Most people don’t know it, but German society is actually in a devastating state with a massively shrinking middle class and a dying bureaucratic high tax economy. The only reason Germany doesn’t have yellow vest protests is because our fuel taxes have always been high.
The number of precarious jobs like temp positions has exploded. At the height of postwar prosperity, almost 90 percent of jobs offered permanent employment with protections. By 2014, the figure had fallen to 68.3 percent. In other words, nearly one-third of all workers have insecure or short-term jobs. Moreover, a low-wage sector emerged employing millions of workers who can barely afford basic necessities and often need two jobs to get by.
The German middle class is shrinking and no longer functions as a cohesive bloc. Though the upper-middle class still enjoys a high level of security, the lower middle contends with a very real risk of downward mobility. The relatively new phenomenon of a contracting — and internally divided — middle class has set off widespread anxiety.
>The number of precarious jobs like temp positions has exploded. Reminds me of the Obama economy. Per his own chief economist at the White House, 95% of all jobs created during his 8 years were temp jobs.
Benjamin Morgan
But do you have “1 euro jobs”? To manipulate our unemployment numbers, our government has put millions into so called 1 euro per hour jobs, subsidizing them with welfare. So employers pay like 150 euros a month and the German state pays 700 euros. Obviously this is an unsustainable system bound to crash.
Ayden Scott
Why don't you post an archive link you dumb faggot.
Noah Carter
Yeah that's pretty damn stupid. We don't have that but we manipulate our numbers in other ways. For instance, dropping people from the official unemployment numbers after 6 months because "they must not be looking." It's obviously done to make unemployment look lower than it actually is. How do you think Germany will fare in the next election? Seems like AfD is always gaining ground slowly but surely. Greens shot up out of nowhere according to polling.
We have 6 million “hidden unemployed” on welfare. That’s like 25 million in the US. It is more than 10% of our potential workforce.
Samuel James
Honestly you should being trying to crash it harder and sooner. Germany has a Judaic disease and cannot be cured of it while the current government is still functioning.
Tyler Clark
>I assumed nobody wants to touch the NYT. I think you assumed correctly. Put in in a screenshot or a pastebin or something. I'm actually interested in American/Anglo takes on German politics. They usually get it wrong.
Jose Murphy
>Fuel taxes have always been high Nope - they were not at US levels, but they were moderate. I remember as a kid that when visiting Germany my father filled up his tank before going home. Today it's the other way round, people fill up in Austria before crossing the border. And our taxes did not decrease, that much I can assure you.
Brody Ward
Damn, all of that hits so close to home, it's like Finland is a mini-Germany. In addition to all of those problems there's the huge cost of housing (especially compared to salary) and massive gibs to boomers and niggers. Everything is fucked and it would take extreme measures to fix things
Josiah Rivera
>I remember as a kid that when visiting Germany my father filled up his tank before going home. No fucking way! We always drove to Austria to fill up our tank. Are you an oldfag?
Let's clean up our countries together Finbro.
Jason Wright
>oldfag yes
it was before German unification and the taxes that came with it
Mason Edwards
None of this is new to us Americans. Over here, nearly every working class job is offered as a "temp" position, and you have to work your way up to earning "part time" and then earning "full time," after a few years. Earning more job security the longer you stay.
Jeremiah Ross
>Let's clean up our countries together Finbro This time without Italy
Carter Sullivan
>The only reason Germany doesn’t have yellow vest protests is because our fuel taxes have always been high.
It sounds like you need more refugees. I'm sure that will fix everything.
Ayden Lee
Third try is the charm.
Ryan Collins
i am activly denying the roflcaust to make myself unemployable.
Eli Butler
I thought you were based and pasta pilled now?
Gabriel Gomez
Most people know it's not going to work out but they're too lazy and complacent to do anything about it. Most of them think they can just sit it out and everything will be fixed by someone somehow.
Alexander Peterson
I'm pretty sure most of the world wouldn't even mind the ebil Nazis coming back right now.
