ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery,

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How are you supposed to know if a girl likes you or is just being nice to you?

If you don't know if she likes you, she doesn't like you.

You read the FAQ

I'm autistic.
>Ask her out
Yeah, ok. Except it's a workplace situation and I'd rather not embarrass myself and have to find a new job (again).

Then nobody likes you.

I love eating the pussy. Girls into that or? Idk if its a fetish level thing but damn i love flicking that button with my tongue

Serious, how big is the rock you're living under? That's fucking amazing.

Some are sweet, some are sour?
>inb4 sour like candy aka Delicoso

I feel selfish and shallow for even wanting another person's time, let alone friendship or affection. On an academic level I know it is stupid to feel guilty over wanting to not be alone, and that humans are not solitary creatures, but the society we live in encourages loneliness. I don't know even how to begin to break away from this but I know I have to.

35yo guys usually date 25yo girls?

>do girls like oral?
Do guys like oral?

How the fuck do I get the opportunity to speak to a girl that I never actually see in person? We know each other from a while back but I haven't seen her in person any time recently. We don't even live that far apart but it's technically different cities and we tend to go in the opposite direction of each other to do leisure shit.

>the society we live in encourages loneliness
I fail to see that. We live in a society that thrives on social media, for which you generally need to be social.

>are girls into oral
Nigga that and chocolate are the only things that all girls are into.
t. pussy owner and aficionado

Fetish means nonsexual thing you find sexual.
Not obscure sex thing.

Social media doesn't make you more social though.
It forces you to share more about your life, but it doesn't mean more person to person conversations.

How do you ask out a girl who seems to be perfect?

just b urself :)

I think I've reached my fill of frustration with this girl.

>approached me
>goaded me into going out with her
>had fun
>asked again
>him-hawing ensues
>alright fuck it we're just friends
>week later
>late night text out of the blue
>break NC and talk to her again
>ask just to talk to her
>him-hawing ensues again

For fuck's sake if you're not interested just say so. I respect so much when a woman just comes out and says "Hey I'm not interested leave me alone". It seems mean but honestly cut, dry and simple is the best way to avoid resentment and wasted time. For fuck's sake I don't know why some people act like this. If you're not interested in a guy, LEAVE HIM THE FUCK ALONE. He's a person not a toy for you to grab off the shelf when you want some attention. Anyways...

Ghost Status: ACTIVE

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>have crush on girl x
>one day she seems interested in me
>we talk
>i dont act out (im retarded and uts my fault i know) but she knows im into her
>she moves on / gets bored and dates other guy
>cant shake off feeling that shes looking at me / following me with her eyes whenever
Either im delusional and overthinking it, or shea attracted to me physically but wouldnt ever consider me as partner ever.
which is a shame but oh well, should have been more aggresive when it was my time to shine.

Sucks because i have to see her at work few times a week and hard to get over her

This is a question I had from the previous thread but it didn’t get many answers because I posted it late

I’m pretty sure a close female friend is trying to reach me about her mental health problems, to be specific, she said a couple times she has a disassociative disorder. I know of some trauma she’s had in the past when she was raped as a teen, but I feel there’s more to it. The problem is I’m not sure how to apporach her about this, I’m a very shy person, and I like her a lot, and talking to a girl like her is he’s for me, as I fear I’ll skip up and tell her my feelings. I want to help her, and I feel her reaching out, but I don’t know what to do. Every time we hang out and smoke a little she comes out of her shell but I don’t know what to say or do to catch the hook she’s trying to throw me. I really want to help her, so if anyone who’s delt with something similar or knows anything about these type of personality disorders, please give me some advice, I’m so lost.

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>tfw ideal bf will never happen because it’s a fantasy
At least I have porn.

Anyways my question is for both guys and girls. Why do people cheat? I don’t understand, I’d love to be in a loving relationship, and I’d do all I could to be with him if we loved each other.

>always see this literal 10/10 blonde, tall MILF at the gym
>keep thinking "her husband must be the chaddest Chad in the World"
>he comes along with her one day
>is slightly shorter than her, more chubby than muscular, doesn't look like a huge douche
This gives me hope. If that fag can get a 10/10 blonde, _I_ also can.

