So what kind of man let’s there daughter go backpacking alone in Asia? Is having a daughter the ultimate cuck?
Millionaire Man pleads for his Missing Daughter
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Why not just hire private security to shadow her if you're a millionaire?
She be dead nigger.
And why is being millionaire important for the narrative? So if he was a poor guy and lost his daughter wouldn't it be that important at all? Only because he is a rich his daughter is important?
Fuck this dude serves him right.
It wasn't like she went to Pakistan or Jamaica, New Zealand is supposed to be a safe country, the Maoris are pretty civilized as abbos goes, and the biggest group of foreigners there are fellow Ching Chongs.
The missing outside of a hotel thing makes me think of that girl that was fed to crocodiles near some beach hotel though, yikes!
I think there are predator who lurk around places like hotels and hostels, waiting for someone alone.
>And why is being millionaire important for the narrative?
She was a sheltered little lamb, and I guess it's a reminder this kind of thing COULD happen to anyone, rich or poor.
shes probably begging the guy to ram it deep in her arsehole while screaming daddy
that's a fancy way of spelling whore
Toll status: Pending
Chances that this mystery "man" is a brown person?
Depends on what we mean by millionaire, if we mean net worth of one million dollars he can't afford it.
Even in safe countries there are predators that will go after a young woman who is alone, a foreigner on vacation is icing on the cake since it will be a long time before anyone notices she's gone and the locals don't know her.
He's Jewish unlike you goyi-heartless people.
Nz not Asian (for the time being, at least)
She ded for sure
We got plenty of creeps
And I'm supposed to care more for his poopsie because hes rich and got one of his snooty daily mail friends to write a sob story? Fuck offfff
>Fuck this dude serves him right.
For what? Having money?
How much of a buttblasted loser can you be
She looks pretty normal, pic is the raciest one DM manage to find on her, and she still doesn't look like a thot.
I really hope she's found safe, but at this point she's probably already. Best case scenario she's died quickly from an accident.
What's the Auckland area where's she had disappeared like? The crime? Any body of water she could have fallen into or woods she could have gotten lost in?
Funny how close New Zealand is to The Land of Spiders (Australia) but I don't hear of any deadly animals or hostile habitat (e.g. the Australian Outback, which killed a man whose motorbike got stuck and a young family whose car broke down last month during their heat wave).
>And why is being millionaire important for the narrative?
I think the media is actually trying to drum up drama, but most commentators at DM so far felt bad for the man, didn't matter if he was the 1%.
>Why not just hire private security to shadow her if you're a millionaire?
Maybe it's the first time he didn't? She's 22.
That said, the world is simply not safe for women, or even men sometimes, to travel alone.
I think we know how this story ends
>t. retarded
He's spreading the news that he's a millionaire because subhumans' main drives are sex, money, and comfort, no matter how ephimeral a spike might be. So if X kidnapped his daughter and some Y knows about it, the latter has a very good motivation to snitch know that they know a decent amount of money can be gained. Third worlders are in general simplistic critters.
Where is she. I'll get her.
But yeah, letting your daughter go alone in Asia--fucking idiot.
Fingers crossed shes been raped and killed. Please... the rich need to feel pain.
Well, it’s like the kind of guy who lets his woman go to Europe with her friend.
Go back to eating shit
>she still doesn't look like a thot
>caked in layers of make-up
>slut clothes
>not a thot
also they're not gonna post the "racy pictures" of a missing whore, retard
She disappeared in the cbd of Auckland which is the most likely place for assault to occur in nz.
>the king of thieves strikes again
Fuck him for letting his daughter go backpacking (cock surfing) in foreign lands, with all the obvious direct and indirect dangers. And fuck him for allowing his culture to be so degraded to the point where this type of behavior from women is somehow seen as "progressive".
Relax, shes just cooking the man some fuckin' eggs.
Oh sweet thanks for the tip man. Any special reason for the place to be grest for assaulting or just a very pro-assault culture in general?
I despise fathers who allow their daughters to be whores
cucked retard who believed in the "women have their own free will, stop telling them what to do" meme, even though we do tell boys what they should fucking do
feminism is a mistake
It's not too dangerous. She just got unlucky.
100% thot
New Zealand and Australia are in Oceania right? Not Asia.
It New Zealand Nigel, literally one of the safest and least populated place in the world, not Taliban controlled Afganistan.
the world isnt safe for anyone, but women are retards who think they can do whatever they want because YAAAASSSS QUEEN
I despise the men that sold their civilization away to kikes. Raising a daughter in this world, as it currently stands, is almost impossible.
>Staying in a hostel on Queens street
There's a tonne of homeless people there these days, probably got raped/murdered after getting lippy with one. British backpackers run their mouths like no other.
No fuck you. I don't care about him being rich but when the fucking article starts with the word "a millionaire" it is kinda already trying to make it the important aspect.
Why mention it? How is it relevant? And why mention it as fucking first word?
>He's spreading the news that he's a millionaire because subhumans' main drives are sex, money, and comfort, no matter how ephimeral a spike might be. So if X kidnapped his daughter and some Y knows about it, the latter has a very good motivation to snitch know that they know a decent amount of money can be gained. Third worlders are in general simplistic critters.
