I love my boyfriend very much. Recently we had serious talk about our future. It involved marraige and family. I was so happy that I knew I would be ready to give him my virginity soon. A week ago after a date he forcrd himself on me. I told him that he just needed to wait a bit longer. I wasn't ready at the time. He wouldnt stop and I stopped resisting and let him have his way with me. I don't know what to feel. He is still sweet and loving as before. I planned to give myself to him but not at that time. Is it rape if you were planning to have sex with them anyway?
I love my boyfriend very much. Recently we had serious talk about our future. It involved marraige and family...
What the fuck is his problem?
Did he even try to get you off or did he only care about himself?
Yeah sounds like he raped you but if he is so sweet and you love him just let him get away with it
I'm pretty sure that's rape. On the other hand, he made a mistake and if you account him for that at i.e. the police you'll ruin his WHOLE life. So be careful.
If you are brave enough, ask him what the fuck he was doing and why he would hurt you like that. If he really does love you, and you'll tell him that it felt like rape he will NEVER do it again. And hopefully a good conversation will birth out of that.
If he doesn't care, ditch him immediately.
>On the other hand, he made a mistake and if you account him for that at i.e. the police you'll ruin his WHOLE life
According to the law, that's a fair price for making a "mistake" like this.
I know. That's why I said 'I'm pretty sure it's rape'.
Just be careful, because, as I said, you can ruin one's whole life with this.
How do you not know if you were raped? If you told him no and then he physically forced you do it then that would be the clearest cut case of rape there is.
It's not rape if you love the rapist
OP are you autistic? Is he autistic?
Are you OK with the fact he might do that again and again and again in marriage whenever you feel "not in the mood" ?
If so then yes, you are free to marry your rapist. But I reaaally believe this is bait.
No one I know would rape their gfs just like that. Heck, I'd throw up in my mouth before even thinking of someone I know doing that kind of stuff. Are you sure you got raped?
Maybe he thpught you were into it too? Did ypu voice your thoughs? What the heck OP. Your bf thinks he owns you and you are in for a hell of a ride of abuse if you marry this thing
It's rape because he forced himself on you, you were raped.
He did the foreplay so I did get wet but since I wasn't ready to give myself at the time I couldnt fully enjoy it. At least it didn't hurt like I thought. It was just the new sensation of having something that size enter me.
>it's not abuse if you love the guy punching you
>Just be careful, because, as I said, you can ruin one's whole life with this.
Fuck this, what the hell is this be careful, he raped her, if he can do it once he can do it twice and repeat it all over again.
That's NOT how a relationship should be.
That's NOT the kind of person you should start a family with.
Op, you retarded autist, answer these questions please
>did you want him to penetrate you?
>assuming no, did you vocally let him know that you DON'T want him to penetrate you, or / and did you try to force him off yourself?
I will appreciate your answers, thanks
I feel like this guy will rape your children and hide it from you
I know but you have to look at this story from both sides dude. Maybe she didn't voice her opinion as she just said in the post. Maybe she kinda initiated it but later had the thought of backing off.
I don't necessarily believe everything the 'victim' says because it's rarely ever that black/white.
There's a big spiritual and mental component to sex. The fact that he wasn't willing to let you give your virginity to him speaks volumes about his selfishness.
You need to get out. Even after all your talk about the future. Someone who cares about you as an equal marital partner wouldn't rape you. His idea of marriage includes a daydream where you get to have sex at his whim. It will hurt to leave but you can't go along with this. Think of how your kids will be damaged by that relationship dynamic in their mother and father.
congrats OP you are now a dumb stacey thot who will never get married.
I told him no and resisted but after a while I just didnt have the will to stop him. I thought to myself that since I was planning on giving it up to him soon it didn't matter.
Sounds like a rape
and i will add to this. had a good talk with my chad friend about it. high value men only date, they don't marry. they got it all figured out. they make big promises so they can make you feel secure and use you lmfao you fell for it. he wasn't gonna risk a divorce lol. the only way out of this is if you leave him first.
Even though I'm playing devil's advocate in this thread this definitely sounds like rape and you should GTFO ASAP.
You really need to look in a mirror and evaluate who you are as a person if your first instinct when someone tells you they've been raped is to take presumptuous leaps for the purpose of poking holes in their story. "I told him no and tried to stop him but he didn't stop" doesn't seem very ambiguous to me, user.
You should take a loot at my latest post.
What if OP is lying then it becomes her word against his? A lot of false rape accusation are women daying something different than what actually happened
So op whatcha gonna do about your rapist bf?
>What if OP is lying then it becomes her word against his?
Firstly, there is no point in weighing in on a situation if you are arbitrarily more interested in believing one side more than the other. There's no point in listening to a potential victim's story if your intent is not to objectively listen to the information and form an opinion rather than purposefully look for every possible hole in her story and tear it open. The bias is just so blatant and unnecessary that you're better off not being involved at all because throwing out random "what ifs" with no evidential basis is entirely unhelpful.
