I just finished taking Econ101 at uni
How do I get over m immeasurable hatred for unions and union supporters? they really are the bane of humanity
I just finished taking Econ101 at uni
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By not thinking that you know everything because you've taken a 101 level course.
Unions can have negative impact but the ability to collectively negotiate is a fundamental right. As long as the government doesn't keep the employer from being able to oppose the union things somewhat balance out.
Hate to see you after Abnormal Psych...
by taking an advance economics class focusing on the current applications of Keynesian economics.
fucking sophomores...
Before they existed, if workers went on strike, the company hired the Pinkerton Police to come murder everyone.
that doesnt seem good for profit
who will do the work if the workers are dead?
those are very few and far between
an OP after my heart.
>start union job
>crushing it on the first day of the job
>I produce 3 times as many widgets as the next best worker
>get pulled aside at the end of the day
>think i'm about to be praised for my work ethic
>"Just who are you tryin to impress around here? From now on you work at our pace or your ass will be back on the street. Got it?"
164 listed events is not just a few times...
Unions that are established within a company are perfectly acceptable because it unites those workers against a possible corrupt boss. However, as soon as you get some mega corporation to "protect" you, you end up paying a shit load for a worthless lawyer, and shitty benefits.
That's 2.32 a year. Also there haven't been any in like 60 years. Also this "the union used mass picketing tactics, and launched assaults against loading ramps using dynamite and arson"
THEY USED DYNAMITE! You could say they had what was coming to them. In most of the cases you can say this. Quit being a faggot.
joke will be on you after leaving college, getting a shitty job, and never asking for a raise because fuck unions amiright?
why should you be payed more than your work is worth?
If you deserve a raise then your employer will give you one voluntarily, else you're free to leave and go to a different employer who will compensate you fairly
Either way you win. no need for a union unless you are asking for more than your work is worth
>getting a shitty job
nice projection, maybe you should have studied harder and made better life decisions
What are you even on about? Why wouldn't you ask for a raise? I don't think you understand what's going on or what you even just said.
go work at a nonunion factory.
Perhaps something like furniture or a paper mill. Make sure there isn't an air conditioner.
>If you deserve a raise then your employer will give you one voluntarily
you've never had a real job, have you?
Look, I'm highly skilled labor. I'm an electrical engineer with an MBA. I can learn anything and do. I've made my employer millions.
I got the same inflation raise for years. I didn't not get a 6% raise until they thought I would leave.
And strikebreakers have used aerial bombardments against picketers. (google "Battle of Blair Mountain") If you're measuring bloodshed, the strikebreakers have way more on their hands than strikers.
>"You only spent a few months at your last job before quitting! I can't hire you, we want someone with commitment, not one who will defect to our competitors at the first whiff of a pay increase."
Read Dickens
>How do I get over m immeasurable hatred for unions and union supporters?
maybe try hating criminals instead
stop being a corporate shill
Did you demand a raise?
>If you deserve a raise then your employer will give you one voluntarily,
You've never had a job.
Depends on your stance.
If you have problems with the economy becoming some sort of like fight to the finish, where everything about the next "economy" becomes a problem that only you can solve and so every one has to follow you if you happen tl do the "best" at it and every one contemplates the top knotch to you then you have a problem with the state of the monopolistic oligarch, the whole one mind rules all bit that we have the option to succeed ourselves in becoming more than an economy where then you start buying out lobbyists so you can force change, which the gets pushed ny the state of that kind of oligarch, one rule to supreme them all (catholic mostly), so that you can be that greater good or they kill you off like steve jobs. What you can do to stop hating it all, because unions become the economy that balances itself out to the majorities and manages minorities to become the top knotch, is go the diy route for as many things as you can so that when you finally have enough of their stuff out of your house you can plan for a future without them rather than worry about the past 8 years and how its echoing into the economy only now as like a fillisbuster to "economic courts".
Post continued in a bit
If the problem you have with the economy isnthat unions standardize the way you learn to compartmentalize, which sounds like the problem you have, then you have to consider that the eceonomy booms or flows has nothing to do with you becoming a citizen when youre old enough. Its that a citizen has more the right than the responsibility to become a more larger part of the contribution. Soldier is actually a step down, they dont function after a tour. What i mean is like a mayor, a board member, someone at the pta even, before "becoming" some grand stand tp society like those sjws and the feministsbhave you believe every few years while they cry it up well enough for the catholics and the jews to have at yourbkids well enough that you fear the weasely jews for god knows what reason or love thebcatholics for making sure you dint have to deal woth other catholics because they pretend to make them accountable while threatening to take yourbkids to their dooms with talks of heaven and hell that only create fear and give ganster societies more rhe verbiage to make trouble than the verbiage to separayebusball from them.
