How do you guys manage to socialize with normies? Specially at work?
I feel like throwing myself of a roof everytime I hear them talking about some stupid shit.
How do you guys manage to socialize with normies? Specially at work?
I feel like throwing myself of a roof everytime I hear them talking about some stupid shit.
What are they saying that's so stupid?
The things that are interesting and fun to you are inane and boring to somebody else. You are not special and different, you are not above other people. Just ignore conversations that you aren't interested in and get over yourself.
you get used to it or tune them out.
there are a hive of 20-something sluts who work where I do and they all talk about the same fucking things. What they saw on instagram, what restaurants their bf took them to, and who they think is hot in the office and who they've slept with. It's fucking disgusting but you have a paycheck to make.
The weather today is a bit warmer than yesterday. Woah I bought these new cookies, they are very tasty. You now worker X, what an idiot, let me proceed to shit talk him behind his back... I totally wouldn't do it to you.
whatever man people are people, I often have more in common with a normie than I do with someone who posts on Jow Forums.
One thing that bores me to tears is when they go off about the big sports game and the big sports team and when they talk about their cars but guess we also have entire boards dedicated to that exact same shit.
Like other people said, just tune it out or fake an interest and say things like "wow that's interesting I never knew that what's that like etc" and keep them going
They're trying to make small talk with you in an effort to get you to open up you introvert weirdo
you should try being the one who gets the discussion going instead of having them do all the heavy lifting
I don't know, I think small talk is deceptively simple. Often it's not what's being said as opposed to the intentions of it. Once I started viewing it in this way I grew to appreciate it since it's usually an expression of good will or to prevent people from feeling uncomfortable due to awkward silences. Most people don't deeply care about things like the weather, it's just a filler.
As for the shit talking that's a bit more legitimate to me. I can't even really help you on that one, it really pisses me off too unless it's somewhat legitimate to talk about (ie. so and so got fired for x reason, kind of unexpected).
>They're trying to make small talk with you in an effort to get you to open up you introvert weirdo
Nah. I'm next to the office thot, it's more like a way of shit talking me. I need to get good at banter but I can't do it without looking like an asshole.
70% of my lunch with the other engineers is silent, and that's okay. The rest is the older guy talking about his kids' sports, another guy about repairs he's doing to his house and any movies that have come out lately. It's weird, but it's only 30 minutes.
Don’t be a dick
Without normies nothing would get done
Imagine a world full of abnormalfags who spent all day jacking off to abstract things instead of running things
No, he's superior. That's why he's so alone. Stop questioning him.
Ignore them or join them. All of my friends irl are Jow Forumsommandos so we get along nicely but at work I just shoot the shit with the normies. I guess I'm not an incel so I can't really relate.
I’m gonna be 100% honest with you man, you’ve gotta learn a little about sports. You can focus on a specific one you find tolerable, but it helps to know a little about a few.
If you want a 90+% chance of successfully having casual chat with a normie, sports is the way. It revolutionized my social life.
>how do I socialize with normies
stop right there. you need to drop this whole normie robot meme, they're humans and youre a human, thats it. Just fucking talk
Nah, normies and autists really do have different brain chemistry
and its possible to be able to talk to both easily t.cyborg
Most of the shit I talk about is movies/shows or girls.
Literally kill yourself normalfag.
you only prove my point further
What point? The only point here is that you normals are ruining this site.
no, the point that autistic fags like you are unable to function in a normal society. "It is not me who is wrong, it is the children" -S.Skinner
You emulate them.