I'm about to so it, but I'm having trouble with how. My plan is to use my car and hook up tubes from the exhaust to the windows, and creating some insulation. Any other tips? What else will I need?
I'm seriously considering offing myself
Nah dude, don't off yourself. What you gotta do is take part in high risk activities like base jumping, punching snakes or just fucking off into the wilderness and seeing what happens. You might end up dead eventually but at least it'd be a good laugh getting there.
Thanks, but I don't think I'll change my mind. I have been thinking this for a while. Also, there's no point in me being alive. Everything just makes me really sad, and nothing makes me happy anymore.
As cliche and fucking gay as this might sound, sadness can be overcome, death cannot. It might seem like an impossibility right now, but shit can improve. There's no point to any of our lives, you need to find what works for you and stick with it. What do you feel is the biggest problem you have been facing in life, what do you feel is the source of the sadness?
I don't know. I'm just really unhappy with myself, and everything around me. I feel like no matter what I do, I end up unhappy and alone. I feel really alone.
Won’t work. Plus you wouldn’t post for attention if you were going to do it.
I beg to differ. I wouldn't post on an anonymous massage board if I wasn't serious, and if I was looking for attention.
Changes to yourself can be made, there are lots of way to improve oneself and feel more proud of who you are. Set goals and strive to achieve them, go to gym, change job, join a sports club. A brilliant place to make new friends would be a combat sport club, as long as you show you are willing to improve yourself everyone there will be right behind you. With these improvements many doors can be opened, leading to fulfilling relationships with people and potentially allowing you to find a partner. This will take time, but as I said death cannot be overcome, and lasts for eternity. You have nothing to lose by being on this earth, but everything by deciding you are not good enough based on the thought of yourself alone.
Car exhaust doesn't work anymore on new cars, you'll probably be found before it works along with other complications I have read about but cant really remember. If you manage to be alone for long enough then you'll probably just get brain damaged instead of dying.
If you really intend to go through with it, do your research and carefully plan so as to 1. assure that you are certain you want to do it and, 2. don't end up some kind of vegetable or retarded in as unpleasant way
some of the results from fucking up are really nasty and may inhibit you from trying again
That's not really my problem. Believe it or not, I have a number of friends. At least 3 really good ones, maybe more. Also, I have a lot to be proud of myself for, but I guess the bad outweighs the good.
I have an older car, so that's not a problem.
Focus on that, let your friends know that you are having hard times and they will support you. What you are saying there shows me you do not want to die, you want someone to tell you not to die and that's ok. Seeking reassurance is normal, and strangers online are a great place because you don't need to reveal yourself. But approaching it with people you can trust will offer the greatest solutions, I understand that this is not an easy thing to do, but it will be one of the most helpful. My last question is how long have you been considering taking your own life, and answer honestly. I am not talking about times you thought about it briefly and it faded from the mind. I am talking continuous, where it haunts you every night
I don't want to let the people close to me know I'm suicidal. It'll ruin their image of me, whatever their image already is. I've been "haunted" by these thoughts since October.
You do not need to go straight to telling them suicidal, tell them things are not going so good in life for you right now and cannot figure out why. So why are you still here if it has been so long, surely there is something that you have deemed worth living for? I will cut to chase and say, I know i am just another stranger on the internet and know nothing of your situation. But I have witnessed firsthand the consequences of someone taking their own life, they did not think anyone would care, they did not think anyone would be willing to help and oh how wrong they were. And it all means fuck all because at the end of day they are gone and can never know. They never made anything clear about how they were feeling and suddenly they were gone. Please reconsider.
I have just been drifting by, barely holding on. It is a wonder I haven't done it yet. This is the closest I've gotten, breaking down and asking for help on how to do it. I do like your idea of letting people know I'm unhappy, but not saying I'm suicidal. I don't really know how to tell someone close to me this, but I'll figure it out maybe. I've calmed down anyway, and I guess I won't do it, for now. It's only a matter of time until I hit another low point. Sometimes I think I might actually be bipolar.
Do try to take the talking approach, you have very little to lose and everything to gain if your feelings towards death are so strong. More people are understanding of mental health problems people may face than ever before, but I am not of a good enough understanding of how to approach someone to tell them as I have not been in this situation personally. If my friend were to say to me "recently things have not been feeling to be going so well" I would understand to an extent what they are implying and I would ask if they would like to talk about it further and if there was anything I could assist with.
I am glad you have calmed down for now, and I hope you can maintain it. Seeking medical help might be a good idea, do not be afraid of letting a dr know what you are feeling, they have seen and heard everything and will only want to help make things right.
It is late where I am and I must go, but I hope you find the strength to bring you to happiness once again. Best of luck.
Thanks, my guy. Also, thanks for not accusing me of being an attention-seeking whore.
It once took me 3 hours to gas a damn opossum with my old beater truck that didn't even have the cadalidic converter anymore. That fucking thing suffered pretty bad for a while. I suggest you just go take up some crazy new planet earth exploration tour or some shit in like dangerous places and at least experience some shit before you go, ya know?
maybe don't kill yourself. U don't want anyone go through that but let me tell you one thing. spike your survival instinct to the max, as it was posted before. you feel more alive than ever after a risky situation. dont put yourself in danger but try to get on the edge without hurting yourself.
Dude why do you want to off yourself?
Read Albert Camus, will take you a day, may or may not mean something but it's a good read, nobel prize, worth to read before dying.
The Stranger and Sisyphus Myth are the ones you must read.