>Research shows that demographics within the board game industry do not directly mirror that of the population of North America. Some say this lends itself to the exclusion and “marginalization” of minorities.
>Many game journalists and researchers have concluded that the video game industry is dangerously masculine, and the world of board games is a “white-male dominated space.”
Grand Theft Auto is a black guy breaking the law. I'd say that's a pretty good representation of reality.,
Ryan Barnes
Jfkpsa > scotty doesnt know Its the terrier of carina that turns a cantina into a space jam. Take it from connor for a revolution to my revelation. Game theory and john nash dreamers are how we developed a club of rome and greek biogenesis tovthe julian comet of a meteora theory that has cast fallen kings into a den of lions among scorpion kings who time travel to steal virgos and molest the children of september future in august burns red metal hip hop tupacalypse of a slim shady sodomy skit. Yall know its for real now. Only the present counts
Logan Russell
Its a sim of that lawless hour if you do it without electronics and clock towns moon spell
Justin Nguyen
thimble master race
Nicholas Kelly
Niggers can always by the ones that are marked as 4-6 year olds if other board games are too hard.
no every time you pass go you have to pay a $200 fine or go to jail
Matthew Collins
Here's a fucking crazy idea. How about minorities go fuck themselves and stop crying about everything?
Levi Reyes
oh no no no no that makes too much sense
Zachary Sullivan
>Study: Board games don't do enough to reflect the diversity of America's population
Here we go again....
Apparently (((researchers))) are now attacking board games.
Video games, our government, the educational system, banking system, healthcare, movies, etc et al weren't enough for (((you people)))?
Samuel Edwards
I can soon never enjoy anything...
In Sweden the people in the board game community have allready pushed pride and other shit into the hobby. (((They))) are coming for my board games. Board games are rooted inthe european culture way back in history and now they try to take it from us.
LOL since when do groids and spics want to play board games? Groids and spics play dominoes, poker, and sometimes chess that's it.
Nolan Hall
OH FOR FUCKS SAKE I just start getting into board games and now they're going to be ruined by the PC police.
Luke Evans
too bad you didn't have voices in your head to play with
Camden Baker
Board games (and other games) can be taced back to the romans that played games to train their minds. It has also been founded board games in sweden from the iron age.
The board games were mostly for miltary strategy. The board games in europe has allways been used for training ones mind and as a way to think more strategically.
Carson Brown
I played risk with a black once, I won and he flipped the board
Luis Cooper
So , one of the tokens should be a watermelon ?
William Evans
If he did that on me I would yell nigger as loud as I could and punch him in the face
Logan King
Joshua Wilson
you took a pretty big risk there
Colton Miller
Different demographics have different interests. We don't have to have equal representation of all demographics in all markets.
Men may be more prevalent in the gaming industry (for both video games and board games) because they are more competitive. A man's idea of a good time is often to compete with someone else in something that he's good at. Women, by contrast, are not as competitive as a whole. That is not to say there are no competitive women, only that they not as representative of women in general. When women do play video games, they often prefer puzzle games, which are not as competitive by nature.
As for board games being predominantely white... most non-white people would consider board games to be boring. There just isn't a culture for it there.
Lucas Rogers
David Baker
>I just start getting into board games and now they're going to be ruined by the PC police.
(((They))) won't stop until the entire white race is dead and gone.
It's very hard to fathom the amount of hatred they have for us, our country, and our beloved U.S. Constitution.
Aiden Roberts
boardgames are fun as hell sometimes with your friends. I remember playing talisman with three other guys and i was the leprechaun, i managed to get every single piece of gold and just kept using his bullshit teleport to run away from everyone and no one could advance.
Thimbles have a notably lower IQ than shoes and have yet to create a society matching the battleships. Top hats are the only pieces that have shown both a high iQ, the society building acumen of the battleship and they possess a moral character without equivalent. Thimbles are the niggers of monopoly and we all know it.