I'm 18 years old.
Do I have any option other than killing myself?
I'm 18 years old.
Do I have any option other than killing myself?
My cousin always had thin hair. It was receding by 20 and shortly after he went full-time bald. He can't grow any facial hair though
Hair is not the end all be all of attractiveness or manliness.
Can't you tough it out until full adulthood? Once you reach full adulthood, nobody is going to care about your balding.
You also need a fuckin haircut. Taper the sides and scissor cut the top. Have a skilled barber do it, not some local jagoff cosmetologist.
notice how the sides are cut short and the top is kept long enough to still cover the head
here's a cut for parting
here's a cut for brushing forward
accept that you are losing your hair, get jacked as fuck and leave humanity behind
>Hair is not the end all be all of attractiveness or manliness.
please post pictures of attractive and manly men with little hair.
I'm not trying to prove you wrong. If anything I wish you are right.
here's what you don't want
why have length on the sides, OP? answer me that.
Stop wallowing and get a fucking haircut. Fucking depressives. You've got to break out the box.
>be 30
>hair still grows fast as fuck
Wat do?
Do you want to buy some, OP?
I just started shaving my head when I started losing mine, girls actually kinda like it and minimal $ spent on hair care
just go full bald and hit the gym is the only way, also develop some personality.
Nigga just shave it all and wear business suits.
You can either accept it and do what other anons have said and shave your head, or you can go to a doctor to be referred to a dermatologist who can look into treatment options.
At that level of loss you might need to fork out some cash for a transplant if finasteride and minoxidil don't help. If those two medications do help you will need to pay for and be on them for the rest of your life to maintain your hair. Evaluate if that is worth it to you.
ignore the treatment advice, hair thin as yours at 18, you'd just be throwing away your money.
Just shave that shit.
Also the problem sometimes is people think you automatically need to go full chrome dome, ala the Patrick Stewart look. You don't.
Thats a pretty extreme look for a young guy, just start off with a good short shave instead.
Go for a Jason Statham look, rather than the full Bruce Willis.
Yes. Killing yourself while taking as many normies as you can with you.
you motherfuckers keep saying shave instead of clip
Time to get the hair clippers/razor out. I lost a bunch of hair after taking Accutane (huge mistake) and went straight to buzzing my hair shortly after (2 guard) I was lucky enough to be able to grow a proper beard but even without facial hair you can still look good. Guys always fret about shaving/buzzing their hair but there have actually been studies conducted that females actually perceive men with a shaved head/beard combo as more masculine.
I see a lot of people hanging on like this. WHY?!
My grandpa was like that at your age too. He's doing fine.
Most male models have hair. Most Hollywood male actors that are popular with the females have hair. Women want to be able to run their fingers through your hair.
The bar for male attractiveness is not a bald head. Stop lying to OP
just fucking buzz your head dude. Anything is better than that shit. Hell, maybe you can even pull of a shaved head.
figure out your face shape and see if you can pull off buzzing it/shaving it all off. that or find some hair styles that work with a receding hairline. don't try to cling to your hair it's just gonna look like shit
just shave your head and get in shape dude. baldness is literally a sign of high testosterone, it's like being a silverback gorilla. lots of girls dig it.
now if you were a girl, THEN you'd be in trouble
Shave your head.
I'll just leave the research here for you to read
The top of your head looks highly similar to someone's I know. Except he is 21 and works at a Brookshire's at the moment. Y'alls forehead and eyebrows from this angle also look the same, so I will picture you with his face. So with his face I would say that thinning hair at the top will make you look older and like a dad, but a buzzcut may also be a bit odd. Either way it is just hair and people, including yourself, learn to live with it.
That shows that males with hair are more attractive to females. I doubt OPs main concern is with appearing masculine.
it means you're becoming l33t h4x0r op
Go Seth Everman mode.
literally looks like an alien got date raped by a lizard and tried aborting the fetus halfway through giving birth.
Just curious OP, with that much testosterone are you hung?
If my hair loss is due to stress and high cortisol levels, will becoming less stressed halt the loss or is it that once it starts it won't stop?
Fertilizer, IE Miracle Grow.
this happened to me
got the barber to give me a sort back and sides or shave my head
when i used a razor to shave my head or lines contentiously and my hair got heaps thick, i have a full head of hair now
Just go bald
Don't kill yourself, Don.
It looks fine.
Trim that shit down. Confidence and a decent body and that you have your own hobbies and never fucking ever tell her stuff like "you're so great, you deserve someone better". No, you are more worth than her. And if you don't feel like that, fake it...... If you want a gf that is....
The older you get the less it will matter because more and more people will be bald. By your late 20s it will be totally normal. Just tough it out. Also get jacked
Everybody else here is lying: the best solution is to get as much money as you can and keep up to date on these stemcell based hairloss treatments.
I'd get it cut short. Symmetry matters more to girls than anything really.
After that no longer works because hair becomes splotchy, then clip or shave short/bald.
Also, yes, try to get fit if you can. That will help to bring out the details in your face, neck and shoulders and help you carry the natural features of the part top of your body so less focus is on the top of your head.
Money can fix anything. This is Cesc Fabregas, the before picture is not even his hair at its worst, at one point he was like a >JUST image come to life, balding from the front and the top, it was awful. He got a hair transplant and you can't tell the difference from before he went bald.
Nowadays they do something called follicular implants, they basically harvest hair follicles from other parts of your body. If you have zero facial hair it may be a problem, otherwise you can be comforted by the knowledge that if you ever get money you can always have this procedure.
buy a shaving machine and shave yourself every few days or before going in public. ask someone home to shave the back of the head.
Stop listening to these morons and look into finasteride and minoxidil
There's hope, user. It's not how MUCH hair you have. It's HOW you wear the hair that you have. Plus, shaved/bald is never really a bad look, if you decide to take it all off. No one can really critique a bald head.
Shave it. Bald heads are sexy as fuk.
>tfw manlet with a small frame and large head
it's the worst combo i'm going to kill myself soon
Well you can always hope a treatment will surface and will improve your condition. I tell guys missing teeth the same thing, I hope stem cell research makes breakthroughs soon.
I had the same thing OP. I had gfs until 22 but the past 3 years have been total dry spells. Finally shaved it bald last year and grew out a beard and I've been on a couple dates since. Both girls I've been out with were in shitty relationships so I swerved them both but they were both attractive. Once you get to mid 20's girls won't care. Until then work on your spiritual and physical fitness as well as achieving goals. I know for a fact that if I didn't lose my hair I wouldn't have been so driven in studying since no girl wanted anything to do with me. Now i'll be attending Columbia in the fall. It's going to be hard but life is hard. Use the extra time to really put in the work to chase your dreams. And most importantly, meditation and some sort of service to others really saved me from killing myself through those dark times.