Somali Thread

Attention all Somalis of Jow Forums this is discussion thread for us and anyone else who wants to join.

Except for Memeflags.

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silence wh*Te dog

Why do you lot look so unnaturally terrifying?
Why has god allowed you to exist?

Minnesota here full of fucking stupid low IQ stinky fucking sleazy lazy subhuman somalis the most worthless racxe on the planet. What benefit does any country have in allowing theses cretins to immigrate? They need to be genocided

We don't look unnaturally terrifying your just a pussy.

>low IQ
cant even spell race.
kill yourself faggot.

They’re really not, least not anymore than any other nog. People just aren’t used to seeing Caucasian features on black/dark skin.

>Somalis of Jow Forums

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Yeah, dobn't be a cunt, I think they're cute

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>Attention all Somalis of Jow Forums

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Why do Somalis rape so much?

There are many of them its just that they never say they are Somali.

I don't and I don't recall any of my friends being rapist.

you niggas so fukkin ugly lmfao!

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Are we though?

Kek, you’re funny. I’ve taken shits that look more Caucasian.


yeah, lightbulb looking motherfuckers. fuck man.

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beauty is in the eyes of the beholder anyways.

Lets see what you look like, fucking leaf.

To be more specific Caucasiod. Do you need to look that one up as well?

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never knew Khat gave you blackouts

Look At Me, I'm The Captain Now

Get the fuck out of Minneapolis you fucking lightbulb pirates FUCK

just your average west coast leaf

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I didn't know you retards knew what computers were.

Is this a larp?

Kill yourselves you inbred retards.
America is not for you.

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2 years of inbred, 60 IQ somalians in one city

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Political Correctness is so stupid in brought in you stupid fucking inbred niggers.

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Somalis look DISHARMONIOUS because of their europoid features. their brains are too large too fit in a negroid cranium so it bulges at the most developmentally plastic spot, the forehead

I always see the department of transportation workers scraping somalians off the roads.

They must freeze in the headlights when they're out scurrying around, black in the dark of night, getting run over.

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