
Are they really that bad or is it just a meme?

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That bad. Liberal echo chamber, sadistic mods, pointless fence-sitting debates, shitty memes, a voting system that encourages maximum laziness when posting, shitty site design, everybody there talks like a queer, I could go on...

I am convinced it is one big psyop.
Convince the masses to always watch what they say (for fear of disapproval), to always go with the status quo, to always virtue signal, t believe everything they read from 'approved' sources only.
Its nightmarish when you wander through a thread on reddit

>Are they really that bad or is it just a meme?
>Liberal echo chamber
every part of it is an echo chamber

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That bad
The Redditisation of the world is what I'll fight, and if the alternative is Jow Forums then so be it
I'd rather a raucous landscape of constant shitposting where people are free to be who they are that the sterile, petty, moralistic, preening, oppressive climate on Reddit

It's fucking horrible user, horrible.

I can't even bring myself to shit post there and I am actually pretty left in real left, just not this insane demonic leftist shit of late kek

And i do hate niggers 1488 hail hitler the white man marches on

They're even worse.

Completely agree.

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They are that bad.
The voting system encourages brigading and inaccurate info that feels good being at the top over real facts.

They withhold certain news articles when posted. You can get banned from main subs for stating you're a republican. They're that bad.

It is a perfect digital representation of what is happening to the west.

>The voting system encourages brigading and inaccurate info that feels good being at the top over real facts.
Aka propaganda
Reddit would be the perfect website if I was already in control of the system and wanted to protect myself

Jow Forums is filled with semi-literate 16 year olds who can neither write a logical proof nor recognize the fallacies and philosophers on the top of their board. They believe anything you put in an infographic with minimal research of their own and believe conspiracy theories that easily fall to Occam's razor(I'm talking about the (((Jews))) obviously). I'm pretty sure they would suck cock if you put it in an infographic.
If you look at site statistics you will realize that Jow Forums is literally all newfags trying hard to be neckbeards. Weird, why would anyone aspire to be a loser from Jow Forums? The site's population has tripled since gamergate in 2014 and Jow Forums has risen with the influx of all the newfags. The rampant unironic racism should key you in on how Jow Forums is long dead and something else is wearing its skin. The existence of this place is testament to the lack of quality education and critical thinking nowadays and our inability to take the internet seriously.

You've heard us complain about the cancer killing Jow Forums for years. Well, now we've reached stage 4 and that tumor's name is Jow Forums

You think you are redpilled(cringe) when you likely have no real understanding of world history, critical thinking, or philosophy. Your entire worldview is Jow Forums posts, infographics, and memes. You probably spend too much time on the internet and confuse trying to "btfo" an opponent with how an actual respectful argument should work in real life where you try and help the other person and your mother won't feel the need to smack your ass. These younger kids growing up on the internet are confusing banter for how arguments actually work or are never learning how to handle themselves in a discussion in the first place.

Even the right wing subs are fairly retarded, the rest of the website is filled with literal subhumans, if you asked me to push a button that kills them all, I wouldn't hesitate for a second.

kill yourself nigger

No one here is saying Jow Forums is good, retard.

Hi are you from reddit?

Now we just need this to have 40 or so unfunny puns under it and it is a true representation of a reddit post.

Atleast that site doesnt have a bunch of wanabee white larpers like Jow Forums

Then why are you here faggot??

go back to your loo.

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>Reddit is filled with semi-literate 16 year olds who can neither write a logical proof nor recognize the vote manipulation on the top of their Jow Forumsall. They believe anything you put in a two-line meme with minimal research of their own and believe globalist "truths" that easily fall to Occam's razor(I'm talking about the "Ebil White Man" obviously). I'm pretty sure they would suck cock if you put it in a Jow Forumspolitics meme.
>If you look at site statistics you will realize that reddit is literally all undergraduate students trying hard to be CNN analysts. Weird, why would anyone aspire to be a loser from reddit? The site's population has tripled since Swartz's death in 2014 and reddit has risen with the influx of all the leftist university undergraduates. The rampant unironic marxism should key you in on how reddit is long dead and something else is wearing its skin. The existence of this place is testament to the lack of quality education and critical thinking nowadays and our inability to take the internet seriously.

Instead, it has a bunch of liberal, leftist commies circlejerking to each other's virtu signaling.

Are you Italian? Same pasta every night

They're worse than you think. Check out this link. It will make you rage.

