how ugly is my nose on a scale of 1-10?
should i get a nosejob?
The nose is the least feature for a girl. Do you see often on the internet the nose fetish ???
No need to complex about that
it's a hag nose but I've seen worse
ur nose is fine, u cryin or some shit?
i'm laughing lmao
what's a hag nose? ugh i don't wanna be a hag
most conventionally attractive women have straight, small noses. mine by comparison stands out and kind of blurs my real beauty
How is it a 'hag nose'? Do you think all Romans or Near Easterners have 'hag noses'?
Most American whites have straight, small noses you mean. It's only a problem if it doesn't work with the whole look. Yes, different ethnicities have different looks. Yes, some are favored more than others in different places. Deal with it.
Nose is fine, guy here no need for a job.
Roman nose, is cute.
Whenever friends show me pictures of girls they think look perfect, they always look vastly different from my views. I'm sure many guys will agree.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
>Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Not true, much of beauty is universal. That said, certain things which have nothing to do with fitness and generally vary heavily among ethnic groups are basically subjective, tho culture plays a large role in shaping preferences (and people's own ethnicities play a role too).
The only thing wrong are those eyebrows. Seriously girls stop being a carbon copy of the first slut you see. Where are the natural eyebrows?
It's a hag nose because it makes OP look like an old hag. Maybe it's because her make up enchances the haggy look,idk.
Food tasting good is objective too, it's either delicious or otherwise. There's still a lot of subjectivity involved.
Rather infatuation is in the eye of the beholder.
Imho would smash OP. If she got a nose job I'd be much less inclined to smash.
looks fine to me
>Rather infatuation is in the eye of the beholder.
My point was that it isn't completely in the eye of the beholder, much of it is biologically-determined, even though the nose obviously isn't (unless it's broken, asymmetric, or abnormally big/small/flat). And I agree personally, I don't like upturned or too small noses at all, they look like pigs or just silly. But I'm not an average American.
I think it's a nice nose
You're right user, i guess I was mostly on a tangent there.
It just bums me out when a girl goes on about how some other girl is prettier than her, when she's actually the prettiest (subjectively).
>It just bums me out when a girl goes on about how some other girl is prettier than her, when she's actually the prettiest (subjectively).
It happens in any culture with different ethnicities together. One or a few end up being beauty standards. The medieval Arabs thought moon-faced turko-mongols were better looking than their own women (and boys, kek), so it doesn't even have to be the dominant culture. Yes it sucks but that's the way life and societies work.
I think its hot. I want to smother it in kisses.
>it's another am i ugly thread begging for compliments
Go back to /soc/. There's a board that was literally created for threads like this.
nose is not the best nose in the world but it's not especially ugly either
most people have a less attractive feature but don't realize that it makes them seem approachable and that it works to their benefit and instead obsess about it and think it's the reason for everything bad
it's not perfect, but if it were I definitely wouldn't feel as comfortable talking to you
I'm not gonna lie. I have a soft spot for girls with your shape nose. Don't do anything to it. Quit looking at magazines, and dumb modeling stuff. From what I can tell, you're beautiful! You should post the rest of your face so we can really see the whole picture! ;)
Your nose is fine now fuck off normie
>how ugly is my nose on a scale of 1-10?