Hello anons, I have been reading the Goebbel diaries from the start...

Hello anons, I have been reading the Goebbel diaries from the start, and he mentions a book called Race and Eroticism by Herwig Harther. I am interested to see this book, but cannot find it anywhere. Do any anons have access or knowledge of where to find it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.com/books?id=zBnnBQAAQBAJ&pg=PT73&lpg=PT73&dq=herwig harther&source=bl&ots=fZk3AWg9K0&sig=GGjnBvg8AqlTqRlUX2bMJ-nf3GE&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwipl_Kp8I7fAhWr34MKHYDzDDsQ6AEwCHoECAgQAQ
google.com/search?q=Herwig Hartner-Hnizdo&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwirocfp8I7fAhXmYN8KHRIjBVYQ_AUIDygC&biw=1440&bih=804

There's probably no english translation

>Race and Eroticism
Will try to find it. Replying now so the thread doesn't die.
So far:
^ gotta pay so use this url prefix to read it for free (works with all science papers if ur into research)

Does the above link work for you? Just blank. Gimme a sec to keep looking. But I think is probably right.

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that is my fear. I have tried b-ok as well, scihub more for paper sin my experience.

Well let's work backwards. Terminator style. Find more info about the original to help us find a potential translation.
>Rasse und Erotik

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-12-08 at 2.27.50 AM.png (1201x320, 37K)

Looks promising!
>Herwig Hartner-Hizizdo
>German Volksverlag , 1925

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-12-08 at 2.30.07 AM.png (674x281, 50K)

only book that has authors name in it...

books.google.com/books?id=zBnnBQAAQBAJ&pg=PT73&lpg=PT73&dq=herwig harther&source=bl&ots=fZk3AWg9K0&sig=GGjnBvg8AqlTqRlUX2bMJ-nf3GE&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwipl_Kp8I7fAhWr34MKHYDzDDsQ6AEwCHoECAgQAQ

is german edition of the diaries i am reading

Hartner-Hnizdo is the lsat name apparently.

google.com/search?q=Herwig Hartner-Hnizdo&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwirocfp8I7fAhXmYN8KHRIjBVYQ_AUIDygC&biw=1440&bih=804

holy fuck, look at his other publications... they might have burned all this goy's books

Lol. yeah, the common terms of the race and erotik were similar:

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who's hugo?

But yeah, the only thing I can find is this thread...
Archive.org had nothing as well. I will keep looking for a bit, but maybe consider hiring a freelancer to translate the book because at least you have the digital version.

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Maximilian Hugo Bettauer,[1] later known as Hugo Bettauer, was born in Baden bei Wien on 18 August 1872, the son of the stockbroker Arnold (Samuel Aron) Bettauer from Lemberg (Lviv) and his wife Anna (née Wecker). He had two older sisters, Hermine (Michi) and Mathilde. In 1887–88, together with Karl Kraus, he attended the fourth form of the Franz-Joseph-Gymnasium in the Stubenbastei, Vienna. Kraus was to be his fiercest critic for the whole of his life.

At the age of 16 Bettauer ran away from home and travelled to Alexandria, from where the Austrian Consul sent him straight back again.

In 1890 Bettauer converted from the Jewish faith to the Evangelical church. In the same year he joined the Kaiserjäger (Imperial mountain infantry) as a one-year volunteer. The change of religion was presumably connected with the fact that Jewish soldiers who lacked noble status found it virtually impossible to make any kind of career in the military, and for conversion purposes the Evangelical Church was preferable to the Roman Catholic Church.

crypto kike

Alright, well I give up. But best of luck to you. Maybe email these guys and ask if they know of any version online or in libraries. (Use a protonmail or some sort of email to protect your identity of course.)

And if that doesn't work, hire a freelancer on Fiver, Freelancer, Upwork, etc. There are Ukrainians (half the country are neonazis) who would translate it for cheap and be happy to help. But of course don't bother mentioning your intentions. Just say it's for archiving/educational purposes or whatever.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-12-08 at 2.41.49 AM.png (707x503, 98K)

thank you sir, you have been a help. I am going to continue looking for a full version, but I will find someone to help translate.

as well as his other works

Alright guys, I am not going to lie, this website is fucking great:


Check it out


part of pol's reading list

Aryan Ethos and Jewish Ethos

By Dr. Peter H. Peel

Source: Aryan Ethos and Jewish Ethos | NEW ORDER

In the world of music, the sublime geniuses of Richard Wagner and Ludwig van Beethoven tower above all other composers as the Himalayas tower above the Alps. But whereas Beethoven was politically naive, Wagner possessed a profound insight into philosophy, politics and the nature of society.