Oliver Morris
Chimping out is for niggers
Connor Torres
This is happening in Britain too, wages and opportunities have stagnated while top brass and share holders take the larger slice. Plus there is a growing tend of needing to pay 'subscriptions' rather than one off prices for needless things people ''need'' (netflix, spotify, sky TV et al) all the while prices on everything have risen including taxes. Minimum wage was a mistake.
Noah Moore
Australia has been like this for almost a decade now. This place is beyond fucked and the people do nothing, worse than nothing they will vote in the left wing socialist party next year
Parker Watson
this sounds like the beginnings of what happened to the american economy. my advise to you is to drive out the immigrants and to maintain your current population levels, so as to decrease competition in the labor pool. job security will improve and wages will then rise.
in america, we had an additional problem where the jews bought up all of our industries and then moved them to 3rd world and developing nations, not sure if this situation is relevant to germany. if it is, i dont know what the solution is anyway. get rid of the jews?
Evan Morales
it's almost like keeping your population down, replacing them and calling htem names is a recipee for disaster.
Adam Thomas
>in america, we had an additional problem where the jews bought up all of our industries and then moved them to 3rd world and developing nations, not sure if this situation is relevant to germany. if it is, i dont know what the solution is anyway. get rid of the jews?
'the jew' is not the issue communism/socialism/lefttards are the issue.
David Sullivan
Your country isn't broken it's fucking dead Unlike the americunts and leafs who are currently in the process of being jewed, you already got jewed to the death since the end of WWII
Lucas Sanchez
wtf I love fake news now
Christopher Wright
if you say so, but i don't see why these things are distinct in your mind.
Robert Rivera
So the Juden then.
Liam Hughes
It is almost like this is all part of the plan. The West is fucked and it will take this whole century to unfuck it. Meanwhile China Empire
Adrian White
last few years ive noticed theft and corruption becoming more, having to pay kickbacks or bribes or stolen goods floating around for sale. also more random lawlessness, illegal dumping, vandalism of state and private property. sad
Owen Wood
>the jew' is not the issue >communism/socialist >implying they're not the same thing
Parker Kelly
The worst thing is that the impoverishment is deliberate. In Britain, the fruits of the economy are not shared because this is a rancid class-ridden clusterfuck of a country that never got rid of its bourgeoisie.
In Germany its actually a policy to the point nearly all trading partners have sabre-rattled at the German government for refusing to increase consumption.
Joseph Gutierrez
If Germany is in a bad shape now, imagine it without the €uro superboosting your exports.
Delocalization has nothing to do with socialism and is a staple capitalistic thing. The face-off is between globalism and nationalism.
They aren't though. Jew don't have a natural ideology, they use whatever lets them make the most money.
Nolan Hall
The world is becoming politically unstable. I'm convinced that France is just the beginning and that there are a LOT of people unhappy with how things are going all over the west, even if they don't realize it. Everyone knows the system is cracked, but nobody knows when it will burst.
Leo Cruz
Aren't you more worried about how Muslims and blacks will outbreed and outnumber whites in the next century or so?
Joshua Clark
>Jew don't have a natural ideology yes, but that isn't an argument against the idea that they are currently leveraging the aforementioned ideologies.
Jayden Bell
We used to go to Germany to fill up. Was always 15-25 cents cheaper. Not anymore though..
Luke Cook
Ah of course they are using it now. Once it'll stop being profitable they will just jump on a new horse though.
Levi Hughes
of course. they play the left and right off each other at the same time, in fact.
"Germany is broken" says you. "The jobs aren't coming back" says Obama.
Screencap this shit. The purpose of the last two decades was to try and shatter germany. Watch as its fucking undone you defeatist piece of shit. Look to Italy, France, Spain. There is a tide that cannot be stopped.
>The purpose of the last two decades was to try and shatter germany >last two decades I don't think you've been paying attention to much before that.
Connor Gomez
You boiled the frog, macron didn’t
Henry Davis
True but Germany is build in a way it puts lots of obstacles in the wave's path. To the point I think a peaceful solution will be impossible.
Easton Perez
stop with your blackpill bullshit.
Austin Jones
its time to fucking bin those fucking leftists once and for all, holy shit
Christopher Sanchez
This is what happens to all civilisations that import millions of niggers or equivalent. Total collapse.
