I had an epiphany tonight. Feminists are doing us a favor. Bear with me

I had an epiphany tonight. Feminists are doing us a favor. Bear with me.

The left opposes white people. The left opposes men. The left opposes Western culture. All things embody/represent dominance. The leaders of this opposition are...Western women. They're opposing themselves. Why? For one, the aggressive/dominant nature of Western white men extends in their genetics too, if less so. Their willful opposition is an aspect of general Western willfulness.

So how does it help us? What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. They're putting pressure on us in the meantime, making our lives uncomfortable. Complacency cultivates weakness. They're keeping us honed. for what? War soon.

Thanks feminists!

Attached: Untitled.png (1173x771, 22K)

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you've got a point. feminism is going to redpill white women in its current "intersectional," anti-white form, i think. Additionally, i think many liberals and conservatives have been pushed further to the right because of the madness of modern liberalism and sjw-tier feminst rhetoric. That's how it was for me initially. and now i'm a national socialist. feminism was essential in pushing me down this path.

Attached: i have a mental illness.jpg (445x408, 17K)

Duh. In TRP terms, it's a civilization-wide shit test. The issue is largely that there is no civilization-wide response where there used to be one (pre-suffrage tradition).

So what you’re saying is...
Strong men create good times
Good times create weak men
Weak men create hard women
Hard women create strong men?

Completely agree, but the problem is that there are more men backing off than fight against it.

>The issue is largely that there is no civilization-wide response where there used to be one (pre-suffrage tradition).

true, but that's the times we're in. there is no "civilization-wide" response to ww3 either. it's the end of the world as we know it. the "civilized" world will be destroyed, every city. life goes on. the strong survive.

yes, something like that. the weak men and the strong women were the same generation tho (boomers). the alpha male role was already filled (ww2 men). the daughters were alpha females. there's always an overall alpha of each generation according to the time. war generation = alpha male. peace and love (hippie (women are "hippy")) is alpha female. ~alternation of yin and yang.

I have cough. Any remedy pls?

poo in loo?
It might not work, but give it a go.

How do we know that hard women create strong men, exactly?