So then what happens in that mode is that the economy doesnt exist without money and the caste system chides the societies in it, the economy, to make sure that the people spend money rather than invest so that the market societies have less to do with the lobbyists half of things when the lobbyists decide for themselves that they want a bigger cut of things considering who theyre going to have to work with in the future because no one is grouping up on the top knotch type with government oversight and the only times "necessary" problems that they have enough to deal with the catholic type thing, because both are not the same jist the mafia using one kind of front to work on the other meanwhile we all foot the bill, the situstion becomes a sprt of ransom foe the country and what you donthen isbwhat youd do with any kind of scammer. Dont pay. If you pay, you bought and if you bought you habe nothing to offer them but a big fat thank you for services rendered and that thank you is usuallu sone kind of agreement to look away.
Theres a third one and a fourth one and even a fifth one, btw, reason
The third one is short so i wont cut the post. When an economy fails the first one the second one outlasts it but the third requires that there be a new party issued, like what bernie was before in the trunp election, in order for people to handle the calls to unionize the way they do people in elections. Besides the whole we lose this we lose that deal, what happens is that the third party ranges the sense of education to the religions but doesnt create any new incentive to creating formal education. It offers outcomes and presents options but only requires that the people draw from the media and it becomes a spokesperson to the media so the the media can be the reason things go wrong and thats where people start catching blame.
This creates the sense of like pyramid schemes and other forms of union to begin, like commence, so that they can outsource the sense of the minority to somewhere it can be tallied/counted so that when people need money they merge to the areas those people are, create a sense of opportunity and start teaching in the area for like 4 years before they gentrify it to move those peolple into places they need them or into the midwest of texas. Texas does well with them the rest just kind of make crack dealers. This is probably what you hate the most, though. After the people are laked into other regions, because at this point itll be a settlement that makes the new courts and all the new judges, like Trump having New England take over the white house, and evverything kind starts rolling over the empty states to "create" opportunity but most of the money is coming in from cartels trying to buy lobby points in the white house, that gold thing is from chins but they are biying or trying to buy lobbyists to make another possible economy for themselves and the jews are fighting them on it to have something to do with anything so their srupid ass children feel entitled enough to act out movies still before the french figure out that they brought entertainment media to the states and not the jews (the jews brought fist fights in the street and drug money)
so that before the economy turns to shit they can instate another form of oligarchy, the christ like celebroties and their jew money, in order to become a sort of shephard to it all and have their ways pave the crime for people in the streets because they already know how to stop that and have compertmentalized it into the white man and his wife(and now the black man man and his wife) by making sure that they only teach that stuff and heal the stuff that comes with dealing with that stuff so that when the economy flips the criminals are in society and teaching eachother to hate anything that might learn to hate them next. This always becomes obvious. Obvious meaning the host of the thought or idea knows it and explains it that way. This generally leads to riots these days and for the most part people recognize the time as recessionary but without the sense of some come back the people generally just live poor and make money out of like having small things become big, like beanie babies were, in order to make sure that things like people becoming complacent in having the economy run the tide of the people rather than the next advent in military technology means that white people kind of become common and they pussy is just stank and you like that they have no shame.
The fourth kind of economy that makes you hate unions is the one thst has to do with money coming from no where. this is where the companies have accepted bribery through the cartels like obama did with the gmo transfers and the bank bailouts with money that just appeared and disappeared, the movie the infiltrator was about this, in order to sell drugs and create micro economies that people can use to buy houses that are up for cheap from the last two attempts at economy so that the bad people move out thegood ones take their cheaper homes, that aremade cheaper by drug wars, and then those same good people fix the area and become the chairmen and civil servants and all that, so that someone can carry the jew shit, and then the richer gangsters in the midwest start to take over front wars for like americana, spend all their money and start making little soldiers ans cops for the areas and those copsnget moved out to settlement regions like the coasts.
After that gentrification process makes it necessary for kids to learn new technologies and so they take on a new topic of game theory change everything about it and make some fake news with it, things like that tranny fron the army and dare i say it edward snowden (though i doubt he had a fledgling part in it) so that they can breed a new kind of entitlement and bridle that to things that medical texhnicians and their economies can use to make poor people sound richer, make the good ones float to the top by their making sense rather than bickering in strange pronouns and weird gestures and adages from like the 1600s so that when the time comes for people to make a real choice about the next economy, the middle and upper classes have already made their choice and have those floaters laking their own disadvantages and the sense of them out to movies not made by jews and other sports type categories and scenarios so that opportunity can be created by helping each other rather than by becoming a celebrity which is really really hard anyway.
