my rockologist over in america asked to come stay with me on very short notice, they are all ditching america. They kept saying it was going to blow up any geological second now.

Some of the shit they told me was that the fish have left the lakes, and that the quakes aren't being reported now.

Attached: tumblr_ljrov9SInV1qguhn2o1_500_large.jpg (500x334, 43K)

Nothing is going to happen


My dick is named yellowstone, post porn.

that's hot

Kek. Made me laugh

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keep me posted

Attached: posted.jpg (360x360, 41K)

I enjoyed watching those hawaii streams this summer with the constant volcano activity, it was somehow very soothing. I'd be ok with a small happening along those lines

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Okay Q-user

Attached: 1543726327603.jpg (349x356, 23K)

Its been a good run
Fuck you all

Attached: scivis_860.jpg (860x672, 192K)

Yellow is the now the color

Attached: Yellow Jackets.jpg (2026x1067, 154K)

>I enjoyed watching those hawaii streams this summer with the constant volcano activity, it was somehow very soothing. I'd be ok with a small happening along those lines
A small happening like Yellowstone blowing its top would be great. Do you think someone will live stream it?

Attached: Piney Doomed World.png (500x462, 276K)

>that feel when I live in the 10 to 30mm ash zone
Fuck yes.

Maximum comfy apocalypse aesthetic, but not enough ash to actually be buried and killed by it.

Attached: Yellowstone-Chan.jpg (1162x972, 368K)

>I'm live, here in the caldera, and we've been hearing rumbling for the last five minutes!
>Nobody knows if this means it's gonna blow, or when, but if it does it'll spread as- *This stream is offline*

A nigger just flew over my house.

I'm in Denver. I'd be absolutely fucked. But, I'm also okay with being absolutely fucked. Bring it on.


When (not if) that amount of ash gets saturated it will destroy mediocre buildings and certainly ecosystems, like coating everything in inches of concrete.

>geological second

Attached: townsends2.png (531x563, 300K)

hope you got your gas masks in order, you're gonna need 'em.

Good-luck Yellowstone-Chan!

Attached: 1503039302791.jpg (900x891, 217K)

>*This stream is offline*
>* not found*
>pic related
>*lights go out*
>*sun goes out*
>*sun comes back but brighter*

>fish have left the lakes

Attached: 1518889846765.png (253x235, 55K)

Why would the sun come back brighter?

Good, I want to die.

Attached: c66.png (413x571, 275K)

Yellowstone has been "happening" for two years now shut your mouth you cantankerous faggot

Right...nobody on this board have found that strange...

My rockologist says there's cancer in my colon and I only have 3 months to live

Your traffic isn’t encrypted.
Can you leave...? Thanks.



10,000 to 100,000 years or so?

idk lava
>its so bright you don't need eyes to see it


god please yes


And here I was thinking it was supposed to be something to the effect of the atmosphere got modified somehow.

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There's still time for me to say it!

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Townsend is fucking based as fuck. He looks like he's not been doing so good lately, I hope he's okay.

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Where have you been, bro? I was getting worried about you.


i blew a load today too and the world still stands

>tfw chinks blow up yellow stone to be able to market their own countries as having "clean air"

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What can people expect in the 1-3mm area?
I'm used to snow and that comes in cms
How fucked would water-sources be?

I wish I had a dollar for every “Yellowstone is about to blow” thread

Yeah nah, I have a relative who actually is a geologist and he's working in Casper right now and I just finished playing some gta with him and he didn't mention an apocalypse at all, and he'd know if one was coming, he's in exploration, they monitor all kinds of shit.

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If you have time for playing together, then everything is fine

Likely nuclear winter regardless

That is great news, it couldn't come too soon, let's hope for the total annihilation of the northern hemisphere .

Joke's on them, they'll die when Australia falls to unprecedented wildfires

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Good question. This is what a jet engine looks like after flying through light volcanic ash. Its cuts the blades. I am sure there will be no airlines flying.

Attached: air.jpg (596x776, 26K)

>pine gap employee 1: why not just spam a bunch of dicks and boobs to distract them from france riots?
>employee 2: Nah m8 they'll see right through that and double down
>1: well how about a meteor impact?
>2: nah we already told them one would hit on the 6th and they forgot the next day
>1: ooooh ooooh Yellowstone!
>2: what? no way we try that one like 4 times a year
>1: dude just try it trust me

>30 yellowstone-chan generals within 5 hours
Nice try, Abo spy

Wtf is a rockologist

digits and it's going to blow - no digits and it's fucking nothing

Pic unrelated.

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>Small happening

Nigga, if Yellowstone blows the entire world enters a nuclear winter. It's been theorised as a potential extinction-level event depending on how much ash it throws out. That is not a "small happening" by any conceivable metric.

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Its almost like a prostitologist who studies prostitutes.

>30mm deep ash is comfy
I suppose if you can't get used to everything tatsting like an ashtray, np, it'll all probably be over soon enough. just after you've coughed up your last black lungfull

>fish have left the lakes

Holy shit you're right. They're flying over my house right now!

Good luck Yellowstone Chan!
I love you Yellowstone Chan!

Until I have confirmation from Maude, who has a PhD in rocktology, I am calling bullshit

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that tumblr image is adult content, you're going to be banned chink

But seriously though just think for a moment how cathartic that would be.

The existing world order as we know it would be upended.

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best threads ever

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Good answer.

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I blame climate change.

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sage in every orifice

I too am chaospilld. just hope it happens while I'm alive.

Its not you that dies from the ash, it's your food.

the feels when nothing major in the world happens anymore. JESUS we actually might be in a simulation. God dammnit i wanna see shit like a magnitude 9.5 earthquake take out los angeles and wipe it off the map.
why dont we see that..cuz we live in a simulation faggots and the controls simply dont want that to happen

Granted, see you in two weeks.

did you say your rockzologist?

Attached: rockzologist.gif (334x200, 551K)