Born a Nigger? WWYD?

What would you do if you woke up tomorrow morning and just found out you were 94.4% native Zimbabwean and 5.6% Chinese? Suicide?

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Chimp out like it's 1992

Join the NAACP
then get on welfare
then steal something and sell drugs

Teach my people about Ethnonationalism and why it's important for our future. Come up with ideas and strategies to setup a good base in Africa for my people. Not harm whites and support them to create a white ethnostate.

Look for my father

Michael Jackson myself

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Fuck white women and do drugs and get free gibs


Honestly assuming my mental faculties are the same and it's just my outward appearance that has changed I'd embrace it fully
I'd move to Sweden or some other gimme state in Europe and act like the stereotypical niggest of the niggest on the loose, get away with all of it and get some sweet wellfare.

That picture passes as white in America

As fun as it sounds to take advantage of my newfound niggerness, I honestly can't lie with the idea of being black. I would quickly kill myself so that I wouldn't be a burden to society.

Rape and steal. Maybe kill a nigga for good measure.

steal something

Try to lead a good life despite the people around me.
Much like I do now.

I am black
I am surviving
I keep to myself


>What would you do if you woke up tomorrow morning and just found out you were 94.4% native Zimbabwean and 5.6% Chinese? Suicide?
I just gotta know one thing, am I female or not?

Go to Africa and become the leader of a sub-75 IQ country by manipulating the local population.

Well first i finds a thing
If muh dick fits in I fucks it
If i can't fucks it i steals it
If i can't steals it i fucks it up
Then i go look for sumpin else

bang every white girl with my BBC I can find '' what your daddy think he look at you now ''

Gibs me dat!

haha good idea

Apply for scholarships at high end universities and go back to school with a full ride.


Impregnate as many blonde Aryan whores as possible while crying about oppression and collecting gibs
I’m so sad I’m not black

Honestly, if that happened I would probably plunge into a deep depression and I am Indian.

I would eventually get over it after a month of heavey drinking and build a life based on what I remember from not being a nigger.

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>5.6% Chinese?

lel those chinky genes are strong then.

Kill more niggers without regret.

Exterminate my race.