is it unhealthy to masturbate to real mom-son incest, guy fucking tranny, and rule34 / aco hentai porn?
Is it unhealthy to masturbate to real mom-son incest, guy fucking tranny, and rule34 / aco hentai porn?
As long as you're working, paying your taxes, marrying and having at least 2 children you don't molest, there is absolutely nothing society can righteously criticize you for.
Nope, have at it man.
>as long as you are a slave like the rest of us we won't criticize you since you have made the same mistakes as us
cant wait for the collapse :^)
we have 7.632 billion people on the planet desu we don't need anymore, marriage is a scam, tax money is misused, the people who collect them don't pay them for that reason we can literally just print infinite money it wouldn't matter if everyone in the country stopped paying taxes, and it's better to strive for passive income imo
welp, i guess, but what about if while i'm fapping to the real mom son incest i think of my ex-step-mom but don't actually have any feelings for her in real life?
i really don't wanna be around for that
>we have 7.632 billion people on the planet desu we don't need anymore
2 children doesn't create more, it maintains the population.
>one man, one woman marry
> to replace themselves in society, they must have at least 2 children
Yes, we must force Africans and Indians to have fewer kids. That does not mean that we in the West should sacrifice for their indulgences, especially since we are the peak of civilization.
For body health no. Mental health yes.
bottom line is i'm not marrying or having children, you couldn't convince me otherwise
we already have enough people "maintaining the population"
the issue of the west collapsing is an extremely, extremely deep rooted and vastly complicated process which can all be traced down to the also vastly complicated compartmentalized financial and monetary system, trying to "out-breed" the people you think are the problem isn't going to make a difference, even if it became the new trend / counter culture, anyways go to you're on the wrong board
w- ok
I said nothing about color, because the Japanese are also Westerners, culturally.
i never said anything about color either?
True, but you mentioned Jow Forums so I automatically assumed you thought I was a white-nationalist or something. My bad if I was wrong, but Jow Forums is a serious accusation and I have to defend myself.
Forgot to mention that mental health in consequence affects body health. Therefore I correct myself. It is harmfull. But so are drugs. And a lot of things are socially accepted drugs. Sugar, caffein, alcohol, entertainment media, porn, status objects etc.
No wonder they are successful.
Everything in life can be a drug. Everyone who's grown up at least a bit understands that almost everything can be done in moderate doses without fucking your or other shit up.
We theoretically have enough people but at least half of them are uneducated and can not work in the society that the west has created. You are effectively taking part in culture genocide and let the inferior and primitive fuck like rabbits, so they can take your place once you don't exist anymore. It's not that people can't be educated, but education takes time and is deeply rooted in culture and that's a chicken and egg problem in a lot of countries. Education intends to provide answers to hard question, culture has a tendency to be on the opposing side, rules and traditions that were functioning based on limited knowledge. Even though i have wonderful friends and co-workers from all over the planet, i wouldn't want the population be the average retarded indian street shitter that refuses to wash their hands because they weren't brought up like this.
Do yourself a favor and get kids, so the amount of retards is reduced, even just by a tiny bit. We've come to far in the past 2000 years to fuck ourselves over by refusing to have kids and adding good DNA of smart and healthy folks to gene pool.
>Do yourself a favor
>and get kids
>real mom-son incest
where did you found that
asking for a friend
"Society," had better back-burn the employers who wouldn't let me work, and the girls who wouldn't talk of marriage.
This thread is fucking gay
oh so this is fine but anime lolis isn't? hypocrites
Of course not. All those things are extremely healthy and normal.
I dont want you to breed. I only want the top 1% of males in looks reproducing