how do you kill your morals and stop caring about what you care about?
How do you kill your morals and stop caring about what you care about?
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Better question, why are you asking this? Because I guarantee the problem that you’re facing isn’t answered by killing your morals nor by suddenly giving up the things you enjoy.
devoted to someone who went off the rails and stopped giving a fuck about me. how kill morals pls?
uhhh not him and your answer seems very obscure, yet I'll try to answer still: sometimes you just have to let things go
mentally kill that person, and treat it as a deceased relative you used to love
don't stop caring about things just because of one person, that seems detrimental
Okay... that’s still not really enough context. But even with what you gave I can tell you the answer isn’t to kill your morals. That’s stupid.
that actually could probably work. i'd just need to convince myself that i was simply "letting things go" when in reality what i'd be doing would be going back on a commitment i made and giving up on what i gave my word i'd not give up on. that's what i don't know how to square with myself. kill morals and stop caring seems like the most obvious solution.
yes i've got the retarded part down pretty well, it's the still giving a shit part that's giving me trouble
>going back on a commitment i made and giving up on what i gave my word i'd not give up on.
That is so ridiculous. You presumably got rejected. You think morality requires you to maintain your commitment to someone who rejected you?
When someone rejects you, they're saying that you're burdening them by continuing to pursue them. Your commitment is a burden to them. When you give "your word" to someone, it doesn't mean you do what you said even after you're explicitly directed not to do that. At that point, it's not a promise, it's a curse.
nope. having gotten rejected would be a blessing at this point.
Well give the fucking context then. It matters. Don't piss around with vague shit because you're just gonna get bullied the fuck out of here.
>5 years
>in love
>get engaged
>couple months away from marrying
>depressive episode
>...except is actually bipolar
>anyway, fucks off
>ghosting me
>months pass
>apparently not being ghosted
>getting silent treatment
>because ???????
>not even 'because reasons'
>because i've committed the gravely injurious sin of ??????? fuck knows what, your guess is as good as mine
>wants me to suffer more though
>hasn't directly spoken to me since november
i'm sick of wanting to die every day and having no hope and no solutions
Sounds like you got dumped by a nutcase. I think it's the same as being rejected.
Honestly, and I'm not saying this to be a prick, you might want to talk to a priest. Those guys actually have an education in morals that runs far deeper than most of us have. Everything you've said tells me you don't owe this person anything, whether mere commitment or a deeper loyalty. It's over, and persisting is just going to make your ex mentally worse.
eat a dick faggot
>and persisting is just going to
>putting this on me
>"lol just stop being ignored"
eat another dick
right. i didn't get dumped though. if i had this'd be a whole other story. as it stands i'd be walking away, and from the person i'm in love with and vowed to spend the rest of my life with. i don't commit lightly. the commitment and deeper loyalty are both already there. can a priest tell me how to kill the part of me that wouldn't be able to live with myself if i gave up and fucked off?
Wow. You're a rude motherfucker. Sounds like you and your ex would've been a good match. Sorry it didn't work out.
>wah I said I'd commit even though we didn't get married
>this means forever! FOR EVER!
>muh morals means that whenever I say something I have to make it be true!
>y-yeah she might've left me, but that doesn't matter! it's my decision to end this! until I say so it's not over!
You're as nutty as your ex user.
what a fucking sexist this guy is
>be rude
>get responded to in kind
>feign surprise
2/10 bullying
appreciate the effort in this one but nah, still nothing
mildly confused but fuck it why not, pls continue. how am i sexist?
>be rude
Asshole, I was trying to help you. You're just so retarded that you perceive anything other than the exact response you came here to receive to be shitposting. You wanna be a cunt, then go someplace else. Maybe to so you can bitch about how your ex is so evil for tricking you into an unbreakable commitment.
>anything other than the exact response you came here to receive
why do people ask questions they want to know the answer to?
>why do people ask questions they want to know the answer to?
... isn't it basic courtesy not to ask a question when you already know the answer?
now how do i kill my fucking morals or my ego or whatever needs to die for me to have some fucking chance at not wishing i was dead 24/7 and moving past this?
Kill yourself?
I answered your dumbass question. Now shut the fuck up and get out.
can't say i'd mind. others would however and they don't deserve to be hurt by my actions. few more decades before that's a viable option.
You're actually retarded dude.
you asked me to post context and then offered your interpretation of it. i'd happily settle for being able to see it with your same mindset but i don't know how to do that. guess why.
no shit
God this guy is insufferable. No wonder he got dumped.
shan't be giving any more (you)s to the shit OP
you suck at bully m8
how to be selfish as fuck? how about that one?
I'm bipolar. We are flakey and flip floppy because our minds attack themselves. Haven't talked since November? She just wants you to leave her alone! What's so hard about that?
You did get dumped btw. It's happened to all of us. You seem very immature and emotionally unstable. Maybe your bipolar fiancee realized that and couldn't (for her sake and sanity) be with someone just as unstable as she
My advice to you mainly is to quit being such a little bitch..this isn't medieval Europe, an engagement is nothing close to permanent and is not a "commitment" you would be breaking. She already broke it off because you're an immature douchebag. That's why everyone on this thread turned on you.
You posted for attention, nothing more and then feigned some kind of humanity that really just came off as more bait for pulling people in to give you attention...Here's your attention: Hey! Hey! Hey!
Was that enough?
Browse Jow Forums
haven't talked directly. your minds don't just attack themselves, they attack your loved ones. i just want to not have had my life ruined. what's so hard about that?
>fall in love with someone
>larp as sane and stable for years
>fuck with them for months
>get their mental health to deteriorate
>"""realize""" they're just as unstable as you are
what's the best way to fuck with a bipolar person? this post has sparked an idea. maybe if i do enough heinous shit i'll hate myself too much to care about anything worthwhile
yep, fuck it, going with the immature douchebag route. might as well.
This is Jow Forums, I think you wanted /edg/
>embark on potential new solution attempt
>fully embrace immature douchebaggery
>seach "how to fuck with bipolar"
>10 things never to say to them type crap mostly
>click link
>realize my filter criteria amounts to "how to kick someone when they're down"
>evaluating info on this basis lasts all of 30 seconds
>conclude that new solution a shit
>finish page, go back, click another
>actual useful looking shit among the search results this time
>click all of them
>spend hours reading about bipolar for the nth time
>come across this goddamn gem early on:
"I know I’m not supposed to say these things publicly because, you know, fighting stigma means presenting people with mental illness as happy, healthy, and smiling. Mental health organizations and advocateswant to ensure that we appear non-threatening, so no one really talksabout how shitty it is to have a mental illness."
>think back to how many FUCKING TIMES i've read how important it is to get educated on it and learn about it
>and how it's paradoxically completely different for each person
>and now learn that accurate portrayals are discouraged to avoid muh stigma
>stigma against honest representation exists by design to avoid stigmatization
>mental health professionals in charge of not creating more mental health problems
>mental health professionals in charge of not promoting suicidal ideation
>comprehensive information not readily available
>"get educated"
gaining a working understanding should have taken a week. not multiple months and counting. there is no difference between Jow Forums and /edg/. my other half prefers to make this worse. user prefers to make this worse. the pros prefer to make this worse. i cannot solve this on my own and there is no help to be found. nor hope. nor end. i want to die.