Now bow and pay tribute to the AngloSaxon

For surely your countries exist solely through our grace as there is not but a close match to our power save perhaps our Germanic brothers, for the great Anglo Saxon man shall never fall and shall return in spirit with vigor and strength to guide the modern english man whenever such time necessitates

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You will be spared good sir

get a life
your race is worth nothing
all races have good people

Stop looking at porn

Im triggered by my own existance rn. At least Im not an anglo.

You will perish, for the Anglo Saxon knows what the Hebrew has done to his brother, Germany

Interesting thought you have, many past nations have said the same

fur really needs to make a comeback

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Anglo Saxons weren't even the rulers of their own countries after 1066.

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Are those gray sweat pants?

drop the rusted chains of race, fools, the internationale is the only way to survive the future

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*bows* and *bows* yet again

As an American living in America, I have to admit, I made all of those Brit hate threads as a way to truly let out the amount of envy I have for you. Yes, I'm coming out clean, I'm just bloody jealous of the lot of you.

I'm jealous of your history and your empire. I'm jealous of your rationality when it comes to making decisions(like seriously, I just heard gun shots right now). I'm jealous of how cultured you are - "thanks" to my rebellious ancestors who chose barbarianism in our revolt towards our superiors(which actually, funny enough still is apparent today as I wipe Big Mac grease off my neck-chin and leave trails of diarrhoea in supermarkets). I'm jealous that I have to worship a big evil orange Donald Dump when you actually have a queen.

Monarchy is in fact the best ruling system ever, we were just too dumb to understand that. Your majesty is literal perfection incarnated into a human body. The fact that you get to sing God Save the Queen every morning refuels my intense jealously I have for you. Prince William is truly a handsome man, unlike your average American Joe(such as myself of course) I would kill a 100 children for Israel to even have the tiniest resemblance of him. In fact all Anglos are incredibly attractive, if I were to ever see one in person I'll be sure to not cease the opportunity for my wife to have the best night of her life and to shake his hand after.

It's all true! I am in fact 1/16th Italian(I guess that's why I love pizza so much!) your Amerimutt memes do hurt our feelings. Anyhow, as a personal favour, please just recolonise us, fucking please and correct us in our savage ways as we're utterly obsessed with you. It'd all be in our many favours at the end of the day, as we still do owe you for protecting us. Cheers, or as said in the best country in the world, which is England, "Cheerio".

**bows**, (sorry if I forgot to bow, as this "bowing" is the only form of exercise I've done in years!)

Never saes cunt

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>all races have good people
Do I even need to say it?

exactly what I thought

Tfw following the great anglo saxon tradition of rooting a redhead celt girl

why isn't it socially acceptable to dress like this today?

The Angles and Saxons were conquered by France a thousand years ago.

Normans weren't "France" at least not by 1066
By 1066 the Normans (literally "North Men") a.k.a. more Germanic Viking settlers of North-Western Europe since the times of Rollo had adopted a lot of Francophilic sentiment, culture and language but ethnically the Norman and Norman elite echelon were still Scandinavian, then eventually Franco-Germanic. Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Danes, Frisians, Normans, Vikings; they are the Germanic blood that made up the beating heart of England. 1066 was a transferal of elite Normans that over less than centuries already became more English than Franco-Norman, eventually Anglo-Norman, lost all their French holdings and said fuck it, we're English now. Germanic blood in the end and there was no major displacement of Anglo Saxon common folk under Norman authority, in fact the Anglo-Norman kings like Edward I/II pushed Anglo Saxon settlers further around Briton after incidents such as invasion of Welsh land.
So saying they were conquered "by France" is very disingenuous
you fucking idiot
also bow you shit

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“The lot of you”
Ur kiwi Aussie leaf or English not American mate.. they don’t speak the queens English anymore, American English is a negro/Spanish influenced creole language

Yea, my patrilineal ancestry is from a Norman lord and my surname derived from a Norman county


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You already submitted you filthy Celt, seeing as your flag is British and not Scottish or welsh

come fly over here and fight me you cunt

I’ll be back home in upcoming March

Hopefully you can handle a few month wait you useless limey

You're not coming you fucking maple syrup pussy


Look at that man, nay demi-god
Pure east saxon man reporting in, I need to get me a seax and one of those helmets


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