trump pass /ptg/'s purity test??

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It's hard to understand for burgers and french polacks kinda dissimulate this to you either out of malice or embarrassment but France has not right wing party and no far right.

Marine Le Pen "killed" her father who was in fact the only true right winger the country had. The cuckservatives are toothless faggots who have maintained the status quo everytime they got into power (thus can't call themselves right wing in any meaningful sense of the word), the National Front is essentially a socialist party with an anti-immigration platform (yet pro-welfare, pro-taxes, pro-centralized state, the whole left-wing economic platform), and the rest is well.. they are actual socialists. Macron is an odd figure in the political landscape because he is a progressive cuck with the closest thing to a right wing economic program the country has seen in decades (still very shy by US standards).

So, might not be completely the fault of the french people but there are essentially NO right wing political party in France. You get to choose the brand of (((Democratic Socialism))) you want and this is low-key the status quo that the french white working class wants to preserve as well.

To make it short: imagine the rust belt but Sanders has had 100 years to make these honest white people addicted to gibsmedats and convinced that you need to tax to death everyone who is a tiny bit successful.

That's at core the difference between America and Europe, and probably what makes America so exceptional: it's at core a country that is optimist, that believes that they can make it, and thus they don't see success as a zero-sum game. It's the opposite over there. If your neighbor has a nice business going on, you call on the tax man to bleed him out (hyperbole to make my point).

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Stolen valor? WTF are all those medals on his "uniform" for?

good evening, faggot. i'm here.

>/v/ is unironically jacking off to
A tranny with a deep ass voice
We need Islam. Please based muzzies slaughter these degenerates

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You can estimate how many posts will come in in a given hour or minute, but in a given second, it could be anywhere from 0 to 5, so its hard to predict that.

Can you believe this guy used to direct the fucking CIA?

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why not?

see this:



>mixed race liberal parents
>no cultural heritage or religion

>I don't fit in with anyone else
>I can't save the white race
>Nobody likes me because I'm always salty about not fitting in
>I'm working at 2am for minimum wage at the only job that hasn't fired me for being redpilled


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haven't you heard the news? Tucker criticized Trump's impotent and dumb presidency so I guess he is literally Lenin now

>he is literally Lenin now

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The real question is: what is he so freaked out about? He’s lashing out like a cornered animal who’s about to die. What was he up to while he was at the FBI? I’m willing to bet it wasn’t good.

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>nig on his phone at work

making half breeds is one of the cruelest things imaginable, tell your parents they are degenerates

calling tucker a lefty for criticizing the achievements of trump is like calling ann coulter a lefty for doing the sam thing daily.

cmon guys, i know you're not that moronic

More like a nationalist bernie sanders, but still

>I can't save the white race
Sure you can. Fight back against the leftists

tell the white one

Sucks Tucker had to get the Coulter treatment just because newfags who arrived after the election can't handle Trump being criticized.

The general basis that you can grind down who gets to vote is this
>Who do you want politicians to cater to for votes?
Now, who do you trust with that?
With just the white man, politicians would cater to the idea of family and capability.
Add women, and now politicians will try to cater to individuals, and now undermining groups can seed tension between the two.
Then it continues to the point where now we're at
>Why don't we let the illegals vote?
And then politicians no longer need to care about their country even, just who they can happen to import.

In a better world, there shouldn't have been any issue with allowing and encouraging women to vote, but we can see time and again that it hasn't been a good idea at all.

what about civ nat righties?

>that furfag who spilled his spaghetti at the VGA’s
>republicans hate me cuz I’m a nigger and a furfag
>trannies everywhere
>gamer global citizens
>Pakis and niggers getting time to show off Facebook games
>female leads in nearly every new announced title
Western civilization needs to burn. I mean it this time. Hope and pray to Allah that Muslims begin an actual genocide against these people. Sharia law now

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The white one is of course more at fault, because they should have the capacity to understand that they are breeding with a lesser race.
But the colored one is also at fault, for they abandoned their bloodline as well

>jews openly declaring their desire to murder white people

And in 20 years when this country goes down like Syria they'll be screeching about how they dindu nuffin

It's all so tiresome

Fight back against them especially hard.

CIA and FBI are faggots. NSA is where it's at.

Am I right?

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>he is literally Lenin
Yeah like Bannon.
Bannon's still alright though. He just drinks too much.

bet it was the women