change my mind
Tibetans are better off under communism
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Tibet was slave society even in the 20th century where monasteries and small aristocracy owned all the land. Common people were just serfs who had to support monasteries with massive taxes and they were not allowed to leave. Torture was common to keep people obedient.
You can say that it's just chinese propaganda but just imagine how big burden thousands of monasteries were on common people because monks didn't do physical labor.
Gotta admit, the Chinese Communists have slight moral superiority over the Dalai Lama and his Oligarch crew
First pic is way better
The second one looks like an urban shithole.
Must've truly been a shithole before if communism was able to improve living conditions.
Chinas trying to eradicate them completely and replace them with an ethnic Han population
Proof that bugmen destroy everything they touch
Tibetans and Han are similar. They are more similar than how a german is similar to a brit.
I know that. But Tibet before illegal chinese invasion wasn't the Shangri-La what Kikewood tries to sell with 7 years in Tibet. They gouged peoples eyes out even in the 1900's.
China's economy is full capitalism, that's why they don't even have unions for workers, and because of this most of the western factories are located in china since they got no fucking rights.
I see nothing wrong with top pic the building aesthetic looks nice but the bottom one look like cheap modern shit
did the image mean during communism?
Culture is more important than efficiency or equality.
The Chinese destroyed their own culture with communism, now thry are doing it for Tibet. Monks still on occasdion self-immolate in protest... imagine havimg that motivation for any thing in life.
Goddam Chinese ruines themaelves
Japan and Korea are now thr only heirs of confuscianism, and look how much nicer their countries are.
Tibet is 5 times richer than shit hole pajeet land down south. Pajeet immigrants are immigrating in mass.
>before: hbeautiful palace
>after: soulless apartment blocks and football (?) stadium
looks like communism fucked them
Idc about wealth only culture and that’s the aim of communism
The only building in Lhasa lmao
Tibetan culture is barabric similar to the aztecs before based spanairds came
I'd rather have just that than the second pic.
How is that bad? Urbanization is total cancer and all people who live in big cities are faggots
The avg tibetan lived till 30
now they live to 70
The avg income for urban tibetan is 12,000 dollars vs the 4,000 for the rural ones.
>muh money
jew spotted
Communist seem pretty barbaric also
Actual Tibetan here. This is chink brainwashing and yet still a half-truth. Sure, the monastries were leeches sitting on their asses all day but they did manage the administration like a government would. And as a pious people the Tibetans happily agreed to pay for their upkeep. It was less like serfdom and more like western clergy in the ages of feudalism.
A complete lie, Cheng the leaf. Tibetens are ethnically completely distinct from the Han. Hence, we have an entirely different Y-chromosome haplogroup. In addition we share almost no similarities in terms of language, religion, history and culture in general.
>change my mind
See your Pic.
>Japanese flag
there are no tibetans in japan
Han Chinese and Tibetans share the same ancestors thousands of years ago. That’s why their languages fall under the same group called Sino-Tibetan language family which is not only a linguistic but also genetic grouping.