Jack Turner
>Germany doesn’t have yellow vest protests is because our fuel taxes have always been high. Bullshit, its just because Germans (especially west Germans) are to busy with themselves to care about society. They have their job that's doing alright and their hobbies which keep them busy. And as long as they can watch bundesliga, celebrate Karneval and go on vacation to Mallorca once a year everything is good. Why would i take any risks? I dont it to get worse. Sure some things have become slightly more inconvenient but I am still doing alright. Its still good right?? That's the mindset of the average German. Germany is like a person jumping from a skyscraper repeatedly telling himself "so far so good, so far so good, so far so good" on the way down, not realizing it is the moment when he lands that matters.
Wages are at an all-time high in Germany, even though we have been importing non-white people for at least 5 years now.
In fact, Germany is at an all-time high. There are tons of jobs, wages are increasing each year, we are exporting more than ever and thus our country is getting richer and more successful by the day, even with an increasing amount of EDUCATED non-white people.
I am obviously not talking about refugees who cannot speak German, although they have the potential to become productive members of society who contribute and wörk like all other Germans.
I am just asking: if I had to compare a normal wörking white and a normal wörking non-white person, why should I, according to this board, prefer the white person?
Ryan Peterson
>america >brasil >italy >hungary >france
Logan Brown
>The only reason Germany doesn’t have yellow vest protests is because our fuel taxes have always been high.
That's what you want to believe but in reality germans have always been state obeying cuckolds.
Google "German revolt" "German resistance" "Volkssturm"
Elijah Gonzalez
if you want more moulouds ask france
Tyler Walker
What does a factory worker earn? One that is not employed by Porsche...
Lucas Wilson
Doesn't matter, there are tons of jobs people can do. Yes, toilet cleaning is not a prestigious job but it's a job. If you don't want to work you starve, simple as that. there are no poor people, only lazy people.
If you can not manage to get a decent income in Germany, you are unfit for ANY society, not even kidding.
Germany is a fucking paradise on Earth compared to Muttmerica or other shitholes.
Ryder Morales
Lel. Average factory worker here earns anywhere from €1500 to €1900, depending on how jewed the place is. Also Kautex is een kanker fabriek. Niet gaan werken daar. Allemaal gefrustreerd kut volk.
Blake Nguyen
Typical leftist shitnigger article. >It's all about socio-economic this-and-that
Noone wants these repugnant subhumans in their country and that's for a reason. Whatever he thinks is the reason for the political development can be based on the observations you want to draw attention to. Sociology isn't a real science, it's a political editorial that's dressed in statistical language.
Adrian Cox
You guys almost ruled the world once, very recently. Now look at you.
Nathan Davis
> Sociology isn't a real science, it's a political editorial that's dressed in statistical language. this is also true of economics and psychology
Caleb Carter
Technically wouldn’t the current order in Germany be the fringe political movement compared to Germany’s total history? These people are high off sniffing their own smug farts
Adrian Cruz
>why should I, according to this board, prefer the white person? Because he is genetically more similar to you and it is well known that close kinship makes for the best societies. In numbers it's something like this: If we all (in Germany) were as genetically similar as 4th removed cousins then we'd have a sweet spot. Humans are to a very large degree predetermined by their genes. This goes from obvious physical abilities to cognitive abilities down to character traits and political attitudes. A Mischvolk is destined to be less harmonious, more easily divided, has less cohesion and generally makes for a weaker society.
If you want to consider short-term economical benefits and argue with meritocratic reasons then you're setting society up for a long-term negative development. Societies are more than an economic cohabitation.
Aaron James
>Invent in your vehement hatred of European the ultimate Jewish trick a socialist state >vote socialism >start your European genocide schemes >Withvhelp of uncle SchoenBERG from Israhell and and aunt RothBERG from USA >finally your machine of nation genocide actually starts to genocide you >WTF?!? I DINDU DO SCHEISS! I AM GUTTEN JUNGEEEEEN DIZ VAZ NOT ZE PLAN!!! >Suck every cock for forgiveness >Repeat ad nauseam >inb4 angry JIDF and stormniggers
Angel Cook
>so-called refugee crises >so-called w-what? What the fuck are they trying to say?
