>Heart-wrenching photos show General Motors workers wiping away tears after company laid off more than 14,000 people without warning, just before the Christmas holidays
In this case it is just because GM is a shitty failing company.
Gavin Barnes
Kayden Williams
>i'll take things that the president cannot do for $500 Alex
Nathaniel Russell
crying boomers cant afford useless shit for christmas. im trying, but i cant really find the bad in this.
Joshua Wood
GM is only doing this to punish Trumps tariffs, and demands that GM should keep manufacturing in the United States instead of Ching Chong land.
Liam Long
More this, rather than this Gm just made bad products sadly, but the answer isn't to cuck yourself for your boss and make 12.50 like most of the plants here in Ohio. Welding shit for less than 13 bucks should be a crime for how fast it turns those young guys into raisin looking motherfuckers.
>lol look at those stupid rubes crying about losing their livelihoods, fucking retards careful with that edge m8
Parker Clark
its good.
jobsless, armed and angry white male.
Lincoln Kelly
Protectionism causes unemployment.
Wyatt Morales
That doesn't work, GM is a failing company. Since they aren't profitable, they fail. Your proposal would just acellerate that and give them no time to adapt.
Jordan James
That's why we need an Emperor or Dictator to kill all the anti-white, anti-nationalist traitor CEO's.
John Morris
Its both. The Union would rather see the company fold than reduce benefits in a new collective bargaining agreement. That's just how American unions are. That coupled with the fact that GM just took American taxpayer money in a bailout to delay the inevitable and didn't address any issues in their business model. GM is fucked.
Joseph Wilson
Good, boomers deserve to be laid off. They fucked the country (and arguably the world) with their low IQ political decision (such as electing Trump).
GM and Ford too, they are both salty as fuck that they cant produce even lower quality products in Fred Rice land and sell them for the exact same cost as the surprisingly higher quality products that the Japs/Koreans put out on a regular bases. Chrysler/Dodge/Fiat is unironically in the better position, as they realized that going all in on the "muh muscle" would guarantee them a consistent source of buyers
Daniel Clark
except they are profitable, killing these car plants will return 6bil to the balance sheet by 2020. a huge return in 2 years.
Brayden Myers
You're right, let's just make everything in China and Mexico instead. Retard.
Ryder Campbell
You can't deny that the UAW is super cancer and demanded far too much from GM and got those demands. I'm not saying they don't make their fair share of shit cars but the UAW is definitely a large part of the problem
Jose Davis
Fuck Trump.
Fuck GM.
You stupid RETARD.
The ENTIRE C-SUITE needs to be fired.
Dont you get it, until the guys at the top feel it, nothing will ever ever ever ever change.
I never got the point of protests like this, if your job isn't valuable what are you protesting? You cant expect someone to keep paying you to do something they dont need just because you have to live
Dominic Richardson
>Wages haven't increased in real $ in decades >At least unemployment is low!
Landon Nelson
>Put more taxes on iron and aluminum import >WTF why is our industry heavily based on iron and aluminum being hurt?
>he Union would rather see the company fold than reduce benefits in a new collective bargaining agreement. That's just how American unions are. That's because the Union is a business and if they aren't delivering value to their customers then they are worse than useless. Why would the workers pay a union to negotiate for reduced benefits?
Easton Hughes
Your unions seem to be rather stupid and shortsighted, but I kind of expected that.
Jackson Hernandez
How about an image of GMs CEO? You know, the one obama put in?
Ryan Moore
From Ohio, now in Wisconsin: Same shit here - welders don't get paid, most maintenance jobs pay way below journeyman (like $16-18/hr) and the other jobs are all $11-13 (usually 6 days/week - tax moneys for the niggers, I guess?). What these business owners really want is serfs. We need to Yellow Vest in the USA
Gabriel Murphy
>Give trillions in bailouts to failing companies >they still fail >somehow it is a tariff's fault instead of the shitty companies
Thomas Johnson
This. The only "good" American cars today are trucks and muscle cars. The Big Three struggled to adapt to a changing market with the introduction of smaller, more efficient Jap cars. They should just stick to what they know best and trim the fat from their catalogs.