>A lot of false rape accusation are women daying something different than what actually happened
"False rape accusations" are my favorite meme. I am definitely not unempathetic to people who have been falsely accused of rape but, statistically, it represents a microscopic cross section of sexual assault cases. Statistically, you are more likely to be raped then to be falsely charged with or convicted of rape. Secondly, if we're talking about a LOT of false rape accusations then one could argue that understanding consent and making it a routine part of your sex life is a simple, easy way to mitigate what little risk there actually is i.e., not getting blasted drunk and sleeping with troubled girls like OP in ambiguous situations when you absolutely knew were fucked in the head but didn't care so long as there was a chance you could get laid.
I'm smart enough to tell you that you were raped, but I'm not wise enough to give advise on how to improve your situation.
So do you think Ms. I carry a matress around campus was really raped?
But feminists are redefining rape. Regretting a consensual sexual encounter is apparently rape nowadays.
People will start to marry before sex to avoid all the rape accusation drama
Did it go like this?
>Her: Get the fuck off me. I don't want this.
Or did it go like this:
>Her: I don't know if I want this
>Him: If it feels bad or if you don't want no more tell me ok?
>Her: ok
>Her thoughts "wow i don't want this but im not going to tell him but he's 'forcing' himself onto me"
People believe what they want to believe. Maybe she wasn't clear at all. We don't know. It's just her word vs a guy who we will never hear from.
Any sex before marriage is rape.
>Did it go like this?
>>Her: Come on baby fuck me
>>Him: You bet, let's go girl
>>Her: Yeah I love your cock
>>Her thoughts "not sure if i'll like this, if i don't i'll post on Jow Forums later and make it out like rape"
We're not talking about Ms. I Carry A Mattress. We're talking about this one person. Now you're using the fact that other people have lied as basis to establish a logical assertion that this person is lying. What you're doing is a logical fallacy of the laziest kind.
Using broad, generalized terms like "feminists" and strawmanning a hypothetical feminist's interpretation of rape as an excuse to dismiss OP's story without actually using the merit of the story to do so. That's basically like if I brought you a plate of rotten chicken, you tell me "Hey, is this chicken rotten?" and my response is "Well, there's a lot of fresh chicken out there. I just saw a guy eating fresh chicken yesterday". I gave you a lot of vaguely related observations that didn't actually have anything to do with the specific plate of chicken we're talking about.
Like I said, wild speculation is absolutely useless when discussing a specific incident with a specific set of information. There isn't any point in discussing this if you ask what happened and then dismiss what happened simply on the basis that it COULD be untrue and not any actual evidence that the details are inconsistent. I mean, she said in clear language what happened, what she said and how he responded and you're response is "are you sure that's true?". I mean, whats the point in evening listening to the story if you're just going to make up what ifs and arbitrarily insert them into the narrative. You would make an absolutely terrible detective. Admittedly, you'd make a great defense lawyer. Sowing doubt without any actual evidence to back up that doubt is their speciality. You can't even be bothered to hypothetically believe that OP could be telling the truth which communicates just how biased you are against believing women who claim to have been raped.
What happened to "innocent until proven guilty" and "the burden of proof is on the accuser"?
yea...that's rape...he'll strike again. Good luck saying no now.
user, rape is different. They're guilty upon accusation without any objective analysis of the evidence. Duh.
>all these pussies making a fuss about "rape" even though she was gonna fuck him anyway
Go kill yourselves, millenial uni faggots
that's in a court of law, not an anonymous imageboard where someone's asking for advice
>What happened to "innocent until proven guilty" and "the burden of proof is on the accuser"?
We're not a court of law. Additionally, this woman hasn't mentioned anything about making this public or going to the police. She hasn't even come to terms herself that what happened was rape so all of your false allegation bullshit isn't even applicable to her situation.
We're an advice board. People come and tell us stories, we provide a reasonable suspension of disbelief and provide them with guidance. Like I said for the third time, there is no point in listening to any story or weighing in on any situation if your only intention is to randomly insert baseless "what ifs" and construct a narrative that you want. This thread was started so that OP could get some input on something that happened to her and the typical Jow Forums manlet response is to immediately jump to this guy's defense against an attack that doesn't exist. The agenda here couldn't possibly be more transparent.
So if you were planning on eventually buying a TV from Best Buy would it be okay if the employees came into your house, held you down, installed a new TV and took the money out of your wallet while you struggled and told them to stop? Seriously, jump off a cliff you worthless cunt.
Guess what you learned?
he doesn't respect you
>thinks what he did was wrong
Clearly a roastie who was probably diddled by her uncle as a littlun and associates all real sex as rape. Fuck off
That her boyfriend respects his dick more than her?
