In my hometown I never once didn't have a girlfriend from my sophomore year till when I moved to my parents new house...

In my hometown I never once didn't have a girlfriend from my sophomore year till when I moved to my parents new house in rural fuckistan at 19 to start pursuing my degree. Since I've moved here my social life has just diminished.

It started last summer. I thought me and this girl had a thing, we even hooked up and then had sex, but she's not looking for someone to date. And now everytime a guy she likes rejects her she comes running to me until someone else comes along. I just ignore her now

And then another girl who liked me but we were just too busy at the time and we could never hang out. She ended up finding someone else

And now I'm on tinder. I either deal with bullshitters, or we exchange snaps/numbers but it never goes anywhere and I get ghosted, or I manage to not fuck it up enough and we go on a date and I think we have a great time. And then I get ghosted. Like what's even the point. Spend a bunch of gas and money to go on a first date just to get ghosted. Has happened like 5 times. Every time we had a great time during the date and the conversation never died. Maybe people just see me as not the boyfriend type.

But seriously what's the point in putting effort into this crap anymore.

And even if I get a girlfriend, the past two months I've known like 10 people who had their girlfriends cheat on them

I'm sick of being alone but I'm sick of emotionally and socially draining myself too appeal to people who don't even have the balls to fucking just tell me "you're just not my type" and instead hang me up like a fucking wet rag.

What's the god damn point anymore.

And tinders all I have. I go to community college, only a couple of my friends are of age to drink and none of us have the money to go to bars anyways and meet people. I'm not going to a bar alone either because unless I meet someone I'm just gonna be drunk and depressed in public. Not to mention I live an hour from any bars where I'd meet someone my age.

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Like god damnit. I'm ready to move to tibet and become a monk. I'm sick of spending every day inside. The only thing I enjoy is school because it keeps me busy enough to not think about this. I can't get a job this summer because I'll be gone all of July studying abroad, so no one's gonna hire me and working somewhere for a month is just pointless. So I have to sit here, and talk to my discord friends all day in my dark room while I'm left alone with my god damn thoughts. I have hockey twice a week and that keeps me a little motivated but that's shutting down for the summer and won't start again till the fall.

I'm so bored. I'm so lonely. My sleep schedule is fucked. My blood sugar problems are getting worse, and my boredom is making me more stressed than my finals ever have. I just have to sit in this uncomfortable chair and rot. Maybe I'll have fun abroad. But then I come back to the same crap.

Meeting someone at school? I missed that window. I'm done with my gen eds. I'm in computer programming. There isn't a single girl under 30 in my entire program.

And you know I look back, I look back at my freshman year of high school. How badly I wanted a girlfriend. How lonely I thought I was.

Yeah, that was pathetic compared to this. Sometimes I remember that all I have to do for the next month is simply exist. That's all I have planned. And I go into a full on panic attack. Today my blood sugar was so fucking low but I couldn't even get the motivation to eat something because I'm just so god damn lethargic. I managed to drink some tea and feel semi normal.

I'm sore from sitting. I get excercise like I said from hockey. I'm developing carpal tunnel. My bed is uncomfortable

Fuck sometimes I'll buy a 30 rack of beer and just drink till I pass out, at least that numbs my fucking existence. But that's unhealthy, so I try to avoid doing that.

Smoking weed keeps me content sometimes but it's so fucking expensive and when I smoke I have to smoke the entire day from wake up to sleep. And then when I'm out my brain chemistry gets so fucked up and I have mood swings and my eating habits get worse. People always ask me how I eat so much and stay skinny, the truth is they only see me when I'm stoned, that's when I can eat. When I'm not stoned which im lucky if I can stomach 1 meal. I think I'm developing chrones disease, my mom has it so it's a possibility.

And what fucking happens when I finish school, I'll get a job. Sure, software development is my dream career. I love programming. But I'm not going to have the time to be searching for a partner. I don't have the network to set me up with someone. Am I just gonna have to wait till I'm 30 or some shit and wait for someone who will settle for anyone?

I wish I could of stayed in my hometown. I had to leave behind my girlfriend of 2 years, the first person I've ever felt I had a connection with. The first person I didn't have to guess if they actually were interested in me. We just clicked. But that was because we went to high school together. We were always around each other so naturally we just fell into place. I don't have that life situation anymore.. I have to go out and find opportunities and fail at all of them.

Nothing works out nobody wants me and my fucking life is miserable.

Like now I see why guys have just given up. I see why guys just say "ay gurl wnt sum fuk"

because it's not even worth trying when no matter how hard you try it never works out. May as well grab low hanging fruit and give up all standards.

Itt - miserable incel blog

Incels don't get laid.