Wagner's masterpiece of masterpieces, his cycle The Ring of the Nibelungs, speaks to us on several levels. It is the glorious evocation of the central myths of our Aryan ancestors and reaches into the depths of our own souls to awaken race-memory and consciousness. But it is also an allegory of the modern world.

In 1898, George Bernard Shaw wrote a brilliant little book called The Perfect Wagnerite in which he claimed that the first three operas, at least, were really a devastating denunciation of the squalor, greed, and life stultifying nature of capitalism. I believe that he made a very convincing case. What he omitted - I suggest from a failure to see it rather than any arriere pensees - was that Wagner, if a "socialist," was really a racial socialist and was fully aware of the eternal Jewish enemy. Two very important figures in the Ring, Alberich and Loki (or Loge), symbolize two aspects of the destroying Jew. There is a third figure, Mime, Alberich's brother, who represents the haggling, huckstering, swindling, cheating, whining "little" Jew, but with him I shall not concern myself at this time.

Alberich - dwarfish, ugly, greedy, vengeful - appears at the very beginning of the operas, Das Rheingold (The Rhine Gold), but note the play on words: rein means "pure" or "innocent" in German. The gold, which lies in the river Rhine, is a beautiful, unsullied, natural thing: but it has, Alberich knows, magical powers which can giver its possessor domination over the world. In order to steal the gold Alberich is compelled to foreswear love, nature and beauty, all of which he willingly does. The gold ceases to be innocent and become accursed - a source of evil and ultimate destruction for all who possess it as well as an instrument of tyranny over all others.

In Alberich we see the Jewish obsession with loveless sex. Jewish sex-life is notoriously joyless and unsatisfying. Jewish literature makes not bones about admitting this. And this partly explains the endless Jewish promotion of pornography, public indecency toleration of sexual aberrations, filthy speech and so forth.

As for Loki, he is not really a god: he is only partly of the blood of the Aesir, the race of the gods. Physically, he is like the blond Jew - a particularly repulsive type whose blond hair is usually borderline-kinky, and whose blue eyes have that pale, codfish, heavy-lidded look. I need not elaborate. The reader can choose his own examples. I have in mind one prominent Bryiddish actor and one Hollywood "comedian" They are to the true Nordic type what Yiddish is to High German - an obnoxious caricature and a distortion. Loki is the "assimilated" Jew, the "cultured" Jew.

And see what Wagner makes of him! He is witty - in a destructive way - cynical, cunning, restless and utterly treacherous. In his secret depths he loathes and despises the Aesir, in particular Wotan. But the Aesir rely on him for advice, as so many Aryan kings and presidents have relied on the advice of Jewish schemers. Indeed, the same fatal error of judgement has been made by many Aryan rulers. One might begin the list with the Pharoah who was swindled by Joseph and his brothers, or certain Turkish sultans who were encouraged to debauchery by their Jewish physicians.

Although Loki's advice brings apparent success in the short run, it always brings increasing problems in the long run, and these culminate in total and final disaster. And this is his long-range intention. He glories in enmeshing the gods deeper and deeper in an ineluctable doom. At the end of the fourth opera, Die Goetterdaemmerung, it is Loki's fire which immolates Valhalla and utterly destroys the race of the gods.