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There's a list of shit you can post based on subs. If you disagree you will get downvoted and banned. Sometimes by literal bots for grammar errors, not kidding.
Funny thing even if you post what the community expects from you, you'd still mostly get passive-aggressive snarky haughty nitpicking highbrow remarks. If I disable adblock in the browser and my cache is clean I get ads for suicide hotlines and part-time online work. Most be amazing to be a redditor.
Most people there these days just make 15-20 accounts, post leftist clickbait to get over 8000 karma points on each of the accounts then they troll like here. Also there are repeating themes like whenever you go on sub that's dedicated to a country there are at least 2 people per week asking how they could move there and become a citizen because it's superamazing.
Generally the info is clickbait and armchair philosophy. Never believe anything you read online, includes this shithole too not just plebbit.
The median age of Reddit used to be 21, meaning most people as in 80% were under 25yo. Now it's like 19 and it's full with cringelord highschool kids just like Jow Forums. If anyone's over 30 there the person is pretty likely to be completely mentally ill, like clinically and medicated too.
You will find a lot of shitty blog level pseudo-journalists who crosspost on Jow Forums and creppit.

He's probably Italian, Puerto Rican, Mexican, Native American, Irish with a convenient yet statistically insignificant touch of Nicaraguan for his daily shill threads.

Ignore the homosexual.

Also, one thing to truly gauge sites like reddit (and especially imgur for this one) is wander through their main page like r/all or top and see how many targeted adverts appear as posts from normal users.
The fact that the majority of the people can't tell they are adverts is astonishing and shows just how dumb their user base are.
Key culprits are Coca-Cola, Heinz, major fast food companies and some beer companies.

Wrong I am a highly educated boomer.

It's fucking atrocious. Go on r/socialism and say that you are Venezuelan.

I went there once on r/politics during Kavenaugh hearing and their posts literally made me sick in the stomach. Not ONE poster was defending Kav and then my younger brother who browses reddit dares to tell me Jow Forums is a "circle jerk" board. With one post there I got -100 karma or something and I am not going back ever again.

Pretty important point. Assuming Reddit's userbase roughly matches US IQ T-scores, 15% of their userbase is intelligent enough to steer discussion in any logically sound manner, yet 100% of their userbase is capable of clicking the arrow to the left of each post.

Not to mention Alexis Ohanian regularly manipulates COPE nigger memes and racemixing posts to 20k+ upvotes, a system which has no direct correlation to the amount of users who actually press the upvote button to the left of their post.
If you think ANY of their Jow Forumsall posts aren't curated at the executive level at least hourly, you're possibly a shabbasgoyim.

On the other hand, if you had to design a "website for losers" which would attract all the people who were the biggest pariahs in the eyes of society, you'd end up with Jow Forums:

1. Chronic-masturbater omega males mixed with incels constantly bitching about women
2. Neo-Nazi, holocaust-denying white supremacists hating on Jews and non-Whites
3. Video game nerds
4. Know it all pseudo-intellectuals

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>literally a petri-dish mutt state
Opinion thrown to the niggers.

>my younger brother who browses reddit dares to tell me Jow Forums is a "circle jerk" board

In my day we used to shave his head and his balls, then superglue his pubes to his head.

Sort your shit out Slovakbro.

ESL teachers are first against the walk, faggot.

Quick reminder that "Kekistanis" come from r/the_donald and are perfect example of dumb reddit posters.

Let's not forget when that head admin owner guy or whatever Spez decided it would be fun to literally change comments that Trump supporters made in a way that would have been impossible for anyone ever to identify. Iirc, we only even found out because he admitted it.

Say whatever you want about the_donald, but the fact that the owner of the site targeted t_d posters and changed their comments is fucking insanity. Nevermind the fact that it could have opened up dozens of legal conflicts.

Reddit is cancer. People will say "oh well if you stick to a small few good subreddits it's a fine site," no fuck that shit, do not ever use Reddit except for when you are googling specific tech information or something similar and the first link is from a Reddit post.

I hope that whole site and everything on it goes down.

t. Alcoholic westerner on a "geographical" to facilitate his substance addiction

Do you post on forumosa?

I go there to see what addle-patted views the left side of normiedom has
Please god may James Fields be found not guilty or have a successful appeal for a retrial, not only to save his life but to ruin things for reddit

>Not ONE poster was defending Kav and then my younger brother who browses reddit dares to tell me Jow Forums is a "circle jerk" board. With one post there I got -100 karma
I made an account for the first time in October so that I could farm up karma before 2020. Deep cover is the way to go. Anyway, when I post I actually try to think of the most normie response possible. The key is to act self-hating and to play dumb. I do mess with people occasionally though (mostly pretend to agree with them while taking their points a step further into rediculousness. As long as you're subtle about it you can even get upvotes from them while you're mocking them because they're not aware enough to realize what's going on).

