/NZG/ New Zealand general

who else here is staying home on a saturday night? i had to check what day it is, i get about 1 hour of sleep these days because my spine has a 30 degree twist. multiple doctors confirmed i will be dead within the next year, i just want to say fuck mental health workers and fuck autistic cunts. it's a long story but they completely ruined my life.

Attached: download (1).png (318x159, 2K)

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our mental health system is fucked. I have a severe anxiety disorder and was diagnosed at 17. Going through the mental health system as a teenager was great, loads of support, the best therapists available for free through the kari centre etc etc.
Then I turned 19. No one gave a shit. Literally had to slit my wrists before they gave a shit again

You should consider going pro, bro.

Attached: Twister.jpg (800x886, 102K)

why are you anxious?

haha top quality m80

r u the man with the fucked lungs?


Mate I know it is shitty situation but do you have anyone you can talk to that isn't a board full of autismos?

Hope the riots in France are good. Probably gonna stay up all night watching the streams,

>Yo Nature make me aware of danger all of the time
>Are you sure?
>Yeah i want to sense danger all of the time.
>Okay then
>I have a severe anxiety disorder and was diagnosed at 17