How does one hook up with the tinder sluts? All I ever come across is ugly minorities and I don't get many matches, and the few I do the convos go nowhere really, is there a guide for this out there?
How does one hook up with the tinder sluts? All I ever come across is ugly minorities and I don't get many matches...
I fucking hate that 10/10 women like this are the biggest most worthless whores of all. Imagine meeting a girl like this and she’s cute and can hold a conversation, then you find out she has shit like this written on her tinder/social media
>dating a girl who has tinder account
I also run into tons of trannys for some reason
In the profile do I just straight up say I'm lookin for sum fukk?
Exactly, tinder is basically a brothel for women.
Just say you're "here to have fun" or something similarly vague.
If the girl is white, short, ( 5 - 5 7 range), has basic vibes and has good facial strucutre/perfecthair, she might be a sloot.
just go for taller girls above 5 9, some might be sloots, but theyre less slooty in general
t. 5 8 chadlet
Shoot a shitty one-liner and some innuendo, Ask for number if positive response. Don't invest in long convos. This is what the screenshots tell me. Probably none of it even matters as long as they find you attractive enough.
Bump for red pill advices
In what kind of society do we live where women think it's okay to write that stuff?
Maybe muslims were right all along.
Just be above average in looks and not Be completely autistic.
I'm not bad looking but Autism just ain't easy to get over my man, conversations with people just feel like a fucking maze to me or like a game show where if I give a wrong answer I lose it all I can't figure people the fuck out
Seeing women this open turns me off. Idk man. Its just trashy.
that's almost all women man, sad to see
I have this somebody reposted
I don't have autism but the same problem. Talking to people feels like an exam. I lovehate loneliness.
Your time is valuable and whores want attention. For your sake keep it short and straight up tell them you want to fuck. And of course don't expect relationship material on tinder.
>tfw being replaced by the neighbouring niggers of the white races
>tfw they'll have to contend with the blacks and middle easterners swarming the country for it
Like 98% cocoa chocolate.
confused as to what that 3rd post has to do with tinder but it's hitting me a certain way
God damnit dude. They never, ever fucking know. Sometimes I just gotta know, maybe she browses Jow Forums! Maybe shes aware! They never fucking are.
tell me you were joking with this whole post
Seems a little bluepill
Jesus fucking christ dude, never show your power level
Lmao fuck no.
One time a girl said she liked "shitposting" in her bio so I hit her up, and was like ayyy what u b shitposting on bb
and she was like
The true "pill" is accepting that all pills are an absurdity and realizing that living as you please as a good man is all that will have any merit to you in the end
She had "white is right" and "I love supreme ruler Trump" in her bio. I was like ok she'a gotta know what a fuckin red pill is atleast.
Aaaand she's a normie. Typical.
it is such a pain in the ass because any girl above a 7 is only swiping right for the 10 chad. I maybe get one 7 occasionally, actually got this ones number and she isn't bad. Should I call or just text her?
Be attractive and go for the throat. I'm not casanova, but compared to some of the hopeless cases on Jow Forums I might as well be. The single biggest mistake I see people making in all these garbage tinder threads is taking on the role of a dancing bear in conversations. Don't just entertain her, pursue her. She knows whether or not she wants to fuck you right away (this isn't true for everyone, but it's true for women on tinder that actually put out instead of just fishing for attention), your job is just to escalate without coming across as a social retard. Don't get attached, don't get into marathon texting back-and-forths, and don't waste time with broads that aren't actually interested in meeting up. Find an opener that works for you, copy paste that shit all day every day, and ask her out in a reasonably specific manner, not some open-ended one-day-we-may drivel.
This is so fucking true. Just recently I just started asking for numbers and I got them so easy, then I went back to conversations where I was left hanging a week ago, asked for the number and got it. They want you to get to the point.
Somebody reposted this a few days ago and guru user appeared and ended up collecting discord tags to talk to them. AWAKEN.
>and ask her out in a reasonably specific manner, not some open-ended one-day-we-may drivel.
What if I have severe social anxiety, havent had sex in over a year, have body dysmorphia, performance anxiety, pretty much everything in my body says "next weekend nigga. Just not today"
First stop being racist
could you be more of a neckbeard?
The reason for that, is the (((founders))) of tinder pushing race mixing. You'll get white girls if you put yourself as black.
then i suggest getting your mental problems under control. you obviously have way bigger issues than not getting with tinder sluts.
I don't think that Tinder even asks/knows what your race is
It doesn't. I live in one of the most immigrant dense (non-white) cities in Europe and about 10% of women that get shown in tinder are non-white.
Then again not a woman so I can't attest for the ratio of male users.
it has face and/or body pics of you.
image analysis algorithms can already do detailed facial recognition, checking hair and skin color is pretty much trivial for them.