That just sounds like achieving nothing

The big subreddits are pure cancer and a circle jerk. People do everything for karma and never say what they think. It's like an invisible chain.

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>Doesnt realize racism posting in the new gore posting.


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>“I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: Oh Lord, make my enemies ridiculous. And God granted it."

All you do is post a single photo
Then everyone just strokes your cock if it's politically correct in the comment section
You can't reply with images so there's no creativity
Reading comments is hell because you can comment on comments on comments on... as sub comments
No free speech

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Yeah, that was the clear "obvious" manipulation. They had gotten cocky by that point. CisWhiteMaelstrom, founder and first moderator of T_D actually wanted T_D to serve as a bastion of race realism and white identitarianism. Obviously once this was discovered by Reddit staff, they permabanned Maelstrom and every associated moderator. By the time Spez was directly manipulating people's comments, they were probably joking about having done it many times at the staff kitchen. Spez has always been a cautious cuck, so he squeaked at the slightest possibility of consequence.

By the time Spez that typical fucking hebrew changed the guy's comment, they had basically revamped T_D into a controlled pozjew psyop. They now regularly create threads for the express purpose of eliminating anti-semitic or white identitarian sentiment. (Think BASED nigger posts, literal happy Hanukah, holocaust memorial etc.) That being said, I'm blackpilled at the moment to the extent that I think Trump would be absolutely fine with that.

Long story short, none of them deserve the rope as that would be too quick.

Times are pretty dark brother. With that said, they're acting this draconianly, they're deploying all these techniques because they're scared.
Whatever the results of these events are, Brexit, Trump, Lepen coming second in the French election, no escalation in Syria, Charlottesville, the sheer amount of right wing and white consciousness now, the near-total colonisation of every space online not heavily moderated (including news outlet comment sections, which have generally been closed now), the popularity of the Alt Right on YouTube, the yellow jacket riots - they are (as Roosh put it) taking so many "L"s (losses) in such rapid and escalating succession that they're flailing and terrified. What they're doing in these repressive techniques is not so much winning as losing less. Because each bit of repression makes them look like cunts, undermines their legitimacy, annoys more and more people. They're only doing it because the alternative, of allowing people to speak about the ever expanding list of taboos, would be even worse for them.
The result is that these tactics are probably a long term L for them, as a way of avoiding a definite short term L.

And yet you still come here everyday to bitch and moan.

OP this is what they're literally like holy shit this is such great bait thank you mate I rate 14/88

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I wouldn't know

I have never been there

But they are the enemy , right Jow Forums friends?

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You're on a board that since 2016 is comprised of 80-90% redditors. Ask yourself then, are things really that bad or just a meme?

That's not very sporting even the nazis or soviets would just give you a nice bullet to the back of the neck where the head meets the spine. I just wanted to play video games and subs like the Mechwarrior online sub get taken over by literal communists it all gets so tiresome.

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>Ha I bet if we put these pussies on a pedestal they'll appreciate how much we appreciate them right guiz?

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Communities like r/MDEmemes, r/DebateAltRight and r/CringeAnarchy are pretty bearable and even Jow Forums tier. Then there's the Boomer Right-Wing NeoCon/Paleocon subs like r/The_Donald, r/Conservative and r/Libertarian which are cringe as fuck and constantly post shitty NPC and impact font memes. The rest is either humor subs or Center-Right to Far-Left political subs. Pic related is what Reddit humor looks like btw.

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It is that bad. Was there for a year or so before I finally went on a rant on the r:politics page and deleted it. It genuinely pissed me off. It’s a huge echo chamber.

Yes, reddit is just a meme.

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go to any "news" sub or page or whatever and sort by (((controversial)))
quite (((((hmmmmmmmm)))))

its like a left wing version of pol, equally retarded as well

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>thinking Jow Forums isn't a psyop

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Have you considered the possibility that they may be even worse?

There are conservative and libertarian subreddits and the comment section sometimes completely destroys the popular upvoted commie post title.

But generally it's trash.

i remember this
fuggin plebbit

Just open PTG and check for yourself

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OP, this is what reddit looks like -- only gayer (if that's even possible).
Please don't go there or you WILL get AIDS. 100% Guaranteed or your first Reich is free.

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Everything you said except I'd start off by saying its FAR WORSE, words cannot even describe how fucking bad it is. It's reminiscent of Neogaf with how fucking degenerate it is these days.