How do I ask out that hot rich depressed Chinese girl from both work AND uni if I'm a tall, handsome, upbeat, yet chubby and poor filthy spic?

Men cheat if they can
Women cheat because they can

How is that issue just fast for 2 weeks, lift some weights for few months and youll have sixpack
Depending on hiw you look this isnt any issue for women

Also regarding asians
>at gym
>this cute azn girl with permamently angry expression
>she mires my deadlifts
>smiles half assedly to me

Its like shes sufferi g from this restless bitch syndrome and she forgot how to smile honestly
That or she thinks im turbo creep

Imagine you are having your favorite meal, prepared exactly the way you like.
Then you have it again the next day.
Then you have it a whole week, a month, a year.
Then all around you are cheese burgers and risotto and that salad you really like and a chocolate cake.
Also your meal puts in way less effort and only wants to be had like once or twice a month

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Define perfect bf then

What are your thoughts on age gaps? What's appropriate and what isn't? Give some examples

Your age divided by 2,+ 7

Depends on your age I guess. My parents are ten years apart and it works.


How do you feel knowing there is a good chance that the woman you will marry one day will have been a slut in her past and slept around with many dudes before meeting you?

Well when did they meet?

I'll just be glad she's had plenty of practice

>getting married

He was 36 and she was 26 I believe.

You really wouldn’t care? Like even if she has been fucked by 30+ men?

Should I use her depression to my favor?

Me and her are both 27 and on our last year of Industrial Engineering. I look forward to the future, she thinks she's doomed because "companies don't hire old hags like myself".

What should I do?

As long as she had no stds I'd be fine with it

that’s surprising desu. I mean, she’ll never forget about all of the dicks she’s had. They’ll probably appear in dreams and random thoughts


Why can you be so mean to each other? Specifically within groups of friends.

So? It's not like I won't be imagining someone elses tits every so often

but you would be nothing special to her. just another man out of the hundreds who had the misfortune to marry her.

just another man out of the hundreds, but one who had the misfortune to marry her.

sentence structure is hard

But that doesn’t seem right at all.
[spoiler]I’ve developed a trap fetish from how often they get posted on this site. If he was dominant and knew asl he’d be perfect.[/spoilersdon’tworkonthisboard]


You’re a promiscuous man

Maybe I don't want her to treat me like a god, okay? Maybe I just wanted someone who would be nice to have sex with and live with. I don't need a girl to see me as an object of worship to the point that my dick is the only one she'll ever think about

who said anything about a god? im just countering by pointing out that if you are vowing to live together until death, perhaps you should be more than "just another man"? i would assume it's easier to uphold that vow if that is the case.

What doesn't seem right?
People like variety.
If you like rock climbing but they never change the course you get bored of it.
Same for golf
You might like fortnight, but I'll bet you wouldn't like that to be the only game you could ever play again.

>Giving self away as mute grill poster

Girls, how often do you masturbate?

Optionally, state if you're single or in a relationship.

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I won't be "just another man" obviously, because in the end she chose me. Why should it matter that she's had others before? Women are allowed to try different things to see what they like. I'd rather have a seasoned girl who knows what flavor she likes than one who stuck with the first one she tried only because she didn't hate it

Once or twice a day but it varies depending on my cycle, mood and generally how much time I have (ie more on the weekends). I'm in a relationship.

There is a diffence between a woman who had a few boyfriends compared to a woman who went out and had random sex with dozens of men

Any guideline on basic body language of attraction? I had girlfriends in the past but I was too shy to catch any sign so they did the "hardwork"
>inb4 if you look good you don't need to learn any "science of attraction garbage"
I am not good looking I am just good at befriending them but then I don't know what to do. Last gf I had I thought she was disgusted by my looks until she approached me.

If I'm not forcing it, once a week. Single (you can guess why).