Ah, that makes sense, like when Jaime told their captors that Brienne was the only child of a rich guy in Game of Thrones.
...that said, being rich didn't save Pai Hsiao-yen , the only child of Pai Bing-Bing in the 90s, that crime is still remember today not only because of the celebrity involved and the manhunt afterwards, but the sheer brutality of what was done to the 14 year old girl - they started the ransom by mailing the mother the girl's pinkie finger and her topless photo, they raped her and beat her so badly her organs burst even though she was tied up -- frankly I think the police should have gone on an aggressive hunt to begin with, there was no way they were going to let her go after starting on her like that.
Pic, the current missing girl with her brothers: the poor lass must have been SUPER sheltered.
I think while children should be physically sheltered they should be exposed earlier on to the news of what a dangerous world we live in.
She's not sheltered like us. She's adventurous. It's risky but fun.
ill dump body tomorrow kinda forgot
>The missing outside of a hotel thing makes me think of that girl that was fed to crocodiles near some beach hotel though, yikes!
>Funny how close New Zealand is to The Land of Spiders (Australia) but I don't hear of any deadly animals or hostile habitat
The wildlife is actually worse here than Australia, the only reason you don't hear about it is because nobody makes it out alive. So yea, if anyone is reading this, don't come here. This place makes Catachan look like a day spa.
go get raped by a chinese or some shit
You're only a cuck when you don't do anything sexual with your daughter and you let her find someone else to do it with.
Because it could be a ransom situation you fucking dolt.
Yes very assualty. Very dangerous. Did I mention we are full? Don't come here. (Please come if you are white bring your sisters).
>She disappeared in the cbd of Auckland which is the most likely place for assault to occur in nz.
WTF was she doing there then?
I feel like I have to start creeping on the college town where my cousin is studying now, even though it's overall safe.
We need death penalty, short drop public hanging.
>like when Jaime told their captors that Brienne was the only child of a rich guy in Game of Thrones
>...that said, being rich didn't save
A higher chance is a higher chance. He loses nothing by advertising he's rich.
Trust fund thot. And nothing of value was lost.
Im an only child friend :) i will be coming though. How does somebody get away with BTFOing some british hoors anus as a foreigner in your land? I have no interest in finding out what the new zealand prison is like.
she's already dead.
>that face
Jesus Christ, british genes are absolutely savage. Poor girl.
It's where most of the nightlife is (oddly enough) stupid to walk around there alone unless you are a local.
because Daily Mail is a clickbait rag and their readers (majority american) love to read about bad things happening to successful people
>Fuck him for letting his daughter go backpacking (cock surfing) in foreign lands
If she wanted diverse dick all she needed to do was stay home, she lives in Britain!
The world is full of beautiful places I want to see, things I want to do that is unique to those places, I just don't go because I don't have the means to go -- AND because I'm well aware of the danger and judge it as not worth it -- but she was sheltered.
My brother has been to SOUTH AFRICA, with white female friends that he has pointed out act in stupid ways, I was so worried about him when he was there every single day and I wasn't the only family member to have kittens -- but he went anyways, and he did have a great time, took so many landscape photos.
A woman could want to travel for the same reason a man like my brother does, nothing to do with sex.
Some day you might have a daughter, or a wife, or a female friend, don't dismiss backpacking as a sex tour, just know it's dangerous.
Lol are these homeless people youre talking about native white new zealanders? Goddamn fucking australasians. i want to be a rootless savage outlaw like my forefathers and youre all blessed with the opportunity to do so. Instead you mine iron ore or whatever the fuck
Don't come if are going to behave nig tier. As an American as long as you act with confidence and not like an auotismo (like many of your brethren) you should have a good time.
>Letting your daughter go traveling around the world by herself
The gender pay gap is the least of her worries now.
t. k*rd
Trust me, she was sex-surfing dude. Instead of staying at hostels, she was saving some money by fucking her way around the country. Don't ever let your daughter do something like this alone .
I plan to act like a fucking animal until i get deported, only because thats the way i hear you aussies are. Im not going to be out rugged. Are new zealanders daintier than their continental counterparts? I just want to smoke a bag of crystal and have a good time fella.
you sound pretty cucked, although you are a leaf
>I have to start creeping on the college town where my cousin is studying now, even though it's overall safe
how about your cousin (if its a female) not be a whore and try sleeping around and going clubbing?
>A woman could want to travel for the same reason
>Some day you might have a daughter, or a wife, or a female friend, don't dismiss backpacking as a sex tour, just know it's dangerous
any single female who wants to go "backpacking" is going for dick, not necessarily the local dick but some male fellow backpackers
In regard to "female friends", I'd prefer not to associate with whores and I definitely would not allow my daughter or my wife to go on some whore "backpacking" trip
kek based anti-kara boga poster
>bitch kidnaps herself
I wonder when the ransom letter will show up.