Checked and keked

>my younger brother who browses reddit dares to tell me Jow Forums is a "circle jerk" board
Well, he's not entirely wrong. People in general tend to gravitate toward like minded individuals. A persons favorite stops online are going to be places where the majority of the particular cohort shares a fair amount of the ideas and ideals as you. The major difference is, Jow Forums truly is one of the last bastions of free speech. Reddit and nearly every other board are heavily moderated. Jow Forums is moderated by laws almost exclusively. If it's not illegal, you can post it. Reddit and the rest of the internet are moderated by opinion. They're notorious for deleting comments and subs that go against their world view. The upvote system drowns out differing opinions and shines light on group think mentality. sums it up extremely well.
>>thinking Jow Forums isn't a psyop
It's not a psyop. It is absolutley a information honeypot though. Governments involvement on Jow Forums hasn't even been a question for a number of years. There's no doubt everything here is being monitored, logged and out in people's files.

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>Jow Forums truly is one of the last bastions of free speech
So true.

Every skeptic has been silenced on every major platform.
It's clear that fucking communism is more prevailant than democracy in the west.

That'll why we'll undo everything, just like how we meme'd Trump into office and he destroyed after years of slaughter ISIS in just merely 4 months.

When the truth comes to light, the real evil ones wish they were never born.

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Pol is just what we have left

Video 1
>gay eceleb shittalker about muh nazis
Video 2
>omg you won't believe me, I went on pol and there's actual nazis there
Video 3
>Ted Talk AKA "we love pedophiles"
Video 4
>gay eceleb shittalker about muh you don't actually know what feminism REALLY is

This is exactly why our world is in the state it is today. You fags are just an incel shitshow desperately looking for self approuval by following the narrative "look I'm not a nAtZi, I'm just an InTeLlEctUaL. You guys are just a bunch of tip-of-the-hat pagans totally disconnected from humanity that don't realize that if people (jews) were capable of slowly pushing degeneracy over the years it was because of stupid niggers like you who didn't want to take radical positions and instead want to take an iNteLectUal ApPrOAcH which basically means basing yourself on history mainly written by jews to slowly accept degenerate things that shouldn't have existed in the first place.

No. There is no good feminism. Women belong in the house. And if you don't understand that, it means you never tried to have a real relationship.

No. There is no good gay. These people can be degenerates all they want in private I don't care, they're going to hell anyways. But, if they show any gay behavior in public, they deserve years in jail.

No. There is no good jews. They all belong to Madagascar.

Pic very related. It's because of ppl like you who have no balls that people suffer.

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They're so incredibly dumb.
It's all logical fallacies and horrendous ignorance. Like they're all 15 and pretend to know everything. But the second anyone with an iota of knowledge shows up, they look fucking retarded.

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Nice try. But I was in that thread when this pasta was born.

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Don't listen to the nazi fags here. Reddit is THE best place online for rational, well-reasoned and well thought out debate and discussion. There is no censorship or bannings unless your nazi scum.

Hope my answer could be considered as a good counter pasta

The echo chamber that’s upset with Facebook thinks Reddit is fine. Reddit is 100 times easier to manipulate. You can simply bury opinion you don’t like and upvote opinion you want to promote with sock puppets.



Reddit is mostly garbage, but it differs from subreddit to subreddit. There are subs that have nothing to do with the broader site-wide culture. And there, you can sometimes find decent discussions on interesting subjects. But anything that even touches the broader reddit culture is shit beyond compare. It'd be worth losing the good stuff just to kill the beast that is the plebbit hivemind.

I've seen this text before, die

Its trash yes man circle jerking shit avoid it all cost

>you can be a Nazi and an intellectual

This. Hating Jews doesn't mean you're dumb.
What it means is that you recognize that a country MUST be able to exclude those who don't fit- Jews.

It's bad because of the upvote downvote system it encourages cancerous behavior

I have commented around 10 times there in different subreddits and each time I have gotten banned from each subreddit.

Completely agree.

R/Jow Forums is not blocked on school computer, kek.

Absolutely absolutely absolutely absolutely absolutely horrible website.

globalist bootlicker

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Anyone who makes fun of reddit is probably a redditor themselves.
I’ve never been on reddit, and I’ve never made fun of Reddit, because I really don’t care. It’s not even worth thinking about.
Reddit has been a meme here since day 1, and it’s all because a vast majority of 4chans users also browse reddit.

>is reddit a bunch of faggots?

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I've been on leddit for 8 years and yes it's gotten progressively worse and worse
Every popular bread is basically fuck blumpf now

>majority of 4chans users also browse reddit.
I fucking doubt it. Happy Hanukah

I partially blame the influx of non-americans and their shitty socialist values