Now fields, but a lot of you forgot about the guy who shot a warning shot into the ground in Charlottesville.
>Be KKK protestor with legal firearm >Nigger has aerosol can and using it as flame thrower trying to burn people alive (you can easily get fatal 3rd degree burns from an aerosol flamethrower, especially if liquid is sprayed on you, your face will turn into acid-like scars and you can lose your eyeballs/ears) >Point firearm at Nigger with Flamethrower screaming at him to put it down >Nigger keeps trying to burn people >Totally justified in blowing his brains out >Instead fire warning shot into ground near nigger, missing him on purpose >Get charged with discharging a firearm within 1000 ft of a school (!?) >Get convicted (???) >Go to jail for 8 years >Nigger praised as hero for trying to flammenwarfen ebil Nazis
Same court house, same Judge Moore. In his sentencing he said "lol you weren't protecting anyone, fuck evil nabiz bigot!". He denied every motion and just railroaded him.
Then there's the case of the 2 guys fighting that nigger in the parking garage. He was attacking them and they fought back. They got 8 and 6 years for "malicious wounding" because the nigger had a cut on his scalp.
Meanwhile Bikelock terrorist committed seven counts of aggravated attempted homicide, while masked and acting on behalf of a domestic terror organization, and got probation.
Now you have every lefty chanting the only "good nazi is a dead nazi" and literally advocating killing anyone who disagrees with them. Is the civil war near?
The guy was a moron. Don't fire warning shots. If you fire at all, fire on target and at the last possible moment, even if he killed him, it could have been classed as self defense. As he had time to "warn" him, there was no imminent danger, thus no reason to fire in the first place.
Fields on the other hand was justified in hitting the crowd through multiple different reasons.
Nathaniel Long
did he get life?
Robert White
He wasn't charged with assault with a deadly weapon or anything related to firing at the nigger himself because he was justified.
They nailed him anyways by "discharging a firearm within 1000 ft of a school" which is up to 10 years in prison. The spirit of the law is that they don't want people having shootouts near schools with kids nearby, he shot into the grass and was totally justified, but there was some school like 999 ft away that was empty and Moore used that to give him the max sentence almost because he didn't like the ebil protestors. How is this allowed to fly in the USA?
Leo Jenkins
He's getting sentenced Monday at 0930 EST by this Moore maniac. He's going to get the death penalty because it's Moore, he's already made up his mind. He stated before the trial began in open court that Fields was guilty of 1st degree murder to the jury.
Easton Cooper
>Is the civil war in the USA imminent? any day now
Alexander Martinez
can't you change judges?
Jayden Gutierrez
Of course, every single person charged mentioned tried multiple times to change venues and Judge moored just said "lol nope" and that was it. He even denied motions for changing judges too claiming he was impartial.
He's literally approved every state motion and denied every defense motion in all the cases mentioned.
Juan James
>literally advocating killing anyone who disagrees with them Not everyone who disagrees with them is a Nazi.
Brandon Campbell
We're running out of runway on the peaceful politics. We just want to be left alone and have our rights not be infringed and we are against evil communists who are willing to commit any and all acts of criminal injustice against us. We're getting very close to "fuck your optics,I'm going in" time.
Joshua Torres
>Those digits
How will the civil war play out? Blockade California and the North East to starve the leftists?
Because Jews run the justice system. See: Hawaii judge literally who overrules Trump or Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
Jose Thompson
The turbocommie fascists are just making Martyrs. Fields et al will be the first busted out of prison during a civil war
Ryder Gutierrez
No, we aren't scheduled for a US civil war until 2034.
Gavin Rodriguez
Actually, the niggers will be the first busted out of prison. I want them raping and pillaging liberal areas without any guns. Fuck, arm them on the way out!
Camden Ross
no, we're not even close to a position where civil war would be possible to start. we'd need a public adolf to rally people to reality before it's possible, and while trump does the best he can in myopic limbo, he can't name the jew so he can only help indirectly with racial awareness, which is a hell of a lot, but not near what a public adolf would get us. making the huge assumption that anyone with that kind of rhetorical talent wouldn't be immediately assassinated by jews, which is a big assumption
Grayson Jackson
That's true but the saying does stop at some point. Look at France for a current day example. America was born in revolution and considering our short history we like to kill people even if it's our own. When it starts it will suddenly be happening. Could be tomorrow or ten years but it will happen.