I have no problem getting laid, I can just swipe on fat chicks. I did it once. It sucked. I left more depressed than happy. I want a girlfriend, I don't want to just get my dick wet

Itt - miserable autist blog

That girl's face in that pic is so...cartoony. Almost had me thinking it was. Just came to post my thoughts. continue on.

Here user I'm going to give you some advice.
I'm 25 and although I don't have it all together the best thing I can tell you is that it only gets worse.
The best thing you can do is follow your passion, you already made the smart decision learning programming (I wish I learned a useful trade in college). This will lead you places with the most important of those places being in a job that pays well.
In order to win a woman over you have to attract her as no one wants to talk to anyone else unless they have to nowadays or unless they are interested. As you program make time for the gym (Another thing I wish I did at your age, just doing it now and thinking of all the wasted years).
Love isn't everything and although this advice is very anecdotal, keep her close and if she's the one make it so.

Move out as soon as you graduate and have the money, just not having your parents have to look at you destroy yourself and fall deeper into depression will force you to improve yourself for you. I wish I had moved out earlier, my relationship with my significant other would have been much deeper.
Don't live with a roommate unless you have to.

As much fun as it is to live with another person (not to mention cutting costs), living alone is nice and it shows that you're responsible to anyone you bring home.

Lastly, keep using tinder, fuck anything on there, sure you'll fuck hogs but your lack of sex should be the last of your worries.

Goodluck user, these waters are troubled but can be handled.

Since this is Jow Forums, I'm going to give you some devil's advocate to go with your whine.

>Rural fukistan
Then this is a problem that can improve after you get your degree and move to a new region.

>Tinder sucks
No shit. So what?

>What's the god damned point anymore?
I don't think you started with much of a point other than wishful thinking and ending the loneliness of living in the middle of nowhere.

>I have a lot of reasons and excuses for not meeting women organically.

I agree with the first 3 points

How can I meet women organically however. I am in a degree which almost the entirety of my program is males, the few females are over 30

I don't live near a bar, I don't have the money to get a hotel, I can't take uber because they don't come out to where I live, a taxi will be hundreds of dollars, I'm not driving drunk because thats dumb and risking my entire future to get drunk and meet a woman is stupid.

Sure, I can move to a city, but that'll only be once I have worked here for a little while. I don't have the money to move out until I start working, and given I'll only have my associates it won't be likely I'll be offered relocation packages till I have some good experience

By the time I'm working I won't have much free time. I'm a workaholic by nature, always have been. Like is my only option to just wait till someone throws themselves at me?

It's even hard to make guy friends. Many of my guy friends are just as miserable and lonely as I am, or even worse, they're strapped by their girlfriends. Most people I meet just end up being acquaintances/work type relationships.

Also, I understand what you're saying about these young girls being mega insufferable. I feel the same about young guys too, but at least I don't fall in love with them.

hmm. I guess I don't know enough about the area you live in to really comment on what is or isn't possible there.

you said something about going to bars with friends like it was a possibility that you shot down. then you said something about a cab being hundreds of dollars, which mostly confuses me.

I tried the gym but it wasn't my thing, I get my exercise from playing hockey. It's nice being on a team, getting excercise, and there's actual winning and losing. I was able to keep consistent in the gym for about a year and made ok results but it was just boring.

I like sports/playing sports

That's all you took from that huh, well okay. It's not about liking it or it being your thing, the gym is no one's thing.

You only start to enjoy it when you begin seeing progress. Plus the whole reason you go is not for you in the first place. If you want women who are not only your type but look decent as well, then you gotta do more than roll around on the ice.

Sorry to brush the rest of your post off. The rest was good advice

I wasn't offended, just surprised but thank you.

Basically what I'm trying to say, is going to the bars out here to meet women is a very, very, very expensive ordeal.

Cab: $100+ each way
Drinks: $40-70 tab if I moderate myself and go to cheap bars

My friends are all either underage, or have little interest in going to a bar. My guy friends are just as lonely as I am, or strapped down by their girlfriends, and the majority of them aren't of age to drink either given I'm 21

>$200 cab rides

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oh, now I see. they're not really "out there" with you. without a car, I wouldn't consider anyone a $100 cab ride away to be in my vicinity.

do their girlfriends have friends? in a friend circle that's going really well, couples can hang out and bring singles into the mix to meet each other.

Well I have a car, but driving drunk is illegal and will ruin my life, not to mention stupid. So if I want to go meet women I either risk my future driving drunk or give pajeet $100+ to drive me there

Yeah, and uber doesn't come out this far (which would probably be a similar price anyways)

The friends I know with girlfriends are the type that are trying to settle down really early. They've alienated a lot of their friends. Rarely get to talk to them outside of seeing them around town/school/occasional snapchats

AKA 'strapped'



I've read the entire thread and have determined you require professional psychological help immediately to address the multitude of issues you have.