Thus, Alberich and Loki, in their separate ways, symbolize the biologically-determined Jewish drive to destroy, subvert and pervert the whole Aryan ethos and culture. They symbolize the Jew's implacable and irreversible enmity - his compulsion, as it were, always to defecate on a well-scrubbed floor. To what we may variously call the Aryan, Germanic or Gothic cultural ethos, the Jew is utterly alien - at least when he is true to himself. A few Jews have made pathetic attempts to "assimilate." Usually, such Jews appear to have been physically of partly Aryan blood. The effort is always doomed to failure. The Jew who tries to "pass" becomes a hopelessly tormented figure, acutely schizoid. But so does the Judaized Aryan - a matter of considerably more importance to us. To be genetically of one race and try to embrace the culture, ethos and world-outlook of another is about as fruitless an endeavor as it would be for a cholera bacillus to attempt to live symbiotically with its human host. The natural biological function of the cholera bacillus is to prey upon and ultimately destroy its host. The natural function of the host is to destroy and eliminate he agent of disease. "Mit dem Juden," said the Man Who Died For Us in the ruins of flaming Berlin, "gibt es kein Paktieren, sondern das harte Entweder-Oder." *

With the heroic and tragic end of the Third Reich in 1945, the world has entered a period of Jewish ascendency which is now total and, as a result of which, our civilization is sick nigh unto death. Regardless of any other considerations, the symbolism of a president of the United States handing his resignation to an immigrant Jew secretary of state is artistically perfect. ** But despair is never in order. Throughout the Western world there exist numbers of courageous and enlightened Aryan brothers who will never surrender and never cease to fight. In the end we can and shall win. Compromise is impossible. Assimilating ourselves to the Jewish ethos, or living contentedly in a Judaized world, is as psychologically and biologically impossible for us as it is for the Jew to live in inner peace in our world.

One of the most dangerous errors of those who are only partially awakened to the truth is that the Jew can ever be dissuaded, converted, or educated out of the destructive tradition of his race. Destruction, subversion, revolution, and corruption are his biological weapons in the eternal struggle of life forms for power and paramountcy. The Jew's instincts, if not his conscious intelligence, grasped this, at the latest two millenia ago. After several unsuccessful attempts at revolt, the Levantine world accepted its military impotence in relation to its Aryan-Roman masters. It turned instinctively to the subtlest of biological weapons.

It evolved a religion which preached a sentimental, universal benevolence (which it miscalled "love") and which emphasized the unimportance and transient nature of worldly concerns and focused on a putative afterlife. It decried all that was great and powerful and noble, and apotheosized the weak, the feeble, the humble. This, it successfully undermined the innocent will-to-power of the Aryan overlords and brought ruin to the whole glorious Graeco-Roman civilization. Where religions had previously served as the repositories of the myths and legends of a particular people (as Judaism and Shintoism still do) and thus served to protect their uniqueness and integrity, the new religiosity was universal and implicitly democratic. God was no longer a god of a particular people, embodying their highest concepts, but an enormously remote Ruler of the Universe. Man was correspondingly smaller and more contemptible, more of an insect. And this meant all men. Caesar was equated with the meanest slave. The differences between men were held to be trivial by comparison with their universal status as children of the new deity.

A strange thing happened - and one of immense good fortune for us. The decayed Graeco-Roman world perished, but a new Gothic-Germanic Aryan civilization began to emerge and reach it sublime heights in the High Middle Ages. It adopted much of the nomenclature of the new religion and devised elaborate rituals and ceremonies. It even produced the great Gothic cathedrals as an expression of its highest aesthetic values. But under the superficial trappings of the Levantine original it preserved a full-blooded and robust Gothic-Germanic-Aryan ethos which was never seriously inhibited by the nominal religion. The European serf, from Russia to France, was usually of an inferior racial strain – the miscegenated product of what Houston Steward Chamberlain called "the chaos of the peoples." No medieval noble regarded the base serf as this "brother." The so-called "Crusades," for all their conscious idealism, were only Viking raids writ large, and the Crusaders slaughtered the Saracens with joyful gusto, boasting that they rode into Jerusalem with the blood of the infidel over their horses' fetlocks. The Saracen was no more their brother than the serf.

Not until the rise of modern capitalism did the Jewish ethos once again begin to assert itself. At first it was through the agency of grim and gloomy non-Jews, obsessed with the Old Testament. With the French Revolution, the floodgates of Judaism opened wider and with the general emancipation of the Jews during the following century - which Wagner opposed - the battle for dominance was more fully joined. To this day, alas, most of our folk are not even aware that a war is even in progress. It is an unawareness which will, if not rectified, end our civilization as it ended the Graeco-Roman.