Joshua Cooper
Oh well. Either hole up in rural areas and hope they never come for you, or use the 2nd amendment for its intended purpose. The right is busy playing nice on the internet, while leftists have total control of our country.
Brandon Diaz
The French have started without a leader. That comes later.
Nathaniel Wright
t. niggers ally with the fascists to rape sjw cucks
>public adolf no we don't, that's why gilets jaunes has you shook
Brody Ross
>right >left jews and the oligarchy have control over our country, whatever puppets they use to deflect from their total dominance are illusions put in front of you. there are no "leftists" running this country. there are only merchants.
Brandon Taylor
>ally You don't ally with chaos, you send it in and shoot at it if it comes back to you
Aiden Jenkins
if the french protests were 100% about race and migrants, i'd agree, and you'd see how quickly they brutally put down those protests, which is what would happen to us if we tried to do it BEFORE an adolf figure clarified our grievances with the public.
Xavier Roberts
They don't care if they are, I'm a fucking spic and I've been called a nazi by white americans.
Cooper Murphy
We are getting dangerously close to just arresting people for dissidence.
Every person on here could be assraped in prison at the whim of some Jewish judge
Josiah Barnes
>oy vey go out and start a scene! >nobody on facebook is going to cheer riot police killing you in the street >honest goys!
Liam Morris
Adolf became a leader after much violence and protest in Germany, same will happen here Rabbi.
Hunter Flores
No. Fire a couple shots from max range and then run away to do it again.
Nathan Perez
Based, soon people will realize leftist is just a dogwhistle for subhuman.
It’s only humans vs. kikes and their puppets
Michael Johnson
>niggers are on facebook >threatens you with niggers hating you
Evan Jones
This, the leader comes later, now is the time for the burning rage and chaos.
Next time shoot into the court house and take out the kike in a robe
Elijah Lewis
Its what (((they ))) have spent billions to bring about. Whether it happens or not depends on how well the disinformation techniques and psyops work (ie this post). Lets hope no but at the same time that good citizens remain prepared to fight when (((they))) pay useful idiots on the left to start escalate to violence on a large scale.
Eli Gomez
Let it be. Let it be... If I must die I will die on my feet, using every bit of accumulated training and equipment to make it a nightmare for my killers.
Jack Morris
Good point. I'm still in denial about the frogs. Never saw that coming.
Jordan Gonzalez
>use the 2nd amendment for its intended purpose Yeah, and go to prison. This isn’t the founding fathers’ USA anymore, hombre. White people either need to defend their right to exist now or watch themselves slowly get exterminated with impotence.
Leo Harris
the right has been hanging back because of Trump. they want to wait and see what he does. if the left continues to block his agenda, which they will, people are going to reach a breaking point. we're not there yet but it will happen.
Sebastian Collins
This is what happens when your (((enemies))) own all money, news, education, entertainment, cops, courts, military, etc. In the mind of the Jews, it's all over except for mopping up a few whites who get sick of being erased from time to time. Winning a culture war without a sympathetic media is like winning a war without bombers, when your enemy uses bombers on you every day.
Start telling the Left where all the rich Jews live and ask them why its ok for Jews to be masters but not whites?
Cameron Carter
so fuck up the judges all at once mcveigh style, there's more than one way to avoid prosecution
Isaiah Perry
No probably die. It's worse than prison. And we stand tall and ready.
Austin Foster
The filthy jews didn't either. It's their nightmare. Suddenly one day they have hundreds of thousands of very pissed off white people on their hands and there isn't anything they can do to control them. It's the one thing they fear, angry whites in large numbers and get they can't seen to stop poking the beehive.
Wyatt Carter
At this point the culture is never coming back without bloodspill. Obviously, lone wolves aren’t going to save the country, but organized armed resistance is truly the only thing that will stop a hostile majority. I’m also not saying it’s likely to happen. The way most whites are now, we’re fucked. I just hope something happens to finally wake people up and change the rhetoric.
Brody Hernandez
Based nigger is based
Mason Young
>bloodspill >organized armed resistance or you could just have everyone assassinate one kike and that's it everyone knows these people you're their driver, their deliveryman, their ac guy, their bank teller, their fucking janitor
grandma just needs to put one bullet in that judge's head for her daughter's girl to live in the 50s world she grew up in
Dylan Brooks
It's like that poem when the Saxon begins to hate. When the time comes it won't be talked about, it'll just begin to happen. To be honest i think it's very close, people are much more awake than you think.
