I have been trying to tell my husband for over a year I no longer want to cosplay...

I have been trying to tell my husband for over a year I no longer want to cosplay. We meet while cosplaying ten years ago at a con. I have felt this way for several years and he knows this. He however won't stop the fucking peer pressure and has even made our only family vacations involving cosplay. As the only member of the family who sews you can guess who is the only one stressed. I don't honestly feel like I have had a vacation since I was a kid. Now I do love sewing. however I want to sew items I can wear or sell. What can I do besides telling him again and again and refuse to make anything else?

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Nothing. Just tell him no and don’t go on his shitty vacations.

Have you thought about transitioning him out of cosplay to some less cancerous form of dress-up? Like maybe civil war re-enactment? The uniforms are not hard to make.

That is actually what I want to do as I was a history major. He just has his degenerate friends he does not want to lose. I personally don't want our kids in the con scene.

You all sound degenerate, but maybe if you decide where the next vacation is going to be? Somewhere like Iceland (with the waterfalls, blue lagoon etc) or somewhere trashy like Majorca, whatever suits your family.

I can't afford to leave the states. Granted I am fine with no vacation I just don't want to work just to go on one.

>Unable to communicate basic things such as likes and dislikes
Wow your relationship must be fantastic. Spoilers: your kids are going to end up at cons anyway with how dysfunctional your family must be

>I personally don't want our kids in the con scene.

Don't be a reverse stage mom. cons and that whole subculture is great for kids, it doesn't make them into edgy retards like punk rock or being a juggalo or whatever and there's way less chance of them getting into hard drugs and other risky behavior. It also gets them out of the house and gives them a creative outlet. let your kids make the choice for themselves if they want to get into that scene or not.

That said your husband is an asshole obviously. Forcing that shit into your kids and also you is not the way to do things either.

Sweetie the con scene is full of drugs and degenerate filth. I am over it and my kids are very young.

You are over simplifying it. I liked cosplay when we first got introduced. I grew up, became a mom, and the scene changed.

>What can I do besides telling him again and again and refuse to make anything else?
what more would you need to do? try to come to a compromise though. alternate cons with the beach or wherever every other vacation. leave the kids with grandma and grandpa when you two go to a con. trying to forcibly jew the man out of his friends and the beloved hobby via which you two bonded all in one fell swoop is bound to make the guy miserable and breed resentment, no?

may i ask your opinion on how to mend this? 100% cotton, light as a feather, and the tear is about an inch and a half. ladder stitch by hand? one of those iron on patches? something else?

Attached: shirt.jpg (1440x2560, 1.21M)

The scene didn't change. You did. You're growing older and your kids take up more of your time. You are becoming the people that you made fun of in your youth. It's a pleasant feeling, ya?

1. He has other hobbies and plays cards with his other friends two to three times a week. (Sometimes they are just hanging out) I have been jewed out of my friends by him soooo .

2. Do ladder. Patches only look decent in need to heavy weight fabrics that can hide it. (Sewn in the inside of garment)

>You are becoming the people that you made fun of in your youth. It's a pleasant feeling, ya?
Fucking wrecked jesus.

>1. He has other hobbies and plays cards with his other friends two to three times a week. (Sometimes they are just hanging out) I have been jewed out of my friends by him soooo .
You don't sound very happy with him.

This is completely false.
t. Ex-congoer.
I could get fucking anything with $20 and a few handshakes at any large con. All the stories are true, every fucking one of them. I have never gotten more fucked up than I have at cons. There wasn't a night my friends didn't have to very literally drag my drunken, sputtering ass across the floor by my arms, in front of the cops, to the elevators just to get me back to the room.

sweeties, not everyone has the same experiences as you

>I am over it

okay good but don't force your kids to be over something when they haven't made a choice for themselves. That'll make you as much of an asshole as your husband just on the other spectrum.

I would add sex and pediphilia are also rampant now.

My kids are under five years old dude.

I'm glad I kept my hands clean of this shit, I knew come were cancer but it seems like things are much worse than they used to be now. What kind of world do we live in where a place for people to dress up as cartoon comic book characters is unsafe for children?

>reddit spacing

It's getting worse by the year. Bitches are now dressing as Disney and being rude to little kids. I don't understand it. I just don't think it's a remotely healthy environment. I also can never speak about anything intelligent for people are triggered by everything at cons.

>newfag memeing

yeah and when they're teenagers and -if- they say "mom can you drive me to AnimeCon 2030" or whatever I hope that you don't go "NO! NO!!!!! ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!! COSPLAYING RUINED MY FUCKING LIFE AND I WILL NOT HAVE YOU REPEAT THE SAME MISTAKES I DID YOU ARE GROUNDED AND YOU CAN GO DOWN TO THE SATAN'S CONVENTION WHEN YOU MOVE OUT AS AN ADULT BUT DON'T EXPECT ME TO RESPECT YOU THEN" because you kind of sound like the kind of parent that would do that

I get it you have Asshole parents.

aww well that's not fair, get your friends back! but two wrongs don't make a right. if nothing else a compromise will set a good example for your kids.

ladder it is then, many thanks. still trying to git gud at sewing myself.

>capslock hysterics
I revise my earlier statement, you sound like you're from tumblr instead. Go back there.

I really want that yellow watch I had as a kid with a pixelated face on it that made fart noises.