Leo Young
GM has been failing, OP, it’s like blaming DRUMPF for Sears folding after 20years of failing to keep up,with what shoppers want. Don’t be dumb.
Because its either that or the company folds and then you have no job. Not being willing to renegotiate for lower benefits is a very short sighted way to look at things. But the (((union representatives))) were very good historically at making people identify more with the health of the union than the help of the company that actually pays them.
Isaac Nelson
protectionism by definition grows the econony,
Ryder Morgan
Do you think China and Mexico are gonna give you shit for free? The only way to increase imports is to increase exports, creating jobs. Tariffs on steel help steel companies at the expense of farmers.
Asher Hughes
>American company that employes american workers opens new factories in some third world shithole so shareholders can get 0.5% raise in the next semester
Brandon Rivera
Toyota has been expanding their plants down here. Even through periods of crisis remaining profitable all the way through. I don't know how they do it.
Eventually, the US will be both Mexico and China - they're already here.
Chase Jenkins
The United States government had over 60% ownership in GM, so needless to say I am not surprised. Ford on the other hand never took a penny from the government, and is doing fine.
Nolan Phillips
>import millions of low-skilled workers >wages are stagnant? Im shocked I tell you
Isaiah Martinez
Who cares americans will find a way to solve this issue.
Luis King
Chase White
real talk
what are the top 10 selling GM vehicles that you WOULD buy?
can you name even one?
THATS why gm is failing, combined with strong arm union labor wages a company can be bleed dry by stupid decisions from all sides.
Julian Lopez
>Slap tariffs on steel >Y dis hapen Trump is actually retarded tbqh
By not being retarded making shitty cars nobody wants and having a lopsided benefits package for their retiree population.
Andrew Campbell
The united states makes steel and aluminum... maybe they should buy some?
Benjamin Morris
Just 14,000 potential customers for ford
Dominic Harris
Free range chickens are perfectly happy though and don't require any more out of life. Chickens do not require autonomy and risk taking
Carter Sanchez
You're missing my point. If the only playable move is to give shit back to the company then why would we continue to pay the union? What are they there for at that point? I'm pretty sure we're able to lose all our benefits without the help of the union. When you say "renegotiate for lower benefits" what you're really arguing for is for the workers to deunionize....all in the name of (((company health))) of course.
Asher Bailey
Better products
Josiah Lopez
Protectionism protects a few industries at the expense of everyone else.
Dominic Gomez
Yeah, I know - it's kind of the point. Republicans wanna pay everyone $2/hour Democrats wanna pay $28/hour, but then tax everyone the equivalent of $26/hour. Feudalism, that's all.
>over 3million jobs added in less than 2 years >a shitty company starts to go under >BLUUUUUMMMFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ryan Murphy
>Implying Trump should control all business Once a german cuck, always a german cuck
Lincoln Richardson
Just stop. You are embarrassing yourself.
Ethan Long
Just selling assets to write black numbers isn't what I would call profitable. The main issues with GM products are: >lack of innovation >lack of quality But that seems to be true for most of your car companies except for fucking Tesla that only has slight quality issues.
Brody Smith
why of all the tons of industries that use steel, only GM had to close production and fire its workers ?
Xavier Bennett
Why would the Canadian plant close if it was based off of US tariffs?
This is nobody but GM's fault.
Grayson Rodriguez
Blame GM, not Trump.
If anything, blame Obama for forcing auto makers to keep more unwanted car models for sale because it boosts the companies' overall fuel efficiency numbers.
Camden Cook
no, it grows the GDP of the economy by putting up tariffs. check out the calculation for GDP.
Josiah Gonzalez
>Germany bitching about automotive industry
Also, Obama used our tax money illegal and bailed them out 7 years ago. Everyone seems to forget that minor detail and how GM/Ford weren't going to stay afloat after they went through their bailout.