Blake Bell
On of the many reasons for appeal.
Owen Davis
18 USC 241 18 USC 242
>Burn that fucker
Wyatt Robinson
>or you could just have everyone assassinate one kike and that's it Public opinion is against whites, even among whites. Killing Soros or whoever would lead to nothing but further public condemnation of whites and some other slimey kike would simply fill the vacuum.
What we need is undeniable exposure of white genocide to the common people. I know this will inevitably happen as immigration to the west continues, but by then it may be too late and whites will be powerless to stop it, as they were in Rhodesia and SA.
Zachary Perez
it most certainly is getting to the point where if you are white and dont just bend over and take it too bad go to jail, the problem is there is still a very, very large population of this country who will not see it until it harms someone close to them
Kevin Smith
I also have a bad premontion that foreign powers will inevitably intervene in any future racial conflict, invariably supporting the left. China and Russia, for example, have every reason to want the US to be destabilized, and a black or even hispanic-led future US would obviously be less secure and powerful than a white one. Even other white countries would probably send aid against the “nazis”, totally unaware of their own imminent demise.
Gavin Wright
>killing soros >soros is a judge the justice system is worse than any money from soros to protesters leos and judges are the only things standing in the way
Kayden Foster
The Charlottesville meetup was the significant event of our lives, it was the last stand of the whites. No sector rallied to the white banner though, not the people, ,not the police, not the army or the press.
Consequently the Charlottesville participants will be crucified by the justice department (Freemasonry) because they committed a cardinal sin, getting on TV without the permission of the Freemasons. (Everything on TV is staged, orchestrated, or controlled by Freemasons, break this rule and the punishment is death)
The white race and white America died at Charlottesville.
I am a coward because I was not there.
Cameron Cooper
How naive. The political system is almost entirely dependent on the economic one. You can’t just “appoint the good guys” and expect zero back-door impediments to occur. These anti-white judges didn’t come out of nowhere and you’re kidding yourself if you don’t think some wealthy suits were directly involved in their appointment.
Gavin Nguyen
That’s a treament of a symptom not a cause. You’re extremely unobservant if you think this particular strain of leftism begins and ends with the American judicial system.
Nathaniel Hughes
>political system depends on economy only holds true for certain classes of wealth distribution patterns. if rich people are too rich and too inured from consequence to care, then the politicians can do whatever they want. see: let them eat cake >naive >unobservant your buddy already tried this one. isn't palliative care treating only the symptoms anyway? we want to kill the patient! he's keeping all the niggers and the jews!
Jayden Hill
yeah, its going to be an overnight HAPPENING. look at how fast the civil war popped off. that was without social media or the MSM in its current position of propaganda.
things will get shitty quick. like the holhol shit, but with a huge bodycount.
Adam Phillips
my stepdad is puerto rican, and he had some fat moldylocks looking bitch call him that before he started screaming at her in spanish. he looks like stereotypical puerto rican they call from central casting when Luis Guzmann isnt available.
there is a reason guys like Chris Kyle and Big John Noveske were killed years ago. people followed what they had to say and respected them. chris kyle was a giant bullshitter, but he was likable to a segment of the population, and Johhny said if shit did ever pop off he was going to start his lines with 3 shifts pumping out guns to arm his fellow americans in case of a civil war.
lots of guys that had a following had clinton style "accidents" during the obama years.
Chase Myers
I don't know what it is but there is something about Trump that makes even your normal centrist liberals lose their mind in a primal way. My best guess is that his rhetoric cut to and conflicts with their baseline worldview. I've seen it in my own family with my uncle. Hes a history professor and I always pegged him as a somewhat red pilled old school liberal like George Carlin or a lot of punk rockers from back in the day. I talked to him last year at Christmas and just bringing up Trump caused him to go into a fit ranging about impeachment and how the military should do a coup. It was kinda scary to see.
My point is that when the liberals get back in power they are going to make conservatives pay. Add in an economic collapse of something else and I don't see how it doesn't happen. In fact, I've come to the conclusion it's probably the only thing that will save america. It's only in the last 30 years that we have really allowed large scale immigration from the third world. This means that most 2nd and 3rd gen immigrants still have family in their home country, grandma and uncle's and so on. So they have an escape hatch that heritage Americans like me don't have. I expect a lot to self deport if things get bad enough.
