Well fug

well fug..
>Democratic Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.) fired back at Donald Trump Jr. on Friday after the president’s eldest son shared a meme implying that her democratic socialist views would lead to Americans eating dogs.

>“I have noticed that Junior here has a habit of posting nonsense about me whenever the Mueller investigation heats up,” Ocasio-Cortez said on Twitter. “Please, keep it coming Jr - it’s definitely a ‘very, very large brain’ idea to troll a member of a body that will have subpoena power in a month.”

>“Have fun!” she added.

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Low level congress commie dick sucker has no power to supoena. You dont even have to show up

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>import thousands of Latin americans
>surprised when Latin American socialist corruption becomes a thing

>Silly boys think they can get away with what I don't like. I HAVE SUBPOENA POWER SOON, FEAR ME.

Females are subhumans and should be locked up in cages until they created 5 white babies. If they aren't white, they should be shot immediately.

Muh dick

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Imagine being a democrat and having to inform her a DNC contractor hired a russian to frame Don Jr. Then trying to give her talking points about how paying the Russian isnt collusion but meeting them for 20 minutes is.

I have fucking subpoena power too. Dumb cunt. Maybe I should subpoena her appearance in my county.

dont worry my fags, Mueller works for Trump!!
trust sessions my niggers!!

>dumb skank threatening political opponents before even bein sworn in