Elijah Young
GM's CEO Mary Barra is a Clinton Foundation donor and DNC operative. The US economy added 150k+ jobs in November.
GM has been failing long before the financial crisis
Ian Green
Our staunch anti-union ideals didn't just appear in a vacuum. We have a long history of dealing with unions, and they are hardly distinguishable from any other mob.
If you couldn't tell by now America's biggest problem is criminal mobs being entrusted with institutional power.
John Phillips
I doubt Tesla even knows the quality of thier products. They haven't had the longevity to know. Why do you think they have banned third party products on their cars. Tesla owners are lab rats.
Landon Reed
Dodge/Chrysler have actually been selling their sedans for a while as the only real "competition" to the japs/nazis. This is mainly due to them actually knowing how to market a sedan to their buyers unlike GM an Ford who just shit out a shitty car and tell people "it certainly goes forward!"
Oh no, whatever will our subsidized farming industry do???
Cameron Reed
GM, Ford and all the other Michigan car companies peaked a long time ago. They have been on a steady decline since. Employ mostly blacks and white trash now. Of course they aren't going to innovate anything. The US is a dying country
Ayden King
Has absolutly nothing to do with the reason why GM is collapsing. GM hasnt produced anything of value since the 90s
If they're not buying it it means it's cheaper. You either don't make enough, or you cost too much. I have a leatherman, american steel, great piece of iron. I know you burgers can make it right, maybe it's too right for cheap shitboxes
Jordan Hall
>Taxes increase gdp by definition Do you even know what GDP is?
Ryan Powell
Who the fuck care about some boomers losing their jobs? Fuck em, they didnt say shit when they were polluting the earth with their shit plastic cars and boomering up the nation. Boomers get the rope. Maybe they should have learnd to grow food and raise livestock instead of working at GM then spending their cheque at walmart.
Nathan King
You can help make sure the company doesn't go out of business, maintain your job and union status all at the same time. Unions would rather just bleed out a company and sit there and collect their union dues for doing basically nothing.
Hudson Carter
>libturds can't zoom out on a chart Embarrassing
Jackson Hughes
>Our staunch anti-union ideals didn't just appear in a vacuum. We have a long history of dealing with unions, and they are hardly distinguishable from any other mob. This type of union seems to be verry dysfunctional. >If you couldn't tell by now America's biggest problem is criminal mobs being entrusted with institutional power. Sounds familliar...
Evan Sanders
Continue to pay people bullshit wages below minimum because federal law allows them to, whilst forcing us to pay them for NOT growing certain crops to modify their market value. John Cougar can make some more Farm Aid money before he dies, too.
Xavier Bell
>we need a yellow vest USA Buy a rifle and yellow vest. Be prepared. It's more likely than you think.
Alexander Allen
>Union boomers that get paid far too much to make trash vehicles get BTFO And nothing of value was lost.
I was in Alcoholics Anonymous for a while. These assembly line workers were a big part of the groups. They talked about how they drank and drugged during working hours. It’s pretty bad shit that goes on in these factories.
Landon Lee
Asian cars are small and efficient because Asians are garbage drivers with tiny peni. Trucks aren't "good" for anything but driving gas prices higher, being in my way physically and blocking my field of view, and absolutely crushing smaller cars like a tin can should a collision happen, because trucks are large, heavy, slow, useless death machines that need to Fuck off.
Nolan Reed
Good, because that promise of 'Nuclear Annihilation via the Soviets' fell a little flat, and I have been dying to play Mad Max since I was in junior high. :)
Nicholas Gray
Wow it's almost like all unions are destined to become cancerous beurocrats institutions that will prioritize their own interest over the interest of those they are meant to represent.
James Fisher
If only they didn't make absolute bottom tier cars with no reliability. The Japanese and Europeans have been dominating the market for 30 years. GM sucks and its products are shit.