22 year old Jewish woman dies in Jordan after bus swerved to hit her

22 year old Jewish woman dies in Jordan after bus swerved to hit her

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i want to gas the Jew leadership but I'm not gonna celebrate a girl getting hit by a bus

It serves her right for pegging the greatest basketball player in history while in public

She was pretty

Hope it was slow and painful.

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She viewed us as subhuman cattle that exists only to serve her "chosen" tribe. She deserves zero sympathy.

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She probably didn't.

jews arent human and its ok to kill thier kids.

We don't know that for sure, but yeah. I have no sympathy to spare when my own people are in the state they are

nickel and dime shit.
'one jew was hit by the antisemitism bus, we are equal for anything the jews did to the world now'
we are oppressed victims of mean non jews.

The nose knows

So it didn't get a chance chance to breed yet?

lets see how long it takes to cremate her. he great grandmother's record was... 2.9 seconds according to their math.
average is over 8 hours today.... ready GO

There are no good jews, user. Every jew death is to be celebrated.

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Objectively untrue though

Same. what the fuck has bankers got to do with her exactly?
Off with this drivers head ,hope he gets fucking mossaded

>22 year old Jewish woman dies in Jordan after bus swerved to hit her

Finally, a feel good story on this website.

First one to post a meme about this dead girl wins a prize

>Fires 6 trillion rockets into P*l*stine

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Should've stayed in Israel

Isn't that 100 pts in Death Race bro?

Who cares?

was there money floating around her body like in GTA?

>she won't spawn another jew

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idk man 22 year old girls are dumb as fuck. her last thought was probably "i really liked Sheilas shoes"

for jew

you're a big goy

>all girls are dumb as fuck
Ftfy user.

And her last thought was probably about shekels, not shoes.

you sure?

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Yes, memeflag.

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Damn, their goes her career in porn.
Such a waste.

sure thing mosche


holy shit this is everything you Jow Forumslack zoomers hate i cant believe this thread is so relatively normal and empathetic

are you the same guy who posts the Estonian woman in blast furnace dies instantly threads

Sounds hot

Gonna have to agree with this. Soros worked for Nazis for God's sake.

Why would any goyim hating Jew vacation in Jordan or any Arab country for that matter, she was clearly a dumb "wypipo are evil!" left-winger.