The fifth kind is interesting because we've never reached there, last time we got close there was a world war, 2, and people devided that it was more important to uphold manifest destiny than keep their children alive. That baby boomers and millenials attitude that keeps the battle of the sexes hidden is what the old folk used to make sure thst people didnt lose sight of their own war happening or that it happened, most didnt notice the 80s or remember them for that matter, so that americana becomes some negative thing because between "white people", as descendants of nowhere and jewish folk theres literally only opportunity and the idea that time costs money.
>level 100 course
>anti union
im praying for u user
guess ur pops didnt beat ur faggot ass enough
Which is ridiculous. Because when the ar comes around the tour is all they provide you and none of the sentiment that makes them proverbially those most entitled your time and agreeableness. Black peolle have a fledgling of that response now to becoming the new white but theyre all still just little jew soldiers and not just that but they more drugs now, are more violent (almost as vioent as whites they just go to jail and get caught for it more i sssume) and have less to do with all thats right the way white teachers have taken to becoming that thing we all try to be good for.
Okay now the fifth one.
When an economy borders the gentrification process of otself as a wholr, due to unions dissassembling the state and not because this is what we have, the sense of union is dispersed to between party members that reconcile the sense of deficit to the funding of a country and not of its societies. That when the country is in shambles and no amount of government spending inyo military can provide us enough outsourced funding, like from china or africa or south korea or india, we have to asceratain through secondary unions, peoples rights groups and advocacy groups that oversight is humbled by the issue that people have it in their power to become an almost prodigal son to the economy so that when the essential state of it comes to crashing, they call the near crash a shutdown so that policy can keep up ( stall to let the banks bring out their hidden money) the state of the economy is more like the outcome that for some reason we all have money stashed away for a rainy day and god and his constituents know this, and theyre just waiting for you to say so they can huddle into a war by promoting their shitty products which their cops and soldiers buy up like its fucking frosting and birthdays need frosting so that their own unions can pick up the pace on their shitty economic standard, mommy agrees and daddy is smoking, so that when the economy requires a man to mind the courts and a man to register the accounts of those courts the only necesaary stage or outcome of that society is a full fall flat on their face and they like it because it was a good living and really we need to keep the peace or protect and serve or whatever the fuck because they just follow orders the chain of command breaks and the fifth stage of their economy crumbles to require
a deficit of the bailout money to be pushed back into banks from where they agree to share loans more easily and make money out of the corporate structure for a while rather than require people to bail them out with tax money by ignoring this structure and then finding that theyd like to be incentivizedto continue requiring themselves the money or bonds, as loans, rather than the deficit to account for that credit as something 200-300 million people, the top percentage of whom hardly pay taxes, to cover the military costs of keeping a gun pointed at poorer nations that didnt want to give in to the first four stages and then require them to give in to the incite of violence that among them exist other people that agree, for sone unknown reason, that living under the 4 stages is equal the outcome that living out of war makes war possible because "jews dont think, they steal".
By realizing the only reason unions exist is because the chuckle fucks in charge were not following economic principles of ensuring growth by paying their staff adequately thereby causing stagnation in the economy in all ways but the stock market.
You really think if workers were getting paid how they should be and treated well they would have formed a union to begin with?
The view that collectivism is fundamentally damaging to free markets has long been debunked in evolutionary biology. Witness the ant colony or the ordinary social behavior of human beings: people display altruism toward community members, distrust of outsiders, and collectively punish selfish behavior. This is an equilibrium described by the Price equation, described in "Dual Inheritance theory". Intro to economics classes ignore this well-described phenomenon because the central purpose of economics in the United States is not scientific, but political, and collectivism represents a threat to entrenched power there.
> How do I get over m immeasurable hatred for unions and union supporters?
You don't.
Unions are cartels operated by workers.
