Need advice from fellow Christians. Where can I find a pious young woman who would be a good wife and mother?
Need advice from fellow Christians. Where can I find a pious young woman who would be a good wife and mother?
tried a church?
Church is for worship
Innitiate the flirting with: what is your favorite bible passage?
This is literally what standing around after church is for. However there's also e-harmony.
church is for picking up
Even if you arent Christian Church is yhe best place to pick up traditional girls.
Nope, it's for community.
On a side note how do people date in chaste manner? Seems hard to do.
By being 12 or retarded.
Not really, if you're religious it's not hard at all.
Then how?
Have some self-control. It's probably impossible for westerners since their culture and media doesn't push this idea much though. You can hold hands, cuddle, kiss, but you can certainly avoid going further.
That said you'd probably want to get married within a year or so - too long like this is definitely frustrating.
Why not just have sex and enjoy the relationship without pressure for marriage?
Ask your mother, she should be a good match-maker.
because sex is an extension for marriage for religious people. Most religions expect you to marry in your early 20s not go our gallivanting in parties
This is literally my point. A westerner is incapable of this because that's the way you view things. For some cultures, marriage is about the union of clans/families, and if you have sex you're basically gonna have to get married because nobody (especially for girls) is going to marry you afterwards.
If you know you're going to get married 100%, then yeah generally people will be more lax about it in these cultures. But "dating" is a western and somewhat modern thing.
Piggybacking off this thread.
I'm a non-religious person (not atheist either) and I basically have 0% belief in the Christian god or the bible or anything Christian related.
Is it a good idea for me to go to the local church out of boredom, maybe I could meet interesting people or something but I don't want to be talked down to or feel out of place.
>but I don't want to be talked down to
Religious people do this all the time to nonreligious people. Most of the time they don't even realize they're doing it because from their perspective they think they're "helping" by attempting to convert you. So if you go to a church out of boredom, conceal your non-religiousity.
Some islamic countries have a concept of "temporary marriage" which is essentially the equivalent of dating.
Is consummation involved?
Yup, but that's not at all a universal thing, today or historically.
I'd say it's more like a one-night stand.
Anyway, dating did exist for a long time, you just had to bear a chaperone
Well this is a tough one. in general I don't think you can find love but rather it finds you. I always believe if you're going forward in life and not looking backwards, going for and pursueing your goals in the correct way, you'll find that person.
In terms of finding a Christian girl, that is obviously extremely difficult. I'm a Christian man but I'm extremely far from perfect. Trust me when I say they ARE out there. But again, try not to focus too much on whether or not you'll find them. What you want is to find a good woman Christian or not. If you are Christian and they are a good woman raised in some sort of Christian household or household with morals, they will love and accept Christianity if you explain how important it is to you,
What churches do this? I've never seen anyone at a church I've gone to my entire life try to convert me or anyone. I'm not religious either but I think it's pretty disingenuous to classify all religious people as a bunch of crazy people trying to convert non believers.
>Anyway, dating did exist for a long time, you just had to bear a chaperone
Not in all social classes, and definitely not in all cultures.
You just don't fuck, it's not difficult if you aren't a troglodyte. Avoid cohabitation and keep most of your dates to public areas.
>you'd probably want to get married within a year or so
No, you wouldn't. This tends to negate a lot of the benefits waiting has for relationship success, because you rarely if ever know your partner fully by then. 18 months is the absolute minimum, preferably it should be around 2 years.
Divorce rates are actually highest in the conservative, evangelical Christian areas of the US--because the "chaste" people have a tendency to get married too quickly so they can fuck without feeling guilty, only for it to fall apart later on when they realize they aren't compatible. And this isn't a new problem, either: Calvinists in Switzerland saw this same issue of hasty marriages 400 years ago, so much so that they instituted a mandatory (but still short, sadly) waiting period before couples could marry.
>No, you wouldn't.
Yes you would. I literally come from a place with mostly arranged marriages and very low divorce rate, and this is without much if any live-together relationships. 2 years is maximum for this stuff, unless it's long-distance then it can be much longer.