Nor France nor Germany have a controlled opposition party like M5S that we have here in Italy, which took into itself all the "moderate" votes from the unsatisfied from both left and cuckservative right after Berlusconi's fall.
Ayden King
and now is crashing and burning. kek.
Isaiah Long
It's not a crisis if it's planned.
Daniel Flores
this, but also normies still can't (or don't want to) see where the problem lies, that would mean becoming openly antisemitic and warming up the oven for the real olocaust this time
>The only reason Germany doesn’t have yellow vest protests is because our fuel taxes have always been high.
Germans to a large extent are just sheep. They will obey what the state says and believe what the state tells them to believe. Germans are unable to live in a system where they dont have a strong leader. Whether its the Kaiser, the Führer or some "chancellor" that is always from the same party and rules for 20 years doesnt matter. As long as the leader is there they are happy to eat dirt and slave away for him.
That works as long as the leader actually cares for the people, but the only German nations where they actually seem to do are Austria and Bavaria. Both still led by land owners, farmers and even the old aristocracy.
Daniel Turner
not right now, at least
Jayden Garcia
>Austria and Bavaria. Both still led by land owners, farmers and even the old aristocracy.
still both are now shitholes too, it seems any BS commie states like Hesse do eagerly is adapted by them some months later.
Lincoln Thompson
they're in freefall in the polls, they're eating themsevles apart and this new echobonus is going to be the final nail in the coffin. If I were Salvini i would take this and the Global Compact, end the government and vote in May again. Salvini would have 40% alone.
Luke Richardson
I would too but there is always the danger that no new elections would be held until the end of legislatura (5 years from now) and a "governo tecnico" put there like they did with Monti in the meantime. So I'd rather have this government lasting as long as it can.
I thought the reason germans didn't have yellow vest protests was because they were too busy licking the assholes of pakistanis raping their daughters?
Tyler Reed
sounds like you need to bust out the yellow vest hans
Matthew Turner
>Jew don't have a natural ideology yes they do, they have the revolutionary spirit which leads them to inventing things like communism/marxism/leftism
Nicholas Ortiz
I thought you europeans lived in homeostasis. No risks no rewards, just life. It’s always made me kind of envious. Does it seems like trouble’s on the horizon?
Very dangerous bet. Lega getting 40% alone is not a given, M5S are better allies than FI against the EU.
>governo tecnico Yellow vests are obligatory here too.
Asher Foster
we are not like french people, we do not like to be violent cunts and rather suffer, we snap only in rare circumstances.
Jeremiah White
but AFD is exactly that. it's obvious controlled opposition
Aiden Williams
German yellow vest when?
Isaac Lee
Austrian Economics isn't but yeah.
Josiah Watson
The general german population is unironically autistic
They will work 12 hours a day, give away 60% of their earnings as taxes, watch their infrastructure erode and their wives and daughters get raped and do nothing because the TV said it's necessary to keep the system going
If the same government man in the TV says that we need to exterminate the jews, the same german guy will work 12 hours gassing them, because it's necessary to keep the system going
Basically if you're an honest person who want to do honest work then you're screwed. Right now in the US the best jobs are all government jobs, which produce nothing. It's actually just welfare 2.0 and provides most of the seed money for our entire economy.
Cooper Price
Yeah but we have a limit too.
Gabriel Howard
>Jew don't have a natural ideology, they use whatever lets them make the most money. Their ideology is the destruction of the moral order. This is a result of their killing of the Logos. They are an anti-religion. The synagogue of satan
Kevin Sullivan
e michael jones, is that you?
Jacob Jenkins
>shrinking middle class The middle class your are talking about were not middle class.Just commoners with mortgages from banks.
Connor Martin
>German society is actually in a devastating state with a massively shrinking middle class Welcome to the club, this is a phenomenom in all 1st world countries, even here. Globalisation and automatisation taking away jobs and therefore the future and security of many people. Eventually if no solution like UBI is brought to the table, desperation will lead to violence, mostly against the rich.
Owen Kelly
>First women elected as chancellor >Ruins country and population Women literally ruin everything men have built.