Flynn memo exposes entire Russia hoax/witchhunt

How could there be a Russian conspiracy to help Trump win the election when:
>(1). the investigation by Mueller into his top campaign adviser (and eventual National Security Adviser) found no illicit contact with Russians and recommended 0 jailtime?
>(2). 2 out of 3 of his campaign managers weren't even investigated or accused of working with Russia (Lewandowski and Bannon)?
>(3). the one campaign aide who was investigated (Manafort) was only charged with crimes unrelated to Russia and unrelated to the Trump 2016 campaign?

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>Flynn memo exposes entire Russia hoax/witchhunt
how about a link to share you retarded piece shit

Keep sippin the koolaid drumpfcucks


> The Russia narrative was a hoax from the beginning!

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Dan Bongino made a point this week that Obama enacted the sanctions on Russia on Dec. 29 while Flynn was on vacation in the Dominican Republic, KNOWING that Kislyak would call Flynn. They did this in order to tape the call with the intention of getting Flynn on a bogus lying to the FBI charge when he couldn't remember every fucking detail of the call. It was all a set-up to shut Flynn down.

Link to the heavily redacted memo is in there somewhere

Trump will end up impeached over the Stormy payments, Russia is nothing. Watch the media pivot.

>Mueller will find that Russia evidence someday!

It's floating out there in the void with Saddams WMDs

I read recently that it may have been that kike Senator Mark Warner, that he may have been in on this shit from the start.

>Fox News
Discarded, try harder

Here' what happened: some retard asks for link to the memo that was all over the news and this board for the past few days. I google "flynn sentencing memo". I copy/paste the link to the first non Wapo/nyp/cnn/fake news article in the results. I assume within it is a link to the actual memo (which is what was requested). Now youre giving me shit for what again?

Bongino is the man

Payments with his own money sure

Two years of blue balls and you want 6 more?

Trump didnt commit any crimes, he was the victim of many crimes personally, but even in the far off hypothetical universe of he did commit a campaign finance violation, the $130k paid to Ms Clifford pales in comparison to his opponent in 2016, Ms Rodham Clinton, whose own campaign laundered 84 million dollars according to the SEC. Trying to keep apples to apples comparisons for all the shills visiting with us tonight

He's knee deep in this. I wouldn't be surprised if it was him

Literally nothing about russia its hilarious

I kinda hope they try to impeach lets get civil war 2.0 kick off already

good work faggot thanks

Don’t pay attention to him, it’s a paid Israeli shill.
Just keep posting the truth and knowledge and it’s light will pierce through the low energy shill posts.
Don’t give any of your precious life force to these fags, use it solely for disseminating the truth.

Этo хopoшиe aмepикaнcкиe мнeния! Я клянycь!

Except Dump is actually a traitor and none of this matters when Mueller drops the truth bombs of Cohen squealing.

Oh sweaty. This is not the thread for u

it's not illegal to give someone money

Especially when that individual is trying to ruin your marriage/reputation after having previously consented to and subsequently threatened to violate (eventually did violate it anyway) a mutually agreed upon NDA. Trump did what he had to do as a man - the candidacy for President would not have been part of the calculations for him in this matter at all


Seriously, ex-FEC commissioner even said the payments weren't illegal

The way they made the payments to Cohen, to pay him back, is very shady.

No it's not, Trump even listed his repayment to Cohen early on during his administration's first required filing (while in office). Like i said, Cohen fucked it up a little, using one of his own shell corps, but even there he didnt do anything truly illegal. All his jailtime will be for the taxi medallion scam and any other unrelated to Trump things they got from raiding his office

Also the money came from cohen personally? Right? The money never even touched the campaign? Are they trying to say if you are running for president you can’t personally pay people money? Where would that end?

If you read the document it states the campaign paid him back, and that looks VERY shady.

Did the porn star pay taxes on that 130k? #thotaudit

Cohen of course gets a campaign check, like they randomly reimbursed him? Also didn’t cohen control it? I guess shady is shady but it seems like campaign money was used to pay her off either way. If this was systematically happening it would be bad but a one off thing like this has probable doubt written all over it. Especially with nothing directly happening. Trump made sure this was wrapped before the multi-million clinton foundation scam is shown. This way it can’t be spun as trup did it and hillary did it.

*wasnt used

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Ari Melber is doing this right now
>Trump was the one to direct cohen to commit the criminal campaign acts
Something like that
criminal is the theme, obviously, and everyone I know swallows it hook line and sinker. Makes me sad and angry.

You unironically woke up early to watch Comey’s testimony because you thought it’d be the absolute end of Trump. You thought the delegates would defect and protests would make him step down and Rachael Maddow would fix everything by reporting on his taxes. Every time you get assblasted and turn around to project that assblast you’re only setting yourself up for even more assblast so please for the love of God never change. I mean it I really want you to keep doing what your doing

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