Adrian Edwards
Death is much better than prison, especially if your martyred like saint mcveigh
Chase Butler
>chris kyle >likable Maybe at 20,000ft but the guy was a total asshole from a personality standpoint
John Noveske was irrelevant, they would have been more effective by killing the head of PSA.
Nathan Howard
PSA was nothing in 2012. Johnny was huge.
Chris Kyle had the flyovers jerking it to him being "THE GREATEST NAVY SEAL SUPERCOMMANDO WAR HERO AND SNIPER IN HISTORY!!!!".
Joshua Jenkins
>Johnny was huge. Maybe in advertising but in total units moved there were any number of AR companies moving more units
Sebastian Ramirez
he was the darling of the mallninja tacticool world. that made him a danger. he could have took a shit on a plate, stamped it with his logo, and sold it for $5000 to some arfcom faggot and the rest would jerk off till exhaustion over it.
Luis Campbell
One by one.
David Cox
hello kremlin, long time no see
no I think it takes more
Lincoln Clark
What's this Judges full name?
Ryder Martinez
a civil war will never be possible in america until the right and whites in particular start to realize that individualism is harmful to their society and start to collectivize into their own faction finally. you will just get the occasional sperg lolbertarian freak out up until america is south africa tier
I will let you know Roy Stewart raped my hamster 10 years go, so I wish you will take that back
James Stewart
anti semites!
Mason Evans
Not even joking it's time to compile lists of people who are the belligerents in this upcoming Civil war, may it only take one day.
Benjamin Kelly
here it is different no meme the intelligence is all over our ass now, and we don't understand why yet, something is up clearly... I can only guess and it is russia related, but they are going knee deep now and they don't horse around, it's actually very alarming
Carter Wright
In Norway?
John Russell
yes, something is up. and I don't know what
Carson Sanchez
at least before the war breaks, we can have a song about the best longship ever, the long serpent ormurinn hinn langi
Easton Edwards
guy intelligence was all over my ass yesterday, something is going down
Gavin Young
It's just that the people are revolting, and they don't want this to get out of their control, lest they be ripped from the seats themselves.
Ok so you got a visit? Maybe there's a group of Natsocs in your military planning something.
Nathan Scott
yesterday a guy pretended he knew he knew my whole family, he named him self as steinar and proclaimed he was from the same village as my grand parents. it was all lies, it was e-tjenesten most likely, nobody here had ever heard of the guy, he only did it to try to win my trust
Benjamin Collins
see quite alarming but we've been through worse
Elijah Evans
It sounds like Zersetzung tactics are being used on you and other dissidents.
I think it’s more likely that people will eventually get fed up and start finding out everything about crooked judges like this and start killing their families.
Thomas Sanders
The one saving grace we have is that we have guns but once dems get full control they will ban the 2nd amendment, that's gonna be the moment of truth. Whether the majority of people cuck on guns or not will decide the fate of the country. I'm not getting my hopes up.
Andrew Bailey
I don't think you guys will ever have a civil war. People are not much different from animals, cattle. they keep playing the game and be grateful till the day of the slaughter if you feed them.
Your country is too opulent, too rich to create the necessary widespread malcontent to allow people to brace the rifle. food is not in discussion, most of you have a car and can spend a day avoiding to meet minorities and degenerates and basically running back to home and indulge in escapism.
I hope you guys do something, I really do, but I don't see this coming...maybe if Trump gets JFK on livestream, with a second 911 on the top of that will scare you enough...but is unlikely.
David Davis
This 100%. The time for half measures is over. We cant restrict ourselves with the whole 'not stopping to ((their)) level' bullshit because that is how so many battles have been lost in the passed. Fight fire with fire. The simple fact i the lefts tactics work, ours dont work as well or as fast.
If you still believe this is about rights, egalitarianism or whatever you are mistaken, if never was. Its about whos going to be left standing by God it will be the Right. All dissidents and nay sayers need to be shot, fuck free speech. If its not inline with the governing body then you can get fucked. People dont deserve to do what they want they need to do what they are supposed to do.
Start loading up those mags, start building the camps.