GM Lays off 14000 workers

>Heart-wrenching photos show General Motors workers wiping away tears after company laid off more than 14,000 people without warning, just before the Christmas holidays

What the FUCK Jow Forums, I thought Trump was gonna bring back jobs? Why is he allowing this to happen!??

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they can all work at the new plants that Toyota is setting up, and learn to work for a company that hasn't been collapsing for 40 years now

They can thank their union for overpricing them to the point of being replaced with chinks.

Lol if I was trump I'd tell GM they cant sell another vehicle in U.S.A. and seize their assets until they hire them all back plus 1000 people

Maybe GM should make cars that aren't shit?

>wiping away tears because you lost a factory job and were living paycheck to paycheck

the eternal american, everybody.

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In this case it is just because GM is a shitty failing company.


>i'll take things that the president cannot do for $500 Alex

crying boomers cant afford useless shit for christmas.
im trying, but i cant really find the bad in this.