Go and dislike youtube rewind 2018 if u haven't already

Go and dislike youtube rewind 2018 if u haven't already.


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It was at 1m dislikes before i went to bed and now its at 2m

Don’t tell me what to do, junior

I order you on behalf of emporer palpatine

Why? Its was a fun mash of all things popular? I get it. You weren't included. Try and work on your reach.

Just did OP
user did you even watch the video, it was one of the most cringey and disgusting pieces of shit made this year

Not politics, kys

It was great because it had Wengie, not the part where the diversity and tyranny shit was shoehorned in

That still doesn't make up for the rest of the video though

kek and basedpilled

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>Why? Its was a fun mash of all things popular? I get it. You weren't included. Try and work on your reach.
Downvoted and shitpilled

Why? You dont like kpop?

It's the truth. Maybe you can get on the Fortnite battle bus next time and floss with Ninja

Watch out for Mods user, did the same thread yesterday and got deleted in a few minutes!!

no kpop is shit
Plus they didn't even have Pewdiepie or anyone good except for like 3 people who hardly had any screen time

good, its off topic

Kpop is great. What? You don't like the colors or are the women that's involved?

ninja isnt even a youtube icon
hes more recognized as a twitch camwhore

We're all involved in that twitch game. I have the best evening call in show on the alt-right on Twitch

Unfortunately this. It made me realise how out of touch with popular culture I am these days. Judging by the content of the video, it doesn't look like I'm missing out on much.

no the music is just shit

no wonder youre a turbo cringelord

You don't go for the music. As a burger eating American who only knows English and bad English for languages, I have to say my sperm bank gets excited than what's in the lyrical content

Whaddyahmean? I've been apart of the alt-right for over 5 years.

Where was Pewdiepie saying nigger then?

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100% heterosexual. At least I didn't join the Klan, but I do feel like David Duke in the late sixties early seventies and having no other organizations speak for me

Only if its bad

30 sec in
Never hit the Dislike so hard.

Who the fuck are these people? I know Will Smith.

Why no..

>Alternative Hypothesis
>Millenial Woes
>Stephan Molyneux
>Red Ice TV

> Stefan molyneux at that campfire scene
They couldn't handle the philosophy.

Watch it till the end.

I'm doing my part!

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What is this gay shit.

Of course dislike.

Fucking Hollywood trying to stay relevant.

That was pure cancer.

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These are the voices of your generation, unfortunate as that may sound

>Alternative Hypothesis

he literally called for voter fraud in the midterms

Meh. I'm 30. I don't know if that's "my generation", considering I played WoW through most of my time.

Why waste our time...?

Damn this was bad, the prehistoric survival dude and animators helped but still
1 dislike isn't enouth
we need to seize the means of disaproval