>mostly arranged marriages and very low divorce rate
No shit these two go together; that's not an indicator of the quality of the relationships. While it does provide for at least a surface of stability, this kind of thing is extremely brittle and subject to outside pressures.
this, so you also have good chances of finding a mate there
other than that, a lot of religious events are good spots
Says you. We vet the family very well and don't think of things as individualistically as you. Women have more power than men in divorce where I'm from, and still divorce is low. Sure it's socially enforced but generally it's happy, and our families are not nuclear so there's always support. Don't talk about cultures you know nothing about.
Yup, if you're a guy/girl with above-average education you do fine.
>This tends to negate a lot of the benefits waiting has for relationship success, because you rarely if ever know your partner fully by then
If it's just your opinion well imo, a year is way more than enough to know if you're compatible or not.
>Says you.
It's literally true. You can create a 'marriage' in the sense of bringing two groups together to raise children, but that says nothing for general happiness or compatibility. I don't particularly care what some desert tribes do with regards to marital arrangements, and in certain areas it is definitely smarter and more effective to arrange some marriages--but this site is overwhelmingly Western in its userbase, and that is what I concern myself with. Among Christians (and indeed, largely because of Christianity), the willingness of both partners to the union was and is vital--the only major exceptions were political marriages among the upper classes. If you're going to tell me off about cultures I "know nothing about", then you could at least understand where OP is coming from as a Christian.
The honeymoon phase can last quite a bit longer than that. It's important to distinguish lust from love, and in the beginning this is difficult--that's part of why waiting is so beneficial, because it prevents you from acting out of lust and confusing the two.
>"couples who date one to two years have a 20 percent lower chance of divorcing than couples who made things official just a year after dating. Those who waited an additional year, getting wed after three years of dating, decreased their likelihood of getting divorced by a whopping 50 percent."
>"Those who self-reported knowing each other “very well” before marrying were 50 percent less likely to call it quits than other couples."
As I said, getting married within a year generally isn't smart, although waiting for more than 3 is also inadvisable if you think you already know your partner (since you have only limited years to your youth). In any case, arranged marriages don't fit with either of these metrics.
>desert tribes
Nope, not even close.
>but this site is overwhelmingly Western in its userbase
You have a good point, which is why I tried to make my point largely an anthropological one than anything else. But the variability in human behavior does tell us something - if other cultures CAN do it, then it's humanly possible. But as I said very many times, westerners would probably have issues because they see relationships differently.
You'll be fine, remember its a church so they will assume that's why you are there. If you go to a doctors office they are going to assume you're there for a reason also, if you think that's talked down to then don't go. There plenty of other places to meet people while being "definitely not a atheist, I swear".
ummmm never heard of the Mormons I take it ?
A church or Christian bible study group. I haven't found anyone yet though and it sucks.
Talk to people after church user
Not just girls, but anyone, maybe the person knows a woman you're looking for your age who is looking for a husband
Praise the heavens for this thread!
Ewww why would you date an Anglo pr*Testant
>tfw due to Jow Forums's autism, there's probably been an influx of autistic Christian LARPers in actual church communities trying to get with their women
Lol. Religious girls act superior and use their religion to appear better but they'll do everything else saying it wasn't real sex, then they get married at 20 so they can have sex. You would be better finding someone who isn't so two faced.
"Oh I'm a christian so like I'm a really good person. I also got married right out of hs because sex before marriage is bad and I'm married so it's okay. Also did I say how I'm better than you and how blessed I am because God made me born in a cushy easy life and that's so blessed."
Know wayyyyy too many people like this. Hypocrites.
>you will live to see an entire generation of fathers that are autistic Jow Forumstard larpers who are only Christian because it's "white"
I don't know if they'd be better or worse parents than boomers
Projecting much?
>Know wayyyyy too many people like this.
No you don't, no such people exist.
orthodox presbyterian church
Sounds hot desu
Get married and have crazy sex for 3 days straight but it's not sinful because you're doing it to procreate