explain like i'm 5 why a huge almost 30% of the USA hate trump
Explain like i'm 5 why a huge almost 30% of the USA hate trump
Media control. Most people in USA are living good lives and don't want to think too hard. They go with the flow of the culture and trust the American people. The problem with this is that the wicked have control of what they see.
You answered your own question with pic
30% are cat owners
Toxoplasmosis gondii has fucked with their brains.
Media told em to.
I'm a cat owner and have zero issue with Trump. I'd like our own Trump.
Theres still hope for you, bring a mattock down between its eyes while you still can.
30% is really not that much
I own a cat, my Grandparents owns a cat, my mother owns a cat. Friends, cats. You know who owns a two dogs? My liberal father.
It's honestly because the media told them to. The vast majority of Americans don't really give a shit about politics outside of a superficial level. If they turn on CNN or some shit and a talking head claims that a president is garbage, they believe it without question. Only a tiny fraction of voters will ever question the narrative and/or do their own research. It's the same story basically everywhere else outside of the USA.