Fucking this
I'm middle eastern and barely get any matches. Looks like even the Jews can't help me get laid
I have 186 matches and have fucked 0 of them.
Backing. Stop listening to morons who are black and white. Take information, compare it to what you know and say for yourself whether you will believe it as the truth
I own a neckbeard, and I am offended you would compare this guy to me
Ive never tried tinder because im afraid i wont get matches
Ive gotten approached IRL and had alot of luck but tinder is an entirely different game
Is there hope?
I am the same, except I have used tinder and it's totally different.
Girls expect you to write some bullshit first message, whereas in real life being normal and saying "hi, how are you?" is acceptable. On tinder it's not acceptable at all.
Also, a lot of girls on there are just there for validation - "oh look how many guys want to fuck me, I must be so hot". They don't realise most guys will swipe right on anything.
Yeah this is my fear as well
Getting a match is just giving the girl an ego boost and she is prolly getting thousands of messages she isnt responding to either
Feels like there is too much clutter, girls not wanting to hook up and guys just blanket messaging anything with a pulse on tinder
People that use terms like blue pill and red pill should be shot on sight. You especially, why did you suddenly start talking like a hood nigger?
yes, its a turnoff for alphas
cucks love it tho
help me boys how do I respond when a chick snapchats just her face, no text after a convo
just realise it doesn't really matter how you respond (within reason obvs) because if she's interested she's interested, if she's not she's not
Studies done by a Norwegian university shows that women mostly use tinder for a confidence boost. They do not have more sex in comparison to women that do not use tinder.
>10/10 woman
well user if you are into total whores...
If it was selfreported by both sexes then goodluck with reliability of that data. Because you know, women really like to be perceived as whores *wink* *wink*
How is it unreasonable though?
Women like validation and attention, tinder fills both these criteria with no input
Fuck off nigger faggot gook.
We have to pick online way below our own looks like 2-3 points , let's say u are a 7 than u can date girls online in 4-5 range sometimes a good 6 thats pathetic
>Women like validation and attention, tinder fills both these criteria with no input
I agree on that. But, unreasonable is to think that women won't lie about how many partners they've had. Especially when tinder makes it really easy for them without being stigmatized as a hoe by her social circle.
That sounds like thing said by an ugly person.
>We have to pick online way below our own looks like 2-3 points
Any specific reason for that other than fear of being rejected?
experience man in reallife I got way hotter girls like 9/10 but online dude maybe it's because im from germany maybe something is here way more different
But why would she lie?
Women are pretty upfront about wanting attention and validation, if they do happen to fuck a guy from tinder its noting strange really
So why lie?
>Any specific reason for that other than fear of being rejected?
Not him but maybe you want to succeed?
A 7/10 girl has prolly a few hundred matches if she is picky, thousands if not.
If you message her she prolly wont respond because there are alot of others who do the same
Unflattering/wrong selection of photos maybe?
This is the most retarded pill
I got a qt black girl to send me a pic of her bent over showing her ass and pussy. She said she's free on weekends. Don't worry I'll probably manage to fuck this up somehow. Also my pics are too good I don't really look like that I think
But I'm going for it
it's all dudes using hot women's pictures
or they do not want you to...
>Have legit autism
>Can't speak IRL to people normally
>Literally break down and have panic attacks
>Corp leader in EVE Online and can talk to hundreds of people at once issuing orders
I don't fucking get it.
You gotta find those asian 10/10s who think they're 3/10s
If you're not in the top 17% of men on tinder, don't even bother.
There's some anectodal statistical evidence suggesting that the bottom 80% of men get laid on average slightly less than 1% of the women they swipe positive on.
They only want the best jihadis to procreate. Hit the gym.
If you only knew how bad things really are
>Swedish anonymous chat app
>girl asks "I'm 19 and have slept with 16 guys, do you think that is a lot?
>other women respond nah that's average and post their own numbers (t19 meaning I'm 19 years old woman)
I live in sweden and ive not met many of these types of women, sadly
Let me tell you about the average woman here
She gets a bf at 14-15 and then swaps him out every few months/years, she is rarely single and if she is then its alot of dates with randoms.
There are some massive sluts who fuck alot of dudes but you need to ask yourself something
What do these girls look like?
>tfw 32 year old khv
>see this thread
feels bad man
I tried tinder for a while, it somehow made me feel even more degenerate than one night stands I picked up at raves. Felt like UberDick or something.
Holy fuck
100 men?
Yea fuck that, but not literally...
I am a jacked middle easterner and I can confirm this, race matters jack shit on tinder, you're literally a one time use sex toy, you just have to look like the alpha dog of your race.
Someone post the webm of the autist bong meeting a girl
Autist here.
Have you ever tried to play fucking LA Noire?
It's like guesswork trying to read their faces.
But shitposting on FB is dope as fuck dude. I mean it got my account banned but that's cool.
I tried it as a 6'1" 110lb skelly with bad skin and long hair and still got plenty of matches. Just know how to take good pictures. Fuck almost every response I made was autistic and It still worked.
Tell them that you are in charge of thousands of dollars of unusable money.
need halp what do
>be me 5 years ago
>not bad looking, but fatfuck
>meet qt female in law class, add her on fb
>send some spaghetti message "hey we both like xyz tv show"
>she doesn't respond
>already knew i had no value, figures
>years go by, occasionally check her fb
>pics of her doing fun stuff with friends, going to germany, graduating
>meanwhile i meet almost no other women, slowly build her up in my head as a oneitis
>she always stayed single for some reason
>fast forward to now, 24, reasonably fit, good job, 1 ex-gf
>still the same low self-esteem fatass inside
>be on bus home from work today
>see her
>saw her once before on this same bus
>she didn't see me either time, prolly doesn't know i exist
>completely ignore her out of fear of sperging out / rejection / getting laughed at
next time i see her what the fuck do i say brehs?
we could maybe get coffee if i asked her... but when i play it out in my head she calls me a loser weirdo and laughs at me.
Do nothing and work on your self-esteem.
You know you are ready when you no longer want her.
Ask her.
See that as an improvement to your self-esteem. The fact that you actually asked her. If she rejects you, whatever. Nothing will change and it will just stay the same as it was before you asked.
>can hold a conversation
>is open about enjoying sex
What’s the problem?
That would be great user, you sound like some kind of prudish closeted faggot
can i fake it til she falls in love with me then get the self-esteem from there?
yeah bruh i want to, but what the fuck do i actually say? i've got the same problem as this guy if i walk in blind it's like unleashing the fuckin spaghetti monster.
So how does one take good pictures?
Do you think there's just a magic trick for everything? If you have problems deal with them, go see a psychologist or something man
Don't use the selfie side of your iPhone and have good lighting. The content of my photos was just at horrible as the rest of my account but my photos weren't blurry or dim.
Sorry, but no. You could fake enough to get laid but that's not the same thing.
Your problem is that you want her despite not knowing anything about her.
When you are ready, you evaluate every potential partner instead and discard the ones who don't measure up to your standards. This one though, you're giving her a pass before she's earned it. It's simply not a healthy attitude to have. Even if you somehow got her, the relationship would be bad and end in her breaking up with you.
>Philippines one of the lowest
Man if they did this study again, it would probably rise thanks to western degeneracy.
>be me 5 years ago
>Laughingstock of highschool class
>No self-esteem even though fit
>Got a job as a teacher,
>really get my people skills down, find love of my life, be married, gain enormous confidence, classical family with a houswife.
>Fast forward today, recieved love letter in public transport, Chad of my classes, talk to all the girls.
>Wish little user could see me today,, the future is bright!
>Mfw 5'7
Ask her if she remembers you and if she wants to catch up over a coffee or a walk in a park.
Reherse your introduction at home, out loud. If something sounds stupid when you say it out loud, it is.
Practice until you feel you can deliver it infront of a person and then start a conversation with her.
Secondly. You are looking at it as a failure waiting to happen. Wether she accepts or not is unimportant. You should focus on actually asking her. You are afraid of asking women out? Only way to overcome is to actually ask a woman out.
As corny and as overused as it is: "Who dares, wins."
Should you even ask someone out if you feel like you're initiating every conversation?
Not the girl in the picture, but the catfish faggot trying to get free range dick and bod pics from men.
Real life girls who look like that DON'T need to advertise sluttyness to get laid!
Often they meet guys in public.
Try talking to them in public, tease them, go for their number etc... get good
Helps if you fix up your appearance too
>maybe she browses Jow Forums
DUDE! there are NO (born without a penis) women on Jow Forums... NONE!
I never played EVE but I know about it's fanatical player base. He could sell his account or that money for tons of real life cash. He'll never get back those hours though.
That last sentence mane. I always thought it was hilarious when girls brag about having fucked a bunch of guys. Bitch all you have to do is be open to get fucked and basically any guy will go for it.
all true, hard to picture her not living up to my standards though instead of vice versa.
cheers user. ill give it a shot, guess worst that happens is one more person thinks im weird, what's the difference aye.
I agree to some extent, but that's whores around big cities like Manila. Regular filipinas aren't so slutty, probably because of the somewhat strict christian values the nation has had back since it was enslaved by Spain. I definitely know what you mean though.