If you two can't come to a compromise then I suggest you get some professional help. marriage is give and take and if he isn't listening to you then there is an issue. that doesn't mean that he has to do everything you say, but that does mean compromise. you have worth too and you should have a say in the matter.

how you two behave now will set the stage for how your children know to react in the future. you are their role models. teach them compromise, not sacrifice. show them a variety of fun things to do too, not just con stuff.

teach your husband how to sew too lel

seems like you keep caving and he isn't respecting you. does he have any responsibilities or are you his surrogate mother? have you sincerely thought about couple's counseling?

food for thought opie, godspeed

no my parents neither forced nor forbade anything on me that's as benign as comic-cons. I grew up around the end of the satanic craze too. They brought me to church on Sundays but also took me trick or treating on Halloween, they let me play pokemon and watch dragon ball, they didn't give a shit when I got into D&D and MtG and listened to shit like Marilyn Manson as a teen.

point is, if you push kids too hard in one direction then they'll push back twice as hard. although with your husband actively pushing his con shit on your kids like he's still a kid and you wanting to forbid all con-related activities forever who knows maybe there can be some sort of balance in there.

I honestly am happier without them. I am happy with my family, books and sewing machine/crafts. With sewing baby steps and learn something new with each project or perfect something.

>getting upset because of my use of the Enter key
>getting upset because of my use of the Caps Lock key

who knew hitler was so sensitive

1. You are assuming a lot.
2. You keep forgetting my kids are under five. They want to go camping more than anything right now. I am the one who takes them.
3. I am not stopping him from doing anything. I just don't want to be part of it anymore.

Do you have your own children, user?

The fuck? My friends and I used to go to anime cons when I was in college. Never saw anything like that. We mostly went for the panels and the vendor rooms anyway though. So maybe we just didn't really go looking for it.


what that other dude doesn't take into consideration was that while he was getting totally fucked up, his five friends were the responsible ones dragging his ass up the stairs. I mean yeah you stick thousands of people in one spot and obviously statistically some of them are going to be up to something. That's just the law of averages. it can be comic-con or it can be a music festival or it can be whatever else. it's still overwhelmingly a vanilla experience though. it's not like The Gathering of the Juggalos or Burning Man.

Right. I mean once we were 21 we would have a few drinks with lunch, but it't not like we got totally smashed. We would usually wait until we got back to my apartment before we started to actually party.

hmm. what does he say when you tell him you don't wanna into cons anymore? how does he react?

i need to make a dressform. damn patterns do my head in.

He just brushes it off.

If you are serious just buy a cheap one.

Sounds like a solid no.

Not every parent wants to introduce his or her offspring to a scene which they know from their own extensive experience to be anything but benign. I don't think OP wants to make cons a forbidden evil, it just sounds like she doesn't want to get them involved. I know I wouldn't take my own kid to a con, but I wouldn't prohibit it either. As for now, I just make sure that he has less degenerate social outputs.

I am having trouble believing that a bunch of derpy anime nerds know how to party as hard as you guys say.

No one expects the nerds. Granted it's the normies who have made it degenerate. If you need proof look into con drama, con 21+ pages, or furries.

what the fuck is wrong with his childish ass lol

>Sounds like a solid no.

It's a solid maybe.

>I don't think OP wants to make cons a forbidden evil, it just sounds like she doesn't want to get them involved.

typically when one doesn't want someone involve in something, they forbid it. That's usually how those concepts work.

>less degenerate

why are you talking about gay anime cons as if they were woodstock

some of them do, I used to do shrooms with LARPers but it's not nearly as rampant as this thread (two people) tries to make it ought to be especially not in mainstream major cons

take separate vacations. don't go to the next con and let him go by himself. you go somewhere you want to go and do it.

>the normies

any suspensions of disbelief I had about you actually being a mother that grew up and grew out of the cosplay scene has just been thrown right out the window

I never said forbidden you put those words in my mouth. My kids are under five and honestly have never asked to go to a con. You must live in extremes of all or nothing.

I been going to cons for 18 years just because you don't see it does not mean it's not their. I work staff at two consistent I am prevy to information regular con goes are not.

>I personally don't want our kids in the con scene.
I don't blame you OP. I'm willing to bet it's a LOT like the renfair scene, especially for young women, where there's a bunch of shifty thirtysomethings cruising for that fourteen-to-eighteen-year-old pussy.

Best I can suggest is to find new friends for him, and otherwise put your damn foot down.

>I been going to cons for 18 years just because you don't see it does not mean it's not their.

and just because you experience something that doesn't mean it objectively reflects reality as a whole

if cons were as much of a sex-fueled pedophile orgy as you describe then shit would get raided by police and not be anywhere as mainstream and as vanilla as they are today

It makes sense for OP not to want her kids on cons, why it gets you so riled up? Are you her hubby?

well that's no good. if he won't even talk with you about it then he's not really leaving you many options. have you ever refused to make anything else before?

ehh i'm comfier at the workbench than the sewing machine anyhow. making one will be cheaper and the fit won't be all fucky at the end like with the patterns. i finally wore the ass out of a favorite pair of jeans and now have a good pattern for trousers after taking them apart.

>if cons were as much of a sex-fueled pedophile orgy as you describe then shit would get raided by police and not be anywhere as mainstream and as vanilla as they are today
The problem isn't that it's overwhelmingly pedos or overwhelmingly drug-infested. The problem is that it's enough of an element to make the parents-with-children crowd nervous, but not so outrageous as to make the cops raid them.

From how you explain it, a mother should be perfectly fine with her minor child going to a strip club because the cops aren't raiding them.


what kinda of cons have yall been going to where people are openly selling and using drugs in front of parents and their kids that sounds cool as hell, the ones I've been going to just have comic books and games and shit

The drugs are not the main concern. It's the sex, drunks, and creeps.

Yep, and it only takes a little of that for a parent to say "fuck no". It doesn't even have to be something your average autist who goes to cons will notice. Little ears hear everything, and it's just not the right environment for children.

Not the guy you were talking about, but I started typing with lots of spaces between my sentences because of this site, the communities are shared