My GF is obsessed with BTS, a kpop boyband. She doesn't talk about them often so I didn't notice at first but once she starts she gets crazy. She told me she has posters of them, she buys all of their shit, she watches all their Korean interviews even though she doesn't speak a lick of Korean. She almost cried when she saw them on TV last week and she spend the entire evening screaming with her friends like a bunch of hysterics. Honestly I don't want some kind of weeaboo GF. At first I didn't really care about it but she tried to get me into them, so I've seen their videos I am kinda creeped out, they look like dolls rather than human males and they act gay as fuck. It would be OK I guess if she was 12 or if she was Asian but she's not. She need to stop, she even bought a 300$ ticket to one their concert it's insane but she's like "they deserve it" like wtf?? I've told her she was crazy and now she's pissed What can I do?
My GF is obsessed with BTS, a kpop boyband...
wow, BTS threads on /gif/ are so much different....
Lmao theyre really called bts?
It's the 80s all over again, man, except the boybands are now asian. Not a big deal, girls back then obsessed just as much with borderline gay boybands back in the day.
She doesn't even talk about it with you?
Can you stop being a huge faggot and let your gf enjoy something?
They're not gay they are actually pretty cool. It's just normal behavior in Korea and for boy pop groups. They actually have some decent music and are talented.
However I agree that fanatics obsessed with celebrities are weird and have issues. I wouldn't want someone like that either and I'm a woman, so for me I wouldn't want the koreaboo (weeaboo is Japanese obsessions) kind of guy either
I know a lot about this group and these kinds of people if you have more questions.
dude my gf is obsessed with them too how do i save her!
For real tho, their music is great! Just tell your GF to tone it down with you because you don't like them.
ITT: Men who are sexually intimidated by guys they call gay dolls
It's a meme to like k-pop. Even more so to act obsessed with k-pop stars. Genuinely consider dumping her.
Yeah I know but it was little girls who were obsessive not 21 year olds. Almost all her girl friends (and even one dude) are into them but they're not teenagers so I don't get it
No she doesn't because I've told her I didn't like them, but it still affects her behavior too much. We were invited to a friend's birthday the day their album came out and she stayed at home just to listen to it obsessively... That's freaky.
Yeah she explained kpop to me. Still gay af. The only kpop guy I like is Jay Park.
Idk man, idk. I feel like it's going to get worse.
I like them alot and their music is good id say just tell her to tone it down around you but don't feel offended when she finds a guy that's into them and starts talking to him more XD lolololol
No offense to these guys but i don't think any self-respecting man who likes them is going to be into females.
Is that you Eric? Are you talking about Lindsay? This story sounds very familiar to me.
Music taste has nothing to do with sexuality thou ...
If anything while ur gangbanging a bunch of guys in ur crowds of guys
Ill be listening to music that I like and plus be hanging around some cute ass chicks
You choose lol
The relationship is pretty good besides that, and she'll get bored eventually so I just want to know how I can speed up the process.
Yeah I am not too worried about that
No, who are these people? But I am not surprised other dudes are dealing with this bullshit.
>she'll get bored eventually
People said the same about One Direction and girls are still out there 8 years later role-playing being raped by them and shit
Happens more often than you think. And if you're situation is any similar, then I'm just gonna let you know she loves you more than those korean gayboys. Girls get over this kind of obsession man. It took two years and multiple live meetings with them before I stopped hearing about them from my older sister (and her best friend Lindsay, for context). Like others said (and I don't mean this to insult you) you can't let this sort of thing make you that uncomfortable. Celebrities aren't going to steal your girlfriend.
Well you seem like an insecure weenie who couldn't do any better than her but if it bothers you then stop bitching and break up. Wtf is this immaturity with both of you.
>some low quality tumblr-tier joke
>rooted in reality
>tumblr-tier joke
Are you deluded or disabled? She wanted to fuck him but she was with her mum. You may not have noticed because you're a woman but every single man who read that saw a girl with a boyfriend encouraging a man, who had explicitly expressed interest in fucking her, to keep chasing her while also never once mentioning her boyfriend
>high pitched plastic ching ching chong
absolutely disgusting