Yellow vests United States organizing

Massachusetts, New York, California
Boston state house
Sacramento city hall
Albany city hall

Saturday December 15th 12:00pm noon.
there will not be any protest permits

you all have 1 week to get your yellow vests
good luck.

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Nobody but the scum of this board will show

bump for nationalism

whats the protest for?

its out on blast for Jow Forumsommandos too

lower taxes these 3 states are some of the highest taxed states

should have voted Red, and maybe your taxes wouldn't be so bad.

I think the vest thing only works in France because they all have to have them or some shit. Here it requires people go and buy one... maybe worth rethinking that part, but I'm all for massive demonstrations of nation-states

>said the scum

Your cancer is terminal. Thankfully.

Where are they organizing exactly, user?

Here? Faceberg?

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The vests are a symbol of government overreach and waste, as they were mandated but early used or enforced. It’s kinda specific to France.


you cant out vote hordes of shit skins and communists voting for more gibs

Chiraq? Any anons from /cpd/ threads down?

They’re outniggered, er numbered.

Glowing, must be the vest.

fuck that shit. leftists stand in solidarity with other leftists all the time. It's time for nationalists to do the same.

I'm all for getting in the streets. But thinking everyone is just going to run out and buy a highvis jacket (it's cold user, you need a jacket)
Start a meme where you get genz kids to ask their moms for a /fa/shionable HighV jacket for Christmas this year, then your plan will have some better ground to stand on. (Think longer term memes where high vis= anti-globalism)
One thing that could work is encouraging construction workers to show up in their highvis shirts... those are ubiquitous nowadays.

>I think the vest thing only works in France because they all have to have them or some shit.
exactly, all drivers have to have them and since this started about a fuel tax it, by itself, sends a message. What message does it send in America, 'we're copying the french'? Wouldn't it be better to find something that is meaningful to you?

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DuPage County checking in. Would like to see how many people we could assemble

>it’s the scum

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Indeed. They are few, but loud.

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Now that I'm thinking about it though, we could just run with the "high visibility" = "Not scared nationalist"
The construction industry is a big part of Trumps base and they have to wear this clothing everyday. (Now think of how many universities are undergoing a construction project)
It has great meme potential here in the US, it just needs someone to care about the idea.


Request pic of headress guy in wheelchair.

forgot pic

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Right but the vests have been adopted by everyone engaging in the protests, not just the drivers. It's a unifying symbol for what has become a much more all encompassing rejection of the bureaucracy.

what are we protesting retard?

Just add a PT belt to the normal injun costume for political protest. Make it a nod, but let it be our own thing.

There's plenty for right/left to come together to get pissed off about. The banks have all but ignored the legislation that came from the occupy movement. Really, its time to tell the Fed to fuck off forever.

but that only happened precisely because even people initially not in the protest understood what it represented

Hi, Rabbi. Watcha doin'?

10-4 robert

No, the vest represents a non-partisan movement of the common man. That’s why it’s powerful. It’s not about right v left. It’s a uniform of the people vs the globalists.

I think it's a positive thing that people have to learn something *New* in order to understand this type of protest

It it a symbol and a uniform. It represents the people and not an Antifa or nazi left v right that the propoganda can shut down easily. The reason France is working is because it has no leaders, no single political motive. It’s an us vs them movement. Like v for vendetta.

The second it becomes a ‘right wing’ or ‘left wing’ protest (blm, Antifa, proud boys, nazi, etc) it will be over. Having it be a movement of ‘the people’ gives the media and elite fewer ways to tarnish it and shit it down.

make trannies more passable

Oh they'll tarnish it, the protest isn't in their agenda

Protests happening at every city hall across Canada tomorrow. Some start at 11, others 12. See you in faggots in Toronto

I seriously feel like the yellow vest thing may get branded as an (((Alt right rally)))

That's what I meant to convey, sorry for any confusion.

We aren't ready for a protest. We pretty much reeee out over the slightest of things. On one hand, it leaves no excuses for our laws. On the other hand, we've been crying wolf so much its easy for movement's like France's to get squashed.

We're too comfortable, life is too easy, and we just had an election, so there isn't much good a protest will do right now. Maybe next year, or 2020.

I think this needs to be globalism v nationhood, but that is a right wing position first and foremost. The left is welcome, but we are writing the terms.
Life and death adherence to neutrality is psychological disorder

look up in your area for any proposed tolls or taxes.
>Oregon moving forward with I-5, I-205 tolls
>Delaware Memorial Bridge toll increase proposed to fund $300 million facelift
>State study predicts tolls on Connecticut highways could raise $1 billion a year

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The proud goys should just steal this idea instead of using Fred Perry

They will try yep. The bbc has been showing all the poor business owners in Paris boarding up their shops. That’s how they are covering it, like the protesters are an anarchic mob destroying the ‘good peopke’ Lives.
It’s why it’s ompor to make it genuinely about us vs the globalists. Even get the commies etc onboard. Sort the left v right shit out later. Any attempt to coopt the vests by any political side will destroy the movement. Period.

Why not just have men in their workclothes?
Show all the different groups of men from different backgrounds that support nationalism.

yeah that's my point user, this thing has wheels.

Yeah, I don’t think America is ready, you are to polarised by right v left. Europe on the other hand is at boiling point and all ‘sides’ have a collective hate for the establishment (many for differing reasons) which can unify them beyond political lines to some degree.

we should put it on /soc/ to recruit the serial killers.

kek. I work on a lobster boat.
Want me to come down in oilskins, muck boots, gloves, and my wool clothes?