What's a safe area in New Zealand? I have a young female cousin who is doing the work-travel thing, she's already done Hong Kong, South Korea, and Japan -- all safe NorthEast Asian countries. I think New Zealand is next...I actually have a cousin that lives there and is a vet -- but that's from a different side of the family I actually haven't heard from in a while...
I'm interested in work-travel myself, but I haven't went even back when the world was safer, not because I'm a woman, but because it turns out I have OCD and major germaphobia. I think I'm going to have to wait till I have enough money and time to be extra fussy about where I'm staying at, like an apartment that I can decontaminate on landing.
>any single female who wants to go "backpacking" is going for dick,
I want to travel and I'm not interested in strange dick I'm waiting for marriage.
I'm in Toronto right now, I could get rape and murder at a 24hr laundry, I could get shot while doing grocery. There are probably foreign places I could visit that's much safer...
Certainly there'll be places with more beauty and history. We have Casa Loma here, but I want to see a REAL castle, one that had stood up to a siege.
I would love to see that weird island in Yemen with these weird trees. I'll never go there though without a small army, on account of Yemen being rapey. But I want to travel - for reasons that are not related to dicks.
>I plan to act like a fucking animal until i get deported,
best bring some mates because you're gonna get in a fight fast.
Nobody carries guns here so fist fights are a lot more common than in the USA/Europe.
>random hook ups
Nothing of value was lost
Also the guy is a shit father and should blame himself.
That's a New Zealand flag. And it sounds like you want to visit Hamilton, the jewel in the crown of our great land.
I miss when these guys were funny. Buja fucking sucks.
Wanganui sounds like the destination for you
Have you been to Europe? Gang battles in the street are fairly common. Moreso than here in the north east even, and we have the most fights of anywhere else in America.
Dont worry ill be an amicable animal. Just trying to get a sense of the culture there. From the talk in this thread it seems like that area is the pacific coast highway in the 70s aka girls and hitchhikers getting dropped like flies. Wheres the psychedellic capital of NZ?
are you larping as a female CRINGE
also you know yemen is a warzone right and that island is highly militirized after it almost became a flashpoint between UAE and saudi arabia?
(also tits or gtfo)
Damn thought they made wanganui up for reno 911 lol
>Let's there
Learn to English bong.
Just remember Jayme Closs, they still haven't found anything, no clue if she's dead or alive:
The body of 13 year old hispanic girl, Hania Aguilar, who was snatched outside her home on Nov 5th, was found decomposing three weeks later, nearby, still no arrest:
The body of visiting Chinese scholar Yingying Zhang has still not been found, but judging by the amount of blood she's presumed to have been killed by Brendt Christensen, whose car she got into and who lied about it.
Right now in Britain, there is a "missing girl with no name", a nine year old girl who got into a cab (PAKI!) 10 months ago:
- the whole article is very strange.
It means he the father should have done better for a man of his means
Poor man's daughters don't matter.
It’s extremely likely.
For a young woman the critical period is just 7 hours. The chances of her being found alive decrease enormously if she isn’t found in that time.
>also you know yemen is a warzone right and that island is highly militirized after it almost became a flashpoint between UAE and saudi arabia?
Hn, I didn't know that, but I didn't have to, I know it's in the Middle East / Africa and thus, RAPE, that's why I wouldn't go even though I WANT to, for the trees.
The 'lost world' of Socotra, a remote island with plants up to 20 MILLION years old
I think if the world as we know it ends, like zombie apocalypse, and I would die anyways, I would try to make my way there to see it myself, so beautiful.
>new zealand
It's ok m8, common mistake.
>give me back my daughter
>give me the money!
Just joking. She ded.
Because it’s a hoax, see how he touches his chin, that’s a mason sign that it’s bullshit
Just get some local friends and youl be sweet anywhere.
Google Eva Zu Beck (polish thot who vlogs her trip to Pakistan)
>New Zealand
I hope I find her horny and redpilled she'll be getting cracked out a storm guaranteed if nothing to out of the ordinary went down. Keep in mind there are a fkloads of dodgy Muslims, Arabs, Indians here now that you heae the regular fuckin aggressive controlling psychopathic adult retarded baby bulsht we are seeing all over the world. And alot of drugs and wasted people so yea woman are dumb as sht as per usual
Yea this is basically fkn asia
>Eva Zu Beck
I just did, she's still alive, for now... It's like watching an oncoming trainwreck.
Can someone translate to English for me please?
Absolutely savage, Ian. Have a pint of Guinness on me.
>But I want to travel - for reasons that are not related to dicks.
ANYONE can be on Jow Forums, including female persons, including YOUR MOM!
How do you know I'm not your mom posting with a spoofed IP?
Millionaires are not in the 1%.
She can stay at my house if she does ass to mouth and frosty jims. Nowhere safer can even keep her locked up for you till the flight back no worries. I do the good works for the communities .
You're certainly retarded enough to be my mom, Steve.
Lol, she's some Saudi oil baron's sex slave now, if she wasn't sacrificed and cannibalized by a bunch of satanist bankers.
No wonder she went to New Zealand. Her brothers are Frodo and Bilbo.