Is this good advice?
Is this good advice?
... not really. IQ tests are stupid and no employer actually cares unless you're in MENSA. And even then, as an employer, I'd think you were a pretentious ass if you put your IQ or that you're in MENSA on a resume.
that's almost psychotic advice. twitter is the most shitposted-on platform.
also I'm 100% sure that his post was meant to be taken figuratively. he's expressing that intelligence is more important than having an arts degree.
IQ tests were thoroughly discredited 50 years ago and no one takes them seriously except young people who haven't gotten the news. They would certainly NOT impress an employer.
If you're determined to be tested, look into aptitude tests, that can tell you, in very very broad terms whether you're better working on your own or with others, with numbers or words, indoors or out, etc.
IQ tests aren't the perfect how-smart-you-are tests everyone seems to think they are, and no employer would be impressed with "The requirements you set are stupid and this IQ test gives me the right to call it that, what with me being a boy genius and all."
But I know a guy who literally has an IQ of 80, and he is legitimately retarded. He can't hold down a job not through lack of effort but because simple tasks are just too hard for him. He can't figure out how to operate a cash register for the life of him.
Damn, you are stupid. Wow.
>IQ tests aren't the perfect how-smart-you-are tests everyone seems to think they are,
Yes, yes they are.
My god, read a fucking book or at least check Youtube for scientists who actually know about this stuff.
Thanks for reminding me why I stopped coming here.
I fucking love MEMEri-TV
It's almost like employers would rather have a piece of paper proving you're hardworking enough to jump through hoops for 4 years than a number that shows you're really good at solving puzzles.
that tweet better be irony
>haha me smawt gimme job
Work on your reading comprehension.
it's not meant to be a rebuke
I'm agreeing with you, dude
What are you talking about?
IQ is a good predictor of how fast you are able to solve complex task.
It doesn't say if you are a good person but nobody claimed that.
It’s not wrong
>ITT: sub 75 IQ posters
>Jews take all the jobs
I think this is satitre, op
>twitter, stefan molyneux
Hopefully you're not this stupid but you made this post so that hope is lost. Plus you're taking what he said literally.
> I stopped coming here.
You're such a quitter. You quit, you quit quitting, and you cry about it.
personal management guy here and I'd probably cringe had if some dude stamped his iq on his resume
being a sperglord usually isn't excluding but doing that kind of shit is embarrassing
Among the worst advice I've ever heard
>t. got a double digit
You know what is better advice? Instead, volunteer at a career-oriented charity or internship. Job experience will impress employers more than IQ will.
it sounds really stupid to me.
In my line of work, i usually get tested before getting an interview just to check if I'm actually capable of doing the things i describe in my CV.
I don't know how that would apply to an arts degree, but if you are young, you are better off getting some work experience before you are done with college/university.
Employers are looking for competent people that are capable of do what they are ask, having prior work experience can make prove of that. You could have a high IQ, but that doesn't mean you are incapable of being a useless.
I don’t get it. If someone is smart enough for the job then you hire them and make money.
being smart doesn't necesarily help with teamwork, task carrying or dealing with clients
moreso, iq doesn't tell me jackshit about work experience, skills or degrees
T. Jerome
Fun fact: It's illegal for employers to hire based on IQ as well as the use of IQ tests, at least in the US.
>listening to advice on twitter
>not having double digit iq
Pick one.
>Thanks for reminding me why I stopped coming here.
See ya, and that kids is example were nothing of value was lost.
Not if you are the police.
Surely that depends on the state?
Appealing to authority with so little discourse is proof you don't understand either. If IQ is so important you should be able to defend it a little better than that.
I like to listen to this guy's show from time to time but after some years I've only realized you gotta take it with a grain of salt. He got no chill at all.
Yes, it weeds out complete dumbasses so the vetting process in hiring is much quicker.
Opinions this blatantly wrong but preached widely by people like you are why Jow Forums has such a foothold. Anyone is one google search away from seeing how incorrect you are and once someone does that they tend to make the assumption "well maybe the other guys right about everything".
do you know what you say to kid with the arts degree?
big mac combo thanks.
IQ does absolutely nothing to indicate how well you'd perform at a job. A degree, even in arts, at least gives some indication of a skillset you've developed or have a basis for developing from.
You want good advice?
Be self employed.
Google "IQ tests discredited"
As always, he misrepresents the situation. There are about fifteen to twenty arts degrees worth getting, all from elite schools. Anyone with one of those is going to be getting jobs from connections more than qualifications anyway - and it's very unlikely they're in his audience. What he means is "for the kind of degree YOU can get, an IQ test would be more effective". In fact, neither would be, and the assumption that all his fans would get good results is prooooobably an unsafe one.
That's like "Google 'doctors hate this [your town] housewife!'" I can find Pyramid power shit, still shit though.
>kid using "and that kids"
So much reddit in here, it's disgusting. Anyone else remember when Jow Forums was vaguely interesting and useful even back in 2011-2013? Now it seems like it's just a bunch of kids playing therapist.
IQ tests obviously are not the be all end all of intelligence rating, but it's not meaningless either. It's the best system we got. If you score below 100 you are definitely not smart kiddo, sorry. Below 80 you are objectively dumb as shit.
Tell them you have a Bachelor of Science degree in Memeology
IQs were discredited because black Americans kept getting retard levels as results so it was considered raycis and sheeit.
>wew I was almost forced to admit my argument was fucking retarded but it seems you also criticised kids expression haha tough break pal
Kys brainlet
>YouTube scientist