Questions that dont need their own thread, thread!
Questions that dont need their own thread, thread!
Anyone here work at target? Taking my interview tomorrow and need to know the digs.
I don't sleep as much as I should. I know I should and i feel tired, I just can't get myself to want to sleep. It feels like such a waste of time to sleep when there's other things I could be doing.
I know its bad for my mental and physical state though. How do I stop being retarded.
Just try to get a reasonable amount of sleep over a week or two and you’ll eventually get into it
if you are sleep deprived the quality of your awake time is less. you get less done too
I was told that if I didn't jerk of for a few day's that I'd feel different and that I'd become more horny.
Well it's been a few days but don't feel any difference, if anything I feel less horny then I usually do.
Why is this?
Had a buddy who was working at Target full time and attending uni part time. He finally graduated (at 28) and is now working as a teacher. It is, without a doubt, exactly the same as any retail job, but with a bit more administrative structure above you, which is mostly beneficial, but not always. Retail is always difficult because of demanding customers, but from what I gleaned off my friend's posts, it was good enough for him to stick with it throughout his college career (didn't take him 8 years to finish btw, he started later).
Why do one-sided crushes feel worse than long-term break up? I swear I only felt relief from an SO ending a 3 year relationship but I got way too involved with a good friend that ended up walking away after three weeks and this shit is destroying me.
Sweeping statements about people (all men are horny! All women use sex as bargain! All men need porn! Porn will destroy your life! Etc etc) are ALL dumb as shit.
As a human, especially as a man, you're programmed to hope and be daring in your actions. The thought of what riches (as a metaphor) lie ahead is what drives us to take risks-- sometimes to our great benefit, often to our demise. The ones who succeed become kings and billionaires, the ones who fail die or end up in prison. Of course, the majority fail. It is the duality of manhood. You feel this in every aspect of your life, including your relationships. The rest of us who dare not risk are simply mediocre for our entire lives, in everything.
I posted this in another thread. just wtf does someone mean when they send you a thumbs up on facebook messenger in reply to you ?
huh? probably that they agree with whatever you're saying at the moment?
Your brain has finally reset. Now the improvement begins. Stick with it lad.
I probably should clarify. I have been talking to a girl and got sick of her messing about and told her I didn't think we should talk again unless she was into me because I am not wanting a friend ( though she never said that's what she wanted) she said ok, this morning at 1 she messages me and I just said " look we talked about this and unless your wanting to hook up or something there is no point in this" I get the thumbs up
I've been having panic attacks regularly since I was 17, should I talk to a therapist or someone about this? I'm 23 for reference.
It means she's not feeling okay about it but knows its better, just move on
Seems like she wants to hook up my dude. Ask her for a time to show up, and the show up.
She's not happy about it but she's going to do as you asked and leave you alone
Can two people love each other so much they call each other soulmates who met in a past life?.Or is that obsession?
I have had the same. Have you figured out the triggers? Usually they aren't completely random or at least you know when they are starting and can handle it appropriately.
Therapy helps with this.
In the end you have to fight the battle on your own and they may give medication after dealing with you and your symptoms.
This is kind of what I figured thanks
I agree I am totally dumb that is why I asked
thank you this is what I kind of figured, I would not be surprised if she tries to get a hold of me again though she's been playing hard to get with me and I just got fed up
We don't really care. Doesn't sound like a real problem to me.
anyway it sounds a bit childish so that's the only thing i'd be wary of. You might exhaust that love suddenly. Anyway who are we to judge.
I know how it sounds. We are both adults though. I guess we just felt instantly connected and our beliefs make us think of meeting in a past life. Like I love you so much I even loved you in a past life too. It's cheesy I guess but this feeling is different from dating other people, such a genuine connection. Something really rare I guess.
i don't get what you mean.
Ok then.