I will be teaching high school kids English starting in July. I've never been in a formal teaching job before.
Any tips?
I will be teaching high school kids English starting in July. I've never been in a formal teaching job before.
Any tips?
Dab on their GPAs.
Would also like some tips. I have 2 MA's in American history/Military history and all the college level teaching positions pay less than high schools and are temporary gigs.
I'm to burned out to get my PhD and I'm not an off the deep end leftist so I'll never make it to a decent university. I've been thinking about writing a book on American culture but I'm afraid it will be 2 years of my life that I won't get back.
I should have just learned to weld. Follow your dreams. What a load of shit.
Don't expect them to respect you at first sight.
Do a cool activity as first class they might all be bored to death to come back to school.
- I propose you something like "Song translation"
- Ask if someone could get out his phone and choose a music to translate. Cheer up
I plan on teaching middle school history.
Does anyone here have some knowledge in a business degree? I was born into a wealthy family that runs and operates a large corporate business, and my dad wants me to go to University to get a masters in business and then he's going to give me a good job within the business. Just curious, I graduated this year with no less than 93% in all my courses, in English 12 I got 95%. I feel confident, yet nervous for University, but am I in pretty good shape for Uni? In terms of my highschool grades? And how long do you think it would take to get a masters in business and what sort of courses?
For the love of god (don't) fuck the female students.
High school kids/Young Adults are asshole retards, so have fun with that
>Source: Am legal age teenager surrounded by other teenagers between ages of 13-19
Nor the males. TGLPRNTPs are fair game though.
I'm a senior in HS right now, about to graduate in a few days so here's my advice on how to be a good teacher.
>Don't patronize the students or pander to them or try to be their friend. Be friendly with them, always present yourself as approachable and available to help them, but ultimately they are there to learn and you are there to teach
>You will have your favorites, and that's different. You can maintain a professional relationship with a favorite student and at the same time be more friendly with them. You cannot do this with everyone, but select few.
>Regarding English specifically: it's fucking boring. I didn't mind reading the books or writing the essays but the stupid analysis killed me. Class activities suck - give them more essays and writing assignments than classwork.
>I'm sure you will be reading books in the class. DO NOT READ THEM POPCORN STYLE. Kids are fucking retarded when it comes to reading. Assign chapters to read by a certain date (i.e. chapters 1-7 by wednesday) and give them time to read on their own in class. Some people won't read them, thats fine. Give a one question quiz the day of the reading that asks about a specific event thats not crucial to the plot. This way sparknotes won't prep the lazy kids for it. The quizzes need only be 2 points but over time it will add up. The kids who don't read the books will have their grades reflect it.
>Don't feel like you need to give homework. This year the only homework I had were the essays. Thats fine. English classes should be about developing writing skills and literary analysis. One english teacher at my school made gave like 100 points of classwork throughout the year but 2000 points in essays. Essays are key.
>Make the final worth 15%
>Sometimes its better to let the druggies "go to the bathroom" whenever they want so they can juul. They're annoying, it's better when they're gone.
>turnitin.com is your friend
Do you know what books you will be reading in class?
It blows my mind that you think teachers do half of the things they do for their health and aren't following policy handed down by administration or the district.
>I'm a Le SeNiOr and here is muh list of things my unformed frontal lobe told me I want.
Grow up, you massive fucking faggot.
Literally everything I listed can be dictated by the teacher. There are department/district policies they have to follow but for the most part my suggestions are up to the teacher.
This is also why I am against mandatory schooling/public schooling. A bunch of bureacrats making policy that teachers will have to follow even if they don't like it.
No, you are talking out of your ass again because you are a child. Education is extremely regulated and teachers for the most part follow the guidelines for homework, testing, planning, etc set by the department lead.
Nigger breeches here has it right. It's a bureaucratic mess from top to bottom.
Don't do group projects. I switched to taking my classes online because believe it or not, %99 of high school kids are braindead retards. So kindly refrain from group work and leave it to the individual. Fuck libtard """"collaboration"""" projects. Also, please; for the love of God keep an eye on Chad. Be the one teacher who actually puts him in his place. I can guarantee you that kids will love you if you don't put up with their shit. Also, it personally pisses me the fuck off when teachers do shit like pic related. I'm sure the rest of my class of mouth-breathing degenerates think that shit is funny, but it just pisses me the fuck off.
>little did he know, he was replying to the same person
Also, things the teacher has direct control over:
>Don't patronize the students or pander to them or try to be their friend. Be friendly with them, always present yourself as approachable and available to help them, but ultimately they are there to learn and you are there to teach
>You will have your favorites, and that's different. You can maintain a professional relationship with a favorite student and at the same time be more friendly with them. You cannot do this with everyone, but select few.
>I'm sure you will be reading books in the class. DO NOT READ THEM POPCORN STYLE. Kids are fucking retarded when it comes to reading. Assign chapters to read by a certain date (i.e. chapters 1-7 by wednesday) and give them time to read on their own in class. Some people won't read them, thats fine. Give a one question quiz the day of the reading that asks about a specific event thats not crucial to the plot. This way sparknotes won't prep the lazy kids for it. The quizzes need only be 2 points but over time it will add up. The kids who don't read the books will have their grades reflect it.