Hilarious imagery right there
did OP just waste her virginity on a loser?
OP didn't have a choice asshole
Spotted the rapist.
regret doesnt make it rape. you gave him consent damn it.
First of all: no means no. It doesn't matter if you're a virgin or you've had sex with your partner a thousand times. If you make it clear that you don't want to have sex, then the only acceptable thing for him to do is stop. Now, considering you were a virgin prior to this, you could easy make a case that he raped you (it's a bit harder to prove this with someone you are already having regular sex with). That's up to you. But this should make it clear to you how he views your feelings. You didn't mean enough for him to value what you needed.
I say move on. There's plenty of other guys who do more than pretend to be respectful. And maybe now you'll be more comfortable having sex if it's what you want. Let it be his loss that he fucked up and couldn't wait. And even though you aren't a virgin, you still shouldn't ever let anyone pressure you or force into sex.
This. Get the hell away from him; he does NOT respect you.
t. fellow femanon who was coerced by her ex
I raped my exgf numerous times. It always turned into great sex. Once she thanked me afterwards saying "I really needed that."
I ended up breaking up with her.
You didn't answer my question
A girl with a rape fetish is obviously different, you could have been fucked up for life if she wasn't like that
user is a legit rapist. somewhere in his wet tissue brain he's missing the entire concept consent. he genuinely doesn't understand what is wrong with forcing a girl to have sex if its what he really wants to do.
Yeah, his view on the world is obviously messed up
>something that size enter me.
So, he's bigger than your finger...I'm guessing he doesn't have much girth then? It should have hurt at least when he first pushed into you
But that's not possible! Jow Forums told me that not having sex until marriage guarantees the happiest possible relationship!
How long have you been dating?
Rape accusations are kind of a hot topic right now, people like to play devil's advocate with these type of situations a lot more than, say, you accusing someone of theft...it's indicative of some hidden bias but honestly it doesn't matter because these people will never find their way into the court room
Either way, yes he raped you. It's possible to have something stolen and you to not call the police. Likewise, it is possible that you are raped but don't feel a strong desire to punish him. Then don't. However, you would be a fool because you're letting someone with absolutely no regard for another person get away with no consequences.
If I were in your position, I would not follow up with police simply out of my history with him, but I would definitely break up and mention how disrespectful, dangerous, and criminal his actions were. In some way, he needs to learn that stuff is not okay
This is a huge b8 thread and everyone replying seriously should drop this board
Cool bro
lel in before you find out it was a con and you lost your virginity for no other reason than his pleasure. You ar a worthless whore.
Women who cry rape better have been raped! You said you stopped resisting that means you accepted it. Real rape victims fight tooth and nail till exhaustion, with drewl pouring out of their mouth and piss and shit between their legs, scratch marks and blood etc.
You are just a sissy bitch trying to be a victim. Hopefully he took your virginity and leaves you a few days afterwards seeing you are such a shit person when it comes to reading peoples characters.
Now that you are used, no man will ever think you are worth marrying.
And people wonder why the western civ is declining. Muh rape, muh equality, muh mental illness chop dick of or kms...
Goodluck with your "future"
rape, that's definitely rape.
How old are you OP?
this. all memes aside, a relationship is built on trust and respect. He violated your trust and proved that he has no respect for your boundaries. Break up with him immediately. You seem like a very young, naive girl. Good luck.
r9k arrived, yayy. Now get the fuck out you autistic retards.
This. How stupid you have to be to not see that OP? Are you fucking 15 or something?
Nice bait
Clearly a bitter virgin who's trying to cope with his loneliness
Yeah that's a big fat lie. Only virgins think that.
Shoo shoo retarded wojakposter
You are not only samefagging, but I can see that you are struggling with the basics of the english language. Please give this world a favor and kill yourself.
A guy like yours stole my virginity OP. I knew for certain what it was when he did it and he acted like my virginity was his because he earned it.
I too struggled and came up with excuses to stay with him but I refused to be alone with him again, refusing sex and he broke up with me. He kept trying to know where I was constantly and he even told me he had sex with another girl (like that would make me want to have sex with him though I still loved him). Then one afternoon he begged to talk, came to my parents house, cried and we came to an understanding and got back together. Then he started kissing me and started to get rough when I tried to stop him so he shoved me between my bed and the wall so I couldn't move and he raped me again.
OP, your guy is a monster so please, even if you don't report the rape stay away from him and never go anywhere alone.
This was rape. He may not be raping random people so you may not feel the need to tell the police, go to court, etc. That's understandable. You do need to leave him, and please see a therapist.
Yeah, this guy raped you. Hopefully you can see it for what it is and move on from him because even though he's typically a "great guy", he showed you what he's capable of. You don't want this guy as your future. Get out now.
How is this even a question. It's rape. I wouldn't destroy his life over this but it's an issue to be addressed.