>Need to use something everyone has
>Americans have no yellow vest
>They all have guns though
>Problem solved

It could work though, idk how many secret anti globalists you have. It depends how infected you really are with social justice I guess. If you’re lucky it’s a vocal minority. You have an awful lot of them though. It would be hard to escape it becoming a right wing or trump movement. Which risks destroying it for France and Europe too.

what are lobstermen mad about these days?

this and body armor.

opiate epidemic.
fishing regulations (they've just put a moratorium on herring, shrimping has had one for years now)
cost of health insurance


>with a gun
You;ll get shot you silly cunt.

wrong. i saw a tow truck driver with a yellow vest hanging in his truck rear window. basically all construction and maintenance people use high-viz, the only thing is they are usually either yellow or orange. pic rel is from midwest USA.

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>Those states

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basically same shit as in all First World countries. taxes are too high to support nig-mus-mexican migrants who come here with either 6-7 kids, or they're young men who want to just rape and murder. i worked in an office job and quit over excess taxes and lack of pay as well. only sillycon valley techcucks are satisfied with their current situation. everyone else is pretty mad.

gas prices in france

and 50+ extra pounds

it's irelevant

my level 4 armor only weighs 14 lbs.

I would be down for it. I'm still butthurt the left hijacked the occupy movement. Guess we could go for 2.0 when congress comes back into session. We'd have to get a look at what's on active legislation, and be able to protest things that actually hurt our way of life.

Solidarity with france isn't enough to motivate change. We aren't French, and share little of their problems.

donald trump masks

I tell my captain about where our taxes are headed. he's a boomer. wicked good guy, but sometimes I think he (like other boomers) think that this is still a white nation.

I work my ass off, the man I work for is nearly 60 and he works his ass off. I'm taxed at around 30-40% and he's taxed at around 50-55%. We work long days. 10-12 hours is the norm. This is the off season so we're only fishing 2-3 days a week instead of the 6 days we normally do. This is bullshit. And fuck NEETs and other parasites. Shit enrages me.

I give you all my fren energy.
It's time for the burgerbros to wake up and chase away the filthy kikes who are the degeneracy cancer plaguing your beautiful nation since too long.


Together we can make it frens!

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Good luck francebro, hope your protest goes well.


Everybody or just the gop right wingers though? Unless it becomes a working man vs the globalists then it’s just another right wing protest. It needs to be more like the wall street protests. The 99% vs the 1%. That’s why that was so effective, the media couldn’t say it was X or Y group at the beginning, it was various groups all joining together. Unless you’re willing or able to work with your enemy then the yellow vests will be tarnished and not work.

That’s why occupy failed. Once they took it over then the media and elites had a proper target. While it remained non-partisan it was working.

Ofcourse. I'm a WN and see th benefit, and irony, of allying myself with Black Nationalists to further my goal.

checkd also and forgot topost pic

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The people taking this seriously are obviously niggers looking for a reason to chimp out or theyd have a unique to america symbolism behind it.

It kind of worked. We got the Dodd-Frank act which was supposed to make it harder for Wall Street to fuck the economy like they did a decade ago. They've been wiping their ass it, so its time to put them back down. An Enforce Wall Street would be more adequate than an occupy 2.0.

If there was a source of non-partisan anger in this country, it would be that. Also, congressional spending is still through the roof.

dont steal their revolution you dumb faggot.


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There is no organization. This is key. Anyone who wants to (((organize))) yellow jackets is an agent of (((them))). Do not forget this.

This needs to win reply of the century. Let's see how long it takes him to figure why he is a dummy.

get the Dewalt.

has MASSIVE full back "pocket" for extra jacket.

PS. sizing is also MASSIVE. I'm 6'+ and 300lb and can zip the Med in light clothes.

In california and wanna start something grassroots.

>There is no organization.
Movements like these should be leaderless - I agree. Far more difficult to subvert this way.

All the government lobbyists maybe? Cortez tweeted some shit about them so it’s an issue for the left and the lobbiests are mostly Jews or at least corporate globalists so...

I really don't see any Yellow shit doing anything in USA.

USA been Broke Back since Occupy or before.

unlike France, USA has no one major capital.

California just voted to KEEP extra gas taxes, and here in CA we drive 7X as much as any Frogs.

not gonna happen

CA is now on tail end of shit.

in 1960 it was leader.

Can we make it also about leo frank's posthumous pardon? They pushed hard to get that pardon despite it having no practical effect, it would be nice to get him de-pardoned

I think it would work.
1. The right has been in dire need of a new look ever since cville
2. High Visibility is the meme, not "yellow vests"
3. Construction workers wear this shit every day anyway and are constantly around liberals.
4. Kek fags and burn their kek flags and join real men
see lobsterman

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I don't seriously expect france tier happenings but to have solidarity. CA isn't nearly bad enough.

I have seen a bunch of yellow vests recently.

We need green vests, kek wills it. Also Amazon’s Choice. Fuck the 4 star rating, I give it 50 stars.

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Candaians can do this to fight Trudeau's new tax on gas...but I don't see it working for us.

It will consume the planet.

Bump this shit fags it can work in the US
plenty of construction workers can enter the political conversation if the meme spreads.