Place your bets.
What will happen to G*rmanistan now?
Dominic Fisher
Jayden Howard
Free fall down
If this goes on a few more years we will hit gypsy levels of degeneracy
John Murphy
I like Romanians but you singlehandedly made me want them all to get rangebanned for a good year or two
Jackson Peterson
Hitler's spirit will rise from the grave and gas all the kikes 1488
Zachary Adams
Our national treasure.
Daniel Ross
Most of Romania is already rangebanned.
Thomas Bennett
It’s a sad point in history when I can’t tell if this is a guy or a girl
Julian Gutierrez
A rise...
Jayden Carter
dude you're obsessed, why do you have to expose us to this shit? stay on /lgbt/ for fucks sake
Juan Hill
You're pretty much a homo if you can't tell that that's a dude.