Maybe he perceived it as that he just managed to convince you.
I've been raped in a similar way except a bit more forceful and with a bit more resistance from my part. She realized her mistake, we discussed it and she was truly sorry. Now we're still in a relationship and we don't even think about that night any more.
It was rape but it might not have been fully malicious and if he really repents when he understands your opinion of it, you can go back to normal.
fucking guy that believes there his gf raped him and it is equivalent
If you do break up with him, no matter how angry you are, PLEASE don't ruin his life as a way of getting revenge.
A guy I knew in school is doing 7 years in prison for a 'rape' that happened 3 years prior to his breakup.
Obvious bait is obvious.
>But this should make it clear to you how he views your feelings. You didn't mean enough for him to value what you needed
That's is not certain. He could have thought she was horny, was trying to convince her and then she finally agreed.
I was raped like that and after discussing it and making clear how it was wrong, the rapist learnt and acted respectfully from that point.
you chose to give him your virginity when you let him have sex with you instead of insisting "no" and blocking entry to your vagina.
You implicitly gave him permission , but you did so with some misgivings.
ultimately you decided that pleasing him mattered more to you than keeping your virginity so you agreed to his persistent requests.
You can't say that you were under duress since be honest, did you experience threat of violence ?
Yeah in this case it seems to be equivalent. This wasn't one of those cases where the man used his superior strength to just force it. This kind of rape can be done in the same way in both directions.
Men have a better chance of resisting it violently but it didn't get to that so be being a man didn't become relevant.
Everyone gets fucking raped now.
I accidentally raped my fiancee when we were younger, I didn't understand that she meant she wanted me to stop and I thought I was helping her. Felt really shitty. All I'm saying is that his intentions probably weren't malicious
I pretty sure at least 50% of girls experience something like this in their lifetime
It’s kinda rape but it shouldn’t be enforced. It’s human nature
Whores like you deserve to be raped. Your fault for choosing the wrong specimen to mate with. Hopefully the next guys kills you after another rape session.
Then let's hold her hand and cry a river of understanding, yeah how about that.
Let's not question motives or anything, run along with whatever op says.
This is adv/, You don't get to decide what passes or not. Sit the fuck down.
I had something similar happen to me. We were drunk were kissing and I said we shouldn't go further, but he already took his dick out and persuaded me to blow him so I did. He then tried to have sex and I kept saying no, but he kept saying he'll just rub against me and took my underwear off and began sticking it in.
In the end I found some condoms in my house and we had sex but he ended up taking the condom off during it and I didn't realise. I eventually did and agreed to blow him until he came. He then made me promise not to tell anyone this happened (we are more acquaintances then friends, and it turned out he has a long distance gf)
I mean I don't think it's rape or anything, like I did eventually give in but I feel really bad still about this whole situation.
My friend says he raped me by taking off the condom but last thing I want to do is ruin his life. But what do you guys think? I'm so consumed by guilt and I hate this horrible secret feeling between us when I have to see him.
Would talking to him help or is there no point? Not meaning to derail OP's thread but this is really eating away at me.
If you want to use the new-age definition of rape, then sure you were raped. If you want to use the moral definition, no. I'm not trying to equate intercourse with something banal but I'll try to make a comparison - plenty of times men will go shopping with their women, even if they don't want to. Sometimes we'll say no a couple times in a row, then give in because she's so persistent. Then we get to the mall, and it's "just five minutes in this store, I promise" which easily turns into 30. At the end of the day our feet are sore and we're bored and a little resentful, but we did it either because we want to make her happy, or we just give in because we're tired of her asking. And that's okay.
However if I said I'm not going to the mall and she became verbally abusing or physically violent to get me to go with her, that would be (shopping) rape.
I see what you mean. I mean again I personally don't see what happened between us as rape, even if he was pressuring me, because he wasn't violent about it. I think he would've stopped if I was more persistent in not wanting it (I hope anyway).
Should I just pretend it never happened and avoid him as much as possible?
Is this thread proving wht sex only after marraige is the best option
This shit is sticky.
You didn't want him at first, but eventually you LET him in. Totally technically rape, but this doesn't have to be the end. If you love him and learn to love sex with him then maybe the future for y'all 2 isn't that bleak.
Try again when you want it. Let him know if he pulls that rapey stuff again you're not comfortable with that.
>If you want to use the new-age definition of rape, then sure you were raped.
The "new age" definition where you tell someone to not have sex with you and they do it anyway? Also, your "going to the mall" analogy is retarded. Begrudgingly going to the mall is not anywhere near as equivalent as begrudgingly allowing someone to penetrate you.
>I personally don't see what happened between us as rape, even if he was pressuring me, because he wasn't violent about it
Girl, you need some heavy fucking therapy because you're in a serious amount of denial if you genuinely think that rape can't happen unless its violent.