I'm a 20 year old girl who is a khv. I'm not ugly but im definitely socially inept from child abuse/bad childhood and ive been losing weight, doing self improvement. I'm very stressed about being a soon to be 21 khv. Will I ever learn how to be a regular woman who is sexy or whatever at my age? Could I find a normie bf who doesn't abuse me/make fun of me/manipulate me? I'm so sad
I'm a 20 year old girl who is a khv...
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I'm sure just by posting here a lot of guys are going to be wishing they were with you. Are you turning everyone down? I don't doubt you or anything, it's just hard to imagine that you haven't pushed at least one potential partner away if you're not ugly. Women are the choosers in our society
How can I turn anyone down if I barely go out? I said I'm just socially inept so maybe when I get some confidence I'll go out. I don't want a boyfriend who probably browses b and doesn't have a high school diploma. What are the odds of finding a normal guy here?
Ill dick you down send me your snapchat bby
>I don't want a boyfriend who probably browses b and doesn't have a high school diploma
But you browse Jow Forums and are a socially inept shut in by your own admission, how are you any better?? I don't like the idea of settling, and I understand not wanting someone ugly or callous but other than that you should be more understanding, especially in your position
>What are the odds of finding a normal guy here?
Slim to none, but you can probably bag a cyborg that has his shit together.
I'm not a shut in, I go to college. Browsing b and browsing here is different. B is for pedophiles.
No one here is 100% normal but plenty of us are socially adjusted and valuable people, this issue is more that this board isnt set up for dating.
>B is for pedophiles
What are you even doing here?
I'm here for advice.
You shouldn't use Jow Forums to find an internet boyfriend. Ask your IRL friends if they know any single guys to introduce you to. Or just walk outside to anywhere people your age congregate. If you're a female and not fat then you'll probably get dudes hitting on you if you make eye contact and smile at them.
First off stop naming boards without the forward slashes, it's irritating newfag behavior.
Second, /b/ isn't for pedophiles. I don't think actual cheese pizza has been posted there in almost ten years. What it IS for is total fucking retards that wouldn't know content if it fucked them up the ass with a cactus. It's 2018, the last good thread on /b/ was over a decade ago. You shouldn't refuse to associate with a /b/ user because they might be a pedo, you should refuse to associate with them because they are GUARANTEED to be a retard.
I was in your situation, femanon. And you know what? Now I have a qt bf and we're about to celebrate our first anniversary in a month. It is possible, just go out of your comfort zone and meet people.
Are you going to cry if I call you a nigger? Because you're definitely being a nigger
I'm just scared and end up spilling my spaghetti to new people :(
No, it's full of sexual deviants and pedos.
How did you do it?
I just gritted my teeth and started to socialize more. You say that you're in college; that is a perfect opportunity, just go drink with your classmates. College kids will drink with just about anyone. Since I'm a social retard, I first became friends with my bf. We were friends for a while, then I bit the bullet, confessed my feelings to him and now we're together. You just need some courage.
Are you trolling? /b/ is terrible but are you really in a position to judge someone's browsing habits if you're khv at 21? I'm not trying to be mean, you're allowed to have standards to some degree, but why are you so concerned with having a "normal" bf if you're not that normal yourself?
>I go to college
congrats, it doesn't mean you're not a shut-in if you "barely go out". Unless that's not true. You should define "go out" as well, because a lot of people think that means going to degenerate clubs
You'll have to open yourself up to meeting people if you want to form new relationships.
Bitch looks like Marge Simpson with her hair down
Okay. I'll try when I'm at my goal weight. Congrats :)
Being a pedo doesn't compare to my situation because the first is very deviant.
How much do you weigh and how tall are you? If you're really fat it's not surprising that you're having trouble getting a bf.
5'4" 156-ish
You have a be a troll or not actually 21 years old. /b/ is terrible but being on /b/ does not make you a pedophile any more than being on Jow Forums in general makes you a russian hacker
I'm not 21. I'm 20.
Stick to a site where you don't get your feelings hurt, kay sweetie?
That's overweight but some people carry it better than others. Hard to say based on just numbers if that's why you're having trouble.
Keep up your work losing the weight. It will help. A lot.
My weight isn't the major problem. I literally just said I don't go out and have mental problems lol.
ANYWAY, my thread was derailed. These are my questions that I want answers to:
Will I ever learn how to be a regular woman who is sexy or whatever at my age? Could I find a normie bf who doesn't abuse me/make fun of me/manipulate me?
Just write it out.
>Will I ever learn how to be a regular woman who is sexy or whatever at my age?
Yes you can. It comes with practice. Put yourself into situations where you must socialize with people. It will be uncomfortable at first but as you do it more you will get better at it.
>Could I find a normie bf who doesn't abuse me/make fun of me/manipulate me?
Yes. Just know how to spot assholes from afar. Most people are not assholes, but many are.
Your thread was not derailed, you just don't want to listen
>wahh I'm not normal
>where's my normie bf
Maybe if you let in someone who doesn't meet your high standard of normalcy you will both become better adjusted.
It depends. You have to make some effort, though, like meeting with people. Not necessarily parties, just have a network of friends who could introduce you to new people.
Another thing is attitude. I know many people consider the term "inner beauty" bullshit, but let me tell you, if a girl has that kind of positive aura or what then she can win any man she desires. That's why you often see chubby or even fat, or skeleton girls with guys. They are just confident, love themselves and it feels nice to be around them.
I think you'll find your guy. You'll find him the moment you stop stressing about finding him. Pick up some hobbies and work on yourself. If your hobbies include meeting with other people, then the chances to meet a potential partner increases. Dance courses, martial arts courses are usually good places.
And no. Not every guy is the man who abused you when you were a child. I'm sorry to hear about that, but there are good guys out there.
My best buddy's gf is short and probably rocks 170-ish kilograms. She honestly looks like an immense coloured ball, she is literally round, she doesn;t even have boobs, I don't even know how that shit works.
IF SHE scored a bf (and really, my buddy is not even ugly), then you're either baiting for replies or you're actually mutant-level hideous with a salivating mouth type of retardness to go along with it.
I still this this is bait as fuck.