That may be true, but honestly I don't care too much about what she did in her past as long as she doesn't do it during the relationship

she chose you for... what exactly? with what marriage currently entails for men and the rampant divorce, what she 'chose' you for doesn't amount to much.
what you will end up with is a woman who has been with plenty of men before and has her experience from that. short term, dopamine fueled love. by all means, date her if that's what you want. but the question was about marriage, not just dating, and actually marrying someone like that feels iffy.

If she was sleeping with a lot of dudes prior to us being together, then maybe it was just a way to keep up with her libido without being in a relationship. The fact that she'd have chosen me for a relationship that turned to marriage would show that she chose me based on personality and how we mesh, not just because she thought my dick was the nicest or some stupid shit like that.

Man you are naive. Just out of curiosity are you married? How long was your longest relationship?

I dunno it’s just heartbreaking to see/hear it happen. If you want to be with someone else why not break up with each other?

About once a day or so. Kissless virgin.

That's why I wish I was rich and could marry my favorite prostitute. She has had much more than 300 dicks probably, but at least I know that she practiced safe sex.

Girls, do you like guys who can't vote? And no, I'm not an illegal immigrant or anything.

So last week I asked a girl out I had some good chemistry with after class on the tram. We had spent the afternoon joking around and having a good time in the club we're in in University.

I asked her if she had a boyfriend and when she replied the negative, I then asked her if she'd be interested in going to dinner, to which she got flushed and surprised. Apparently nobody had ever asked her out before but she said yes, she would like to have dinner with me.

She got off at the next stop and I messaged her the next day asking when a good night for dinner would be for her. She didn't respond. That was last saturday. Our club had a meetup tonight to which she said she was coming to but she didn't come. I was going to ask her tonight if she still wanted to have dinner, but I didn't get the chance. I messaged her again tonight a minute after she went offline asking her if she was still interested in going out, but I haven't got anything back.

This is clear "I'm not interested" behavior, right? I mean, I'm 95% sure it is, but why would she say yes on the tram and then just ignore me?

Ladies and gentlemen, does your libido vary with the weather/temperature? State your gender.
Because mine varies a lot.
>fap at least 2 or 3 times per week
>fapping? What is this?
I'm a 30 guy.

are you a felon?

Felony convictions are a red flag.

Definitely. Heat makes me not want to do anything and shlicking can be exhausting.

We are animals. In the spring just like animals, it’s naturally mating season.

Girls, is the confident meme real?

And what is perceived as confidence without making yourself look like a fool?

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Not married, longest relationship was 4 years. It's fairly easy to tell why someone is with you, whether it be for money, sex, or because they genuinely like you. Yeah, it's rare for a major slut to settle with a guy because they're actually a good match outside the bedroom, but it still happens.

I recently met an attractive woman who's on my level of kinky. She's into shibari and also likes to be bit/choked. Shes really active in the kink scene too(rope events). How do I woo someone like that. I'd like to make her my slave.

It depends on the girl. I guess it does work on some women, but not really on me. If you don't have an actual reason to be confident - and honestly, most people don't - it's just embarrassing. On the other hand, my bf has literally no confidence and yet I don't care because I see his qualities.

>ask out girl that works in store next door to mine
>She says yes but I didn't get her number
>Now I'm too nervous to go back and talk to her again/initiate the actual date

24 yo virgin with anxiety and isolationist tendencies

Tl;Dr how do I stop being a massive fag

First off I'd say find out if she's sub.

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How do I politely accept a guy paying for me on a date? I'm a little autist so never know what to do and end up always splitting the bill and my friends are like "stop doing that!" What should I say instead of being like NO NO I INSIST

Literally just smile and say "thank you".

Saying "this is so awkward" makes it less awkward.
In that situation, I would get back and say "This is so awkward, but how do I reach you?" She will laugh, give you the number and you get to be all cute about it.
It is fine. If all women wanted perfect men, nobody would date.

>on vacation
>get to car rental
>QT girl is doing my rental stuff
>start conversation with her
>she walks me to the car (protocol)
>ask her for suggestions on stuff to do
>we keep talking until we get to car
>more talking, shes laughing at what I say
>she gives me a free upgrade to an SUV
>mentions multiple times that she lives 10 minutes away from the places I want to visit

so if I didn't have a gf that would have been a perfect opportunity to just ask her if she wanted to personally show me places, right?