You can either be content with the knowledge you possess, or look into the union-mob connections and the dirt they have pulled and hate them even more (an easy start is googling no-show and no-work jobs)
Actually, not dickens but that other fucker... Upton Sinclair.
hahaha this
realize you're a fucking caricature with basic as shit neoclassical knowledge
So what happens in this stage is that we are required to gahjer funds for federal unions to compartmentalize their sense of the economy so that they can require us to tell them back what we learned about them as something we can use to make sure that when the loans start coming out, we spend it on what they need us to. Blacks bought houses. Whites bought houses in the 80s I think, and Mexicans and asians and eurasians have not seen this happen for them. They got amnesty. The thing about that though is that the union does not departmentalize a state of distrophy as a sense of religion, race or creed, it gathers info based on need, so...when information reaches a top level quarantine and none is needed to understand the information anymore so it can make it up higher, the president and the chairman of the fed become the only people that decide where and how the money is used and mostly it goes to military spending again so that eurasians and asians dont get a cut of it and for the most part mexicans and hispanics dont look for hand outs because because catholics are inevitably involved where theres white, and now black, and where theres catholics theres stank women and all they want to do is claim the dick and thepussy and not the soul or the person becoming more informed of them after the decision to have sex was made. But really thats also about when their credit gets maxed out and those people or kinds of people want to move on anyway
This last part is something that is never staged into effect because no one is more desperate than a fat white man or a smoker pretending to be a mexican cowboy but also due to the fact that there never seems to be enough money for families of the wealthy to find it in their hearts to move money into areas with budding musicians and or realtor investors that adequately supply the cost of religion to people because the wealthiest families make the musicians and artists out of their retarded children and the realtors seem to qualify more as syage 2 investors than the quality stage 3 transaction that exists for the good people, in this case one of the three there, in order for the situation to close out from within, like those innie phenoms that exist among women, so that when the union starts to require funding there are no plausible points to launder to or out of thst arent chinese equity and at this point its chinese equity that threatens the state of the eastern mindset to that of the western one. Its only until the US loses a war, like in vietnam, that stages will be created to require the economy to resume from a prior stateto ignore theloss and grow a sense of confidence from a sale of economy rather than a new and scary gun or rocket. Thats usually about thebpoint that they stop helping white people or black people in this case become a gentry of supremacy. Indians will never learn really they are worse than niggers but that doesnt mean people wont use them as an excuse
How do you have such strong opinions coming out of econ 101? There were geniuses who studied economics for their entire lives and turned out to be wrong in their assessments.
My boss literally owes me $500 right now
because unions really are evil
everyone loses with unions aside from a few lucky workers, usually those that are close with the union its self
why? does the existence of unions make things worse for non-union workers?
and there are plenty of things you can do about it
Unions purposely slow down production
Brainlet here, but are the threat and possibility of unions better than the unions themselves for employers?
right, and...?
also, my question.
It's unrelated to unions but I'm starting to get pissed
He wanted me to take a course he was teaching to get better insight on how our company runs, owner said I would have to pay up front but would get half back upon completion
Turns out the only people taking the class are 2 other employees, and my boss gets paid to teach
Sure I got college credit, but I already have a 4 yr degree and I just want the money at this point and I don't want to ask because it's ridiculous I should even have to for doing him a favor in the first place
a union will set out to achieve some kind of goal, lets say higher pay or better working conditions (more expensive chairs, fancy pens etc)
That money has to come from somewhere. this is going to raise the cost of production for the business.
Higher cost of production means means that at a certain demand, the business will now produce less.
Less production means a few workers are no longer needed typically the ones without union ties. they lose their jobs.
The industry produces and employs less. less supply means prices rise for customers of the product, and some people will lose their livelihoods.
on the other side of the equation, workers who are close to the union get a bit more pay
The non-union construction workers I've met practically kill themselves at work everyday. Then they don't bring home enough to support themselves, let alone a family. I've never taken an economics course, but seeing them do that is regrettable.
do you think they'd prefer to be unemployed?
There's too much to unpack in your ridiculously out-of-touch post.
Nah, but unions are by definition a mafia
Yeah some people gotta do the shitty jobs. I haven't earned minimum wage in over 15 years but I distinctly remembering I didn't want to earn a shit wage forever so I took the initiative to do something about it. Now I make about 5 times the minimum wage in my state. Some people are unfortunately stuck doing the shitty jobs either by their own faults or just in some cases being unlucky. But someone has to do them.
You're asking if the guys I'm thinking of would rather be non-union construction workers, or a union construction workers during a period of unemployment? The latter, 100%.
>some people gotta do the shitty jobs
I actually see it as a problem when people who own dilapidated properties pay poor workers almost minimum wage to do sub par work.
That's not bad luck, that's economic rust or something like that. It's sad.
They don't get to just choose to convert to unionists though
It's a game of musical chairs, there were 10 seats and 10 employees before
Now there's 8 slightly nicer seats and 10 employees. 2 will have to miss out and explain to their families why there's 0 income.
Also being part of the union doesnt get you anywhere. It's being close to the union management (family or relationship ties) that does.
That just means you're too lazy to do it.
>You're out of touch.. I need more money, that money should be mine.. and I shouldn't have to do anything for it.. you asshole..