>Sometimes its better to let the druggies "go to the bathroom" whenever they want so they can juul. They're annoying, it's better when they're gone.
>turnitin.com is your friend
Things possibly influenced by department/district policy:
>Regarding English specifically: it's fucking boring. I didn't mind reading the books or writing the essays but the stupid analysis killed me. Class activities suck - give them more essays and writing assignments than classwork.
>Don't feel like you need to give homework. This year the only homework I had were the essays. Thats fine. English classes should be about developing writing skills and literary analysis. One english teacher at my school made gave like 100 points of classwork throughout the year but 2000 points in essays. Essays are key.
Things definetely dictated by policy:
>Make the final worth 15%
Your second opinion:
>A bunch of bureacrats making policy that teachers will have to follow even if they don't like it.
Ran completely against you initial argument of:
>There are department/district policies they have to follow but for the most part my suggestions are up to the teacher.
of course I thought you were a different person. Damn son, being a fucking retard and doubling down on it is nothing to be proud of.
"Chad" is annoying. This doesn't mean that you need to favor the virgins and betas but most people don't know that 80% of the class in normal, well adjusted people. 10% are beta virgin losers and 10% are loudmouth Chads, Staceys, and class clowns. Appease the majority and tell Chad to shut the fuck up.
You're the real faggot here, all of the things he listed were great points
See I can't speak for your district. But in my district, which had its fair share of red tape and bureacracy, it was up to the departments to make policies. The English department at my school generally let the teachers make decisions as they see fit. They simply had a universal final weight and a 4 mandatory books with 4 mandatory essays, for which the prompts/themes were up to the teacher.
You can both go meet up and fuck if you like him so much you filthy fucking queer.
I've been out of teaching for a few years but we had senior teachers for each grade and subject that told us how to plan. This means same teaching style, same homework, same tests, etc every year for the most part. The senior teachers were mostly 30 year cunts who needed to retire already and killed the learning process because they'd rather give work sheets.
I got out of that shit.
Yeah, I'm the fucking brainlet because I'm telling you about my experience in the field of education/teaching and clearing up his misconceptions and you are siding with a child in high school. LOLing at your fucking life, son.
>talking down to people
>on Jow Forums
Bet this is the only place where you can trick yourself into thinking you're superior, huh? Your life is such a shitty endless wasteland of being talked down to and being stepped on that you come to a tiawanese marble sculpting imageboard to put on airs of superiority and pretend that you're so knowledgable about a subject that you command respect. Then before you know it, it's midnight and you turn off your PC monitor for the night and go to sleep in an empty bed in an empty room in an empty house, dreading having to wake up in 6 and a half hours to go deal with retards while being underpaid and undervalues. Slowly losing your sanity and humanity until one day you snap and become a shell of your former self, either hanging yourself in your garage or dying of liver failure as a result of your alcoholism.
But yeah, enjoy "LOLing at my fucking life," even though I'm 18 and have a whole life of sex, drugs, travel, and friendships in front of me while all you have to look foward to is death.
My favourite teachers:
1. Genuinely cared about subject, often tied it into real world practicality
2. Were friendly. Empathetic but fair.
3. Didn't obfuscate material in any way, made it straight forward to obtain course material, grades, know what was being asked for and when things were due
4. Tests and assignments were highly relevant to what was taught in class and were weighted according to topics given the most attention/importance in said classes. Personally this was the most important criteria, they could fail in every way but this and I'd still be okay with them.
Least favourite teachers:
1. Didn't do any of those things previously mentioned
2. Often made coursework unnecessarily complicated or loved to make students jump through hoops for grade.
3. Made is obvious that they didn't care about their job or students, sometimes admitting so out loud.
This. Keep shit concise, concrete, and relevant to the world today and the materal being taught.
>I'm 18 and touch boobies and snort glue
Wow, fucking impressed
>I'm 46 and death is getting closer everyday so I guess I'll impart my "wisdom" on a bunch of strangers on the internet and then get assblasted when they call me an old brainlet because my "wisdom" is actually the ramblings of a retarded old man
Wow, fucking depressing
New pasta?
>Bet this is the only place where you can trick yourself into thinking you're superior, huh? Your life is such a shitty endless wasteland of being talked down to and being stepped on that you come to a tiawanese marble sculpting imageboard to put on airs of superiority and pretend that you're so knowledgable about a subject that you command respect. Then before you know it, it's midnight and you turn off your PC monitor for the night and go to sleep in an empty bed in an empty room in an empty house, dreading having to wake up in 6 and a half hours to go deal with retards while being underpaid and undervalues. Slowly losing your sanity and humanity until one day you snap and become a shell of your former self, either hanging yourself in your garage or dying of liver failure as a result of your alcoholism.
>But yeah, enjoy "LOLing at my fucking life," even though I'm 18 and have a whole life of sex, drugs, travel, and friendships in front of me while all you have to look foward to is death.
Oh no! I'm all the sudden 46 and mad just because you said so. Nooooo!