Guys, if a girl has a close guy friend that she's with all the time/mentions a lot, do you assume that she's into them/off limits?

Yes, but be aware that she gets this all day from strangers like you.

Say "Are you sure? I honestly don't mind splitting the bill you don't have to"

If they insist, just thank them and tell them that's very kind of them.

If a guy offers to pay and doesn't really back down, they're not going to think of you as being tight for letting them do so.

So this girl in my lab is always really nice when we talk and always willing to talk even outside the lab, but that wouldn't mean anything, right? The thing is that we were talking about holding presentations and she said how she's afraid to do that because of her social anxiety. Would a girl reveal such a thing about herself if she liked me? Also, all the conversations so far were about uni and puppies and shit, how do I advance the conversations we have?

Oh and one time after lab she said how tired she was and how she really needed a coffee, afterwards I realized that maybe she wanted me to ask her out?

I think she is. This was from last night. So far so good I think.. I can't tell if she's teasing or being serious.

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ask her out dumbfuck

>Why do people cheat?

a lot of times the relationship is already dead but both or one of them is just sticking around because it saves the money. Both or one of them is too chicken shit to just end it, so they cheat, hoping it will finally break the relationship.

You are vit d deficient get some sunlight

How do I gently tell a (f) casual acquaintance that I don't need her to check up on me? She texts me pretty often but doesn't want to talk about anything but polite surface level stuff. I asked her out and she declined. I asked to call her. She effectively declined, but when I pull away and stop texting or don't show up to something she reaches out saying she missed me or whatever. The only conclusion I can come to is that she's not interested in me but thinks I need a friend or something. Thing is I have several close people in my life I can talk to when life gets hard and I don't need anyone being my friend as an act of charity.

Ignore her bro

Probably just insecurity but I'd like an outside view.

>Meet girl on POF
>Speak for a bit
>Meet up and just walk around talking at night everyday
>Eventually we sleep together
>Hits me with a message the next day asking if I just used her for sex
>Say no etc, I really like her
>Next day she texts asking why I'm still on POF
>in the same sentence says maybe we're not going to work

I appreciate insecurity and preventing getting herself hurt but does this seem like normal behaviour? If she continues sending me irrational shit every day she can send it to someone else

Should I really? It seems rude and she hasn't really done anything wrong to me, but I'll have to admit I've grown tired of the dead end chitchat

>Why do people cheat?
See, but both are "because they can". Most people are walking garbage.

>Once or twice a day

damn girl.

21 male here. Recently got my first girlfriend. Why is it so hard to tell her "I love you"
I did it couple times when we both were slightly drunk. But I cant bring myself to say it when sober.

What is this and is this happening to anyone else?

Tbh it used to be much worse when I was a sexless frustrated teen.

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Who cares? Girls do it all the time to guys, don't feel bad about doing the same thing.

Ladies: which would you prefer, an open relationship or jealousy?

Femanons - when you have sex with someone for the first time, how much of a deal breaker is it if they finish prematurely? I've only been with two people (one fling, one LTR) and in both instances I was terribly embarrassed and felt like I'd completely missed the mark on what was expected of me the first time around.

Given some time and regular sex, this problem goes away unless it's been a while, and things are fine, but I'm back on the dating scene now and I'm worried that with any hookups I'd kill any chances of the girl having a good time. I'm not a sexual failure, I've just yet to have an impressive first time with anyone. I've got the rest of my sex game on point because I enjoy that too, but I worry that being bad at the "meat" of what constitutes sex for a first encounter will get me written off.

tl;dr Is a premature finish for hookups a deal breaker if hands/mouths/etc are implemented? Are you just happy to get off in some capacity? I know I'm capable of porn tier slamming, but it's something I have to work up to and I worry that I won't get an opportunity to show that.

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Both are shit, but I'd never go for an open relationship, so jealousy.