Honestly that's kinda why I wrote it. Went out of the way to make it over the top.
>I'm an adult with a career but I'm totally well-adjusted and enjoy my life! That's why I spend my time arguing with teenage autists on a loatian pearl diving board to prove my superiority! It's not because of my debilitating depression!
>Honestly that's kinda why I wrote it. Went out of the way to make it over the top.
I was just pretending to be retarded!
>That's why I spend my time arguing with teenage autists
Admittedly an autist
Wow son, really dismantled those arguments in your favor.
>I was just pretending to be retarded!
Nah, I'm genuinely retarded. I just tried to be even more autistic. Channeled it all into that post.
>Still arguing with me over a thread that even the OP has abandoned
Literally why
I'm a HS Senior with nothing until the finals that I'm not studying for anyways. I have nothing else to do. Whats your excuse, you useless sack of shit?
>Whats your excuse, you useless sack of shit?
I'm a 96 year old tranny trapped in the bathroom of a Deny's in North Carolina wishing I could "have a whole life of sex, drugs, travel, and friendships" L-o-fuckin'-l
>old, gay, and doomed to die in a small room filled with piss and feces
Sounds about right
As someone who has taught HS English for 8 years, don’t let it take over your personal life. Teaching ELA can be very demanding, you aren’t just grading for “correct answers;” you are helping students develop as writers and thinkers. Because of this, you will spend a lot of time grading and commenting on all sorts of student work: formal essays, informal writing, reading reaponses, etc. You won’t be able to get everything done during your plan, but it is important to make time for yourself outside of the school day too.
As a first year teacher, you will want to have the perfect lesson plans all neatly laid out and stellar unit plans, but sometimes, you are just going to have to be okay with fact that all you can do is be one day ahead of your kiddos—and that is perfectly okay; it makes you no less of a teacher.
Sometimes it’s hard to teach because some kiddos might seem disengaged—tell them the weird histories of authors or background stories behind the time periods you are reading, sometimes it’s the only way to get them to want to read something that they considered “old” and we consider a “classic.”
Never let a student’s final copy of any essay contain errors. Always have them correct it until it’s perfect. They may fight you, but when you can look at them and honestly tell them that there is nothing else they could do to improve their work, they will have succeeded. My student’s take it as a challenge—after their final graded copy, when I require them to make all corrections, they dare me to find something wrong. It becomes a source of pride for them.
I wish you the best of luck, and please, please, please remember to make time for yourself—if you are not at your best physically, mentally, spiritually, how can your teaching be?
Fuck off faggot. OP's dead and we are in the middle of shit flinging.
>he still won't give up
I guess if you have no family theres no reason to do anything except sit in front of your PC, watch yaoi and argue on Jow Forums
Yet here you are, waiting for my response like a dog. Now speak, dog.
this action packed shit flinging made me satisfied anons
always stay the same
You're like a mosquito. Annoying, won't go away, and is doomed to have a short pathetic existence consisting of spreading disease and leeching off of others.
Good speak. Good dog.
This is why I love this place
I work in middle school.
Aside from the typical few scragglers, this new generation is not going to shit and they aren't as bad as everyone says it is. I work in a shitty area too, and it's not even half as bad as a decade ago.
The kid with shit behaviors acts that way for possibly one or both of these reasons: (1.) They act out because they do not understand/connect to the material being taught to them (be it, they are too academically low and need more help, or they may be academically gifted and bored). or (2.) They act like a little shit at school because they are having trouble at home and they take it out in various ways in the classroom.
Earning the respect of few will earn you the respect of many. When a few kids think you're a good teacher, they all talk. When you're too strict or unorganized or whatever, they all talk too. Ideally, you want them to be able to connect with you and learn something, so of course you'd want to be seen as a good teacher. Otherwise you'd be the teacher everyone's warning them about and they'll walk into your class with a defensive attitude.
If you're in America, you know common core just hit the states and it has changed things around. Standards are higher, but there is more latitude and room for creativity.
The worst thing about common core has been old, stagnant teachers being forced to teach new material in a new way and they no more skip in their step to be creative about it. Do cool, innovative shit every once in a while and the class will love you.
OP here, sorry I cannot give out You's to everyone but thank you to the two/three anons fighting and bumping my thread (for free). Also, I apologize for not making this clear earlier, but I will be teaching the English language to Japanese high schoolers, not English literature. But a lot of this advice still scales. inb4 flaming me for being a weeb
Thanks user. How have you earned the respect of the few, as you put it? I'm really nervous on how to deal with shitty kids. I think I'm young enough to be approachable yet old enough to be able to exert authority, but I've never been a confrontational person re: the latter.
Thank you, I never would've thought that forcing a perfect final would be constructive, but the reasons behind it are sound. Looking forward ot that!
Luckily, I do care (although admittedly not passionate), hopefully that will go a long way.
You're welcome.
Be fucking chill. So fucking chill your last name becomes chill. Also anonymosly "make fun" of the stupidity of the other periods, its a fun way to help remind them the do's and don't's.
